Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 162 3-38. Esket (1)


[Parking to the target planet orbit]

[Error has been corrected]

Han Wu is still the cold, but it is much more expressive than before, there is a lot of expressions on the face.

Cheng Jie nodded.

After the brief interlaced in the eyes of the two, Huiwu went out of the bridge.

After watching her figure, after the door, Cheng Jie hesitate to open his mouth.

The big deputy, the little movement between the two people did not dare to speak, and the eyebrows were squeezed.

However, the two expressions don't plan to be ourselves, seriously play with their eyes, and the two ear will not smell the window.

"The big pair, scan, population, national quantity, and poliology, and make a report to me."

The big deputy, who is being crowded, is suddenly heard, so that it is scared, and then the face is collapsed.

"The big pair, I heard it?" Cheng Jie asked.



As the data collection and observation continuously, a civilization is presented by the form of data.

Estel or Cales civilization is a civilization that uses Earth's standard German, translated by Esistkalt, meaning cold.

And the fact is that Although Este's motherstar is in the livable belt of galaxy, it is in a livable belt, a standard Esket is more than two months than the standard Earth.

The shape of human beings is not different from humans.

In addition to the vicinity and tropics, other regions are maintained between 60 degrees to zero 10 degrees, and the cold air temperature can reach minimum 85 degrees.

The four seasons change is not obvious, basically in spring, autumn and winter.

The temperature in the equatorial area is 20 degrees to 25 degrees at zero.

After natural screening of cold and extreme living environment, Esket civilized people, dare to take off in the snow, dare to be higher than some bearings.

Of course, those temperatures are still normal, barely to maintain agricultural development is not included.

It is also one of the reasons why there is no such thing as the continent under the ice cover, this is also one of the reasons why the civilization that has not yet completed the industrial revolution.

Of course, this is also related to their population but only one billion.

Although Escet is called an empire, it is actually ... more like a global alliance under a separate system.

Every region has its own monarch, and the region has taken a monarchy, and then the democracy is a lot.

In order to ensure continuation, all monarchs are unanimously admitted to the power of the king, and the big brother who leads to a leader every twenty-year is the emperor.

As students will change, everyone will not make trouble, when everyone gathers, vote, and finally, if there is a votes, they will lose to the beasts, and finally have a dead. Sheep position.

Perhaps the folk style is too embarrassing, and maybe it is forced to survive, it is such a magical and fragile physique, not only maintaining the survival of Esket, but also develops Estel to develop extremely slow speed.

But this is not to say that they will not fight, but they rarely launch a war, because every war, non-fighting and downs are far more than fighting, in survival, war is definitely a major threat.

I have seen the report, Cheng Jie thought of one of the people's winds and equally, and the integration of the important franchisees.

Put some distracted people in the mind, returning to thinking, now the situation is that it doesn't feel uncomfortable, the stars flashing frequency has not collected, and from the scan of Este, this is still survive The struggled civilization does not have the ability to influence the star.

For a time, this mission is deadlocked. In addition to waiting for star data, there is no breakthrough, and the deterioration of the cold military relationship, although it doesn't seem, it is indeed the state of Cheng Jie.

A tired feeling is born.

It seems to see the tiredness of the Cheng Jie, the big deputy is covered, and if you have anything to say, "Captain, how do you plan?"

Cheng Jie looked up, "What to do?"

"Amount ... I said, if you don't start, then the sure will give yourself a false, calm."

Cheng Jie looked at him, laughed, got up with a big pair.

"...", the big deputy praised the sputum.

"... ready to go."

"Okay, I am going to get on the ground", the big deputy is busy.

"Right, your action yourself is furnished, just when I go to vacation."


Cheng Jie wiped his face, then got up and prepared to go back to the room to clean up.

Seeing Cheng Jie does not seem to say anything else, the big deputy hurriedly opened, "report the ship!"

"what happened?"

"Captain! Miss Hanwu should also take a break."

Cheng Jie nodded, "OK, let her take a break."

After that, Cheng Jie took a dress, but it was interrupted by a large deputy.

"The captain, the Miss Han Wu needs to rest", "he repeated again.

Cheng Jie feels a little fun, "I approved?"

"Saver, I said that Miss Han Wu also needs a fake."

Cheng Jieyi.

Seeing his face like this, the big deputy knew that the captain was finally understood what he meant, not from the autonomous show.

And after the short thinking, I also felt that this is the best way to alleviate the current relationship between the two, and I will tell you that "the big deputy, let the cold martial arts will go with me, the work on the ship will give you It's okay, there is no breakthrough, don't call us. "

The smile on the big pair is gradually ... amazing.



- Shrove time at three pm -

- Bulk -

[Because it is necessary to log in, this time we will take Tianzi II, carry accelerator ...]

(Tian Dog II - Modified by Tiaogui Robi Tanks, currently positioning it, is the armor mode as space war main unit)

The cold martial arts did not say anything.

[It is expected that our airborne time is five minutes]

[At present, the first landing team has already logged in, waiting for them to send the news of the login field, we will enter the ejection]

... A Ice in the north tone in Esket, with the last natural people throughout the living point, the two empire soldiers sent "security" reply.

... [Confirm to the login troops, prepare for the ejection]

[The bombing well has been opened, no obstacles in front]

[3, 2, 1 ...]

At the end of the pen, the strong push back is passed, and Cheng Jie is pressed on the seat, the blood is reversed, and the blood is lighter.

Just when he is about to be coma, the ejection ends, the fighter has been removed from the bomb well, is adjusting the gesture, ready to cut the atmosphere at an angle of 15 degrees, and Cheng Jie also gains a breathing opportunity.

[The posture is adjusted, start to attack the atmosphere]

Cheng Jie is sorghum, and the vomit seems to be near his eyes, he wants to reach out to the vomiting bag, but it is still not waiting for his fingertips touching the vomiting bag, the second speed begins.

The accelerator cut into the atmosphere with Cheng Jie's special plane, rubbed with the atmosphere, and the tangerine light lit up, and the Esteman who saw this scene was fell into the ground.

The emperor in the palace is pale, he looked at the vision on the sky, with the magical shouts, "Xuan Di Tianji! Xuan Di Tianji!"

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