Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 163 3-40. Esket (3)

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "imagination"


Your will is crash ...]

Your life is lapse ...

Your existence is being denied by the awareness of the universe ...

[The universe is approaching from zero to your observation ...

Now I have to ask you a few questions ...

Cheng Jie tired nodded.

Are you tired? ]

"Tired ... very tired."

[why? ]

"Because, I can't see the future, I am dead."

The state of Cheng Jie at this time is like being hitting the triformill. Every reflection of the brain is fully exposed by himself.

[Is this only? ]

"... still because ... I did a lot of wrong things, I ... should not be the one who makes choice ..."

You think, what do you do wrong? ]

Cheng Jie's face has a struggle look.

"I do not want to answer."

You must answer]

... "... I ... I killed Li Bing, I totally missed the little girl's life, I hurt the Tiancheng to become this ... I let the cold are sad, and there is human ... It seems that I will not return it ... "


"If ... is not letting me, just fine."

[So, if you give you a chance, do you still do this? ]


A huge eye appeared, staring at Cheng Jie's face, waiting for his answer.


"I will."

The eyes disappeared, the space in black gradually became transparent, and the sun came in.

A Miaoiman's figure appeared in front of him.

She is gentle to hold from Cheng Jie's face.

...... The origin of everything is the fact that is observed.

Just like a stage play, even if the content is wonderful, no observer, no audience, it is just a dust in time.

Just like we ...


When I woke up next day, Cheng Jie first felt a sense of numbness from all walks of life, as if I re-recognize my body.

First, a secondary blood pulsation, the blood vessel is flushed by blood, slowly, the blood flow feeling seems to disappear in the body, followed by something from the body's tactile.

Cheng Jie is very vaguely feeling that some things are pressed on themselves, but he wants to see, but still does not feel the existence of the body.

... Wait until the perception is completely recovered, the body's control is returned, he tried to move.

Han Wu also woke up by Cheng Jie, she opened her eyes, just sat down, suddenly remembered what never climbed back, hugged the runner.

Cheng Jie wants to say words, but finding that he does not open his mouth, even if it makes the vocal shock can't do it, and the eyelids seem to be stitched together, no matter how he works, it is no good.

Warm feelings ... but slowly, the warmth from the cold body becomes hot, it seems to have a warm baby in his chest.

Over time, the hot heat is gradually tingling.

Also at this moment, Cheng Jie finally opened his eyes, the first syllable bought out "cold ..."


"Han Wu ..."

Coldshop slowly sits up, and the smooth skin is exposed to the air.

I'm here

Cheng Jie nodded, and then some embarrassment.

Cold Wuli bowed to see himself, if you don't have something to drill out from the quilt, naked. Standing on the ground.

[I am just personal intelligence]

What else is there? ]

Cheng Jie looked at her face and reached out to recruit her, "you come over."


Han Wu wears clothes, standing next to Cheng Jie, leaning over to listen to the way.

He opened, "You ... is a person."

Cheng Jie reached out to pull her to himself, and then moved to move, giving the cold air out.

"I found that I seem to have made a lot of things that violate my original intentions", Cheng Jie is as soon as possible to talk to the cold martial arts as much as possible.


"So, after this holiday is over, we need a game ... reform, I need your help."

[OK, I will try my best to complete my duties]

Cheng Jie is slightly sitting, and the head of the cold is coming.

"No, since now, there is nothing, you are duty."

[Sorry, what does this mean? ]

"In the future, you are you, no matter what happens, only yourself, can you yourself, understand?"

Looking at Cheng Jie's very serious expression, Hui Wu began to think about this sentence.

After half, she finally said.

I will

"Very good, I am still sleepy, sleep first."

it is good

But wait for Cheng Jie to lie down, and the cold is not right.

[Amount ... If you sleep, can you let me go? ]

Cheng Jie opened his eyes and saw her, "can't, good night."



I woke up again, it was already the next morning, the snow was outside, and the cold Wu had secretly pumped it from Cheng Jie Huhu, who was sitting on the chair to deal with data information from the unnamed times.

Cheng Jie did not bother him, just wearing a clothes.

... stand in the snow, feel this quiet, Cheng Jie calls out a breath, and suddenly feels that there is a lot of easy.

He took the left hand glove and looked at the ring on his finger smile.

Then remove it slowly, carefully put it into your own pocket.

"That's like this ...", he speaks for himself.

After the cold, he stood in his body, quietly accompanied him in the snow.

Waiting to Cheng Jie wants to return home, and the cold is only open.

[You don't want to know what happened before your body? ]

Cheng Jie was shocked, and he jumped over half a meter.

"Han Wu, after the next time I appear in me, I remember remind me, and there is not to suddenly ask questions."


"Right, what do you just ask me?"

[I said, don't you want to know what happened before you? ]

Cheng Jie reached out, grabbed a snow, and the moment of thunderstorms was in the face of the cold, and the cold martial arts stood in the same place. It seems that it is still thinking about what is doing.

"Don't care, I want to play a snowball now." After finishing, he grabbed a snow and lost it.

The cold is not hiding, and the stretch is smashed.

[, You will be angry again, I will be angry]


It's another snow ...

[I am really angry! ]


I! ]


[! ]

After that, Cheng Jie faced, it is full of heart, and really treats the snowballs as the anti-fight against the battle.

When I looked up again, the snowball of the sky has fly over until he is completely buried in the bile, he still doesn't know how much the snowball in the sky is.

It was just a thumbs down silently after being dug from the cold.

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "imagination"

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