Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 175 3-52. Emperor Culture Battle (4)

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "Site-N0W1"


[Target Fleet is a total of forty-two destroyer warships]

[Due to insufficient information, the positioning and specific data of all ship branches is temporarily unable to analyze

[The first round of the enemy is close, the nano-insect group is opened]

The first fleet of each ship is magnificent on the blue shield.

[Nanyanfront residual quantity: 95%]

[The bilateral distance is close, only less than 10,000 kilometers, the attacks of the other party will not open, it is recommended to take the other party after attacking the gap after the next round of attacks.

"What is the other party's flagship?"

[Confirmed two suspected goals]

On the screen of Cheng Jie, the two somatoes in the opposite fleet were zoomed out.

"The battleship and the aircraft carrier have not understood, but it is necessary to concentrate on these two battleships. All the cold martial arts cruisers are together with the home ship, and they will advance, and I will pull the short enemy."


Cheng Jie narrows his eyes to look forward.

"Right, remind all missile cruisers, pay attention to the home of the home, let the homestay to resist, try not to lose the cruiser before the enemy."

[Confirmation, Directive has been reached]

[Homestay began to advance ...]

In space, a large group of fighters is converted from dispersion into a concentration, and it began to concentrate two suspected goals.

Angels also release the fighters, entangled with the group of Apollo II.

Although the Apollo II type is inferior to the other's carrier machine, the overall quantity is in that, plus the angel fleet is not paying attention to the research and development of the aircraft, so although it is impossible to win, but can also die Drake the Tianxian's fighter, while providing observation and correction data for the output of the rear battleship.

This also allows the attack of the Zhizhi-level battleship to become more accurate. The hit rate gradually increases from 45% to 85%, and the beam bombards the shield of these two angel warships, and the two battleships of the warship Two battles are dignified, short ten minutes, the remaining energy of the shield of the battleship has dropped to 50%.

After asking other teammates, they were surprised to discover, the entire fleet of more than 40 warships, only their two of them were granted, slightly thinking, the two turned into the reason.

"Immediately report, the communication traders are being attached to the enemy!"

... The eleven missile cruisers are in the hous ship, and the firepower of the angel fleet is constantly close.

[Distance is shortened, current distance: 50,000 km]

After the homes, the eleventh missile cruisers launched all missiles that have been prepared on their body, and tens of thousands of warheads complicated to enemy battles.

In the two communication battleships, everyone, everyone looked at the screen, and the red line of the continuous marked red line was densely stacked, and the red net formed, although the air defense firepower from the fleet is constant. Help them intercept this wave of attacks, but when a statistical number is out, the bridge personnel in the two wars have fallen into a sluggish.

However, the second round of missiles lifted, and the quantity of statistics were doubled again.

"Ten ... 120,000?!" In the field of view, the first missile life, fried on his battleship, flames flash.

... When the fire ball of the explosion, the two angels have disappeared in the airspace. At the same time, the counterattack of the angel fleet came one after another.

[Home Bad Nammlant Residual: 81%]

"The missile cruisers look for their goals, free to fire!"


[Note: I have detected that the third party is unknown is being jumped to my fleet ...]

Cheng Jie glared in his eyes and panicked.

"Notice the Battle of the Battle, ready to meet the enemy, the carrier is prioritized."

[Confirmation, Directive has been reached]

...... After the home ship and a cruiser, the four battles are transferred to the gun, which is originally surrounded by the carrier on the home ship, accelerates the return.

At another moment of another angel fleet, four ambition-level battles first sent a man, and hundreds of beams brought over, the three main enlightened angel investigators were exploded, and the remaining four main battles were also received. Different degrees of damage.

The main cannon of the battleship began to fill, but there is still a thirteen seconds before the next attack.

At the same time, all observations are listed, and the other battleship is just in the deputy gun of the four battleships.

Four battleships have responded that the deputy gun is frequently fired.

The four warships just then took a round of the angels were opened to open their shields before the first deputy resort.

... "Inform the rear fleet, continue to attack the target until the enemy is destroyed."


"The home ship and cruisers continue to advance, directly cut off the enemy's front fleet."

At this time, the angel fleet in front of Cheng Jie opened the formation, using the good type of mobile, landscape, the most in front of the more than a dozen warship began to surround the way, and the rest of the battleship paid the side to the hosted home ship, using all é é é é é ¨ ¨ Fire attack Cheng Jie.

And the speed of the home ship is too slow, although it is resistant, but if the fleet around the other party arrives on him, then these cruisers should be beaten. At that time, these cruisers will completely lose tactical space, no matter how mobile Where, will be exposed to the firepower of the enemy fleet.

Slightly thinking, Cheng Jie directly ordered all cruisers from the protection of home ship, starting from both sides, blocking the rear of the other shipping, the left side begins, with home ship, priority to attack the other fleet The output capacity is stronger.

...... Take the intermittent period of the opponent's firepower, the eleven missile cruisers revealed the body behind the home.

Six acceleration kicked off, and the first time to attack the enemy's wadership.

The remaining five ships started with the fight against the enemy's fireproad with the help of the home ship.

The firepower of the home ship is divided into two waves. All missile launch units collectively lock those ships that are ongoing from the right wing, followed by the men and women to launch tens of thousands of missiles once.

All the main guns on the ship have locked the most prestigious one of the mostforward people who played themselves.

The parallelism of the two sides is not enough, I don't know why, I don't know why, the all firepower is still concentrated in the home ship, although the reserves of the home boy nano group is huge, but also ä live four Uninterrupted attacks of more than ten warships.

As a few shots hit the home ship, the angel fleet commander who observed this result was finally exposed, and the whole fleet turned into a sudden command.

I saw that the original word exposed the angel fleet suddenly turned to, and the ship was blended in Cheng Jie.

[Note, homeman nanimae residual volume: 5%]

[Nano insect group is expected to be forced to close after thirty second]

After listening to the tips of the cold, Cheng Jie looked outside the bridge, the fleet that just changed, slowly opened, "What is the right wing?"

[The six missile cruisers have successfully stopped from surround the enemy fleet and destroy three enemy ships]

"Hanwu, released an emptive warning, rising all armored boards, preparing the firepower of the hard-working fleet."


The defense of the nano-insect group has begun to have a gap, and occasionally there will be a few hair bombs just pass through the gap of the nano-insect group and fall in the home.

With the passage of Cheng Jie, the hill-shaped faked decoction of the home ship, the layer of equipment is covered, wrapped up the home ship, such as the black dome guards the homestore.

"After disadvantaged in the nano-insect, don't open the iron screen, wait for my order, wait until the enemy is pulled into 10,000 kilometers, tell me", Cheng Jie finished, the body is on the back of the chair, and it is silent. Raise the armor, wrap the bridge outside the bridge.



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