Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 176 3-53. Emperor Culture Battle (5)

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "Jou Machine A"


[Current distance: 35,000 kilometers]

[Nano insects have disappeared ...]

At the same time of reminders, the damage report appeared on the panel of Chengjie.


[Current distance: 20,000 nine thousand kilometers]

[The first armored armor has been broken]

On the panel, the damaged area is shown, and the first layer has been played a black fork.

This is, but only the angel is not high, and the beam hit is only a few tens of hits.

But as the distance is shortened, the quote of the angel family is getting better and better. More and more beam hits the home ship, and even there is even a few can hit the same piece of armor, and this equipment is broken. .


[Current distance: 20,000 kilometers]

[The second floor armor has been broken]

[Note: The nano-insect group of the battle of the battle of the battle of our team has dissipated]

Cheng Jie is shocked, and the picture of the back battlefield is transferred.

In the picture, the last Angel's battleship has been eliminated, but the Zhiyuan-level battleship has been damaged, and some things flew from the creation of the crease.


[Current distance: 10,000 kilometers]

[Cold martial arts cruiser one, three, four, five, seven, eight, ten, 11, eight missile cruisers are being attacked]

"How long can they support?"

[...], Han Wu hesitated for a few seconds.


[In accordance with the current situation, they can support us to get into 8,000 kilometers.

Cheng Jie adjuds the information of the cold martialillers, check the armor of each ship, "let them collect to the closing galaxy, then jump back to the back of the battle, pay attention, let the rear fleet also make Returning the posture. "


... Under the public, the eleven missile cruisers began to jump, and the commander of the angel's fleet of this scene couldn't help but laugh.


[Current distance: 10,000 kilometers]

[The third layer of armor has been broken]

[The first layer of armature on the right is being attacked]

The most inside of the armor gradually turns red, hiding in the people who consciously consciously consciously, can't watch the gradually red armor.

The next shine beam came, the armor board was felt, and the hot iron water splash is blown, and it began to melt together in the exterior of a building.


[Current distance: eight thousand kilometers]

[All cold martial arts cruisers have jump to near the galaxy, starting to return]

The derived beam directly falls on the homemade body, and the first layer of buildings disappeared into the beam.

"Han Wu, waiting for the rear fleet, immediately started to pour the firepower to the enemy fleet, especially those who are far from this ship."


A slow-headed battles are turning the shot, and the gun is again aligned with the airspace that is fighting, and the Tianqi fleet that Cheng Jie is preparing to retreat naturally did not find the action of these battleships.


[Current distance: 5,000 kilometers]

[The large area of ​​the first floor of the square boat homes, has lost production capacity]

The soil covered by the first layer is burned black, and some places expose the next layer of metal separator.

The fire beam is ignited by the turret, and the home ship dragged the black smoke and rushed to the Tianqiu Fleet that was still open.

The home ship seems very miserable, but it is actually not hit, the power output is as always, in addition to many deployed more shallow guns, there is no inherent losses.

When the distance is close to 4,000 kilometers, dozens of angels began to adjust their postures and prepared to enter the home ship through the armor of the home ship.

Looking at the unhappy, I didn't make a counterattack and interception, the fleet of the Tianqi Fleet felt that it was not strong. He hurriedly called out the monitoring data, found that this clue was even thoroughly beaten, and the speed of advance was still not changed. This fact.

He narrowed his eyes, followed by the first time of the reaction, the order of stopping, and then pulling the distance.

However, some battleships that are very close to the market have begun to go to visit.


"Han Wu, open the iron screen."


Light red light lit up and implemented the homespace.

The armored gap is blocked by the red barrier. Those more than 30 people who have been trying to enter the home ship here.

[All cold martial arts cruisers have been completed, and mix with the rear fleet, currently being close to this ship]

The more than 100 beams from rear are not divided, and they fall on 20 angels.

It is also uncomfortable to accelerate the angel of the home ship to the home, and close the movement of the shield in order to increase the speed of the speed, become the last straw of the chain of the camel.

Without the protection of the shield, the one hundred and forty-four beams did not hinder hit, the final penetration.

After this round of hits, the Angel's fleet left, the remaining battleship immediately opened the shield, prevented the next attack.

And Cheng Jie's fleet is not expected, the second round of beam is accompanied by a large number of missiles.

The home ship accelerates to hit the nearest three warships from around ...

... After a few minutes, the Tianqi Fleet only left two warships, and the solitary knots were prepared to jump away.

Looking at the two warships that are about to jump, Cheng Jie can only worry, he took the armrest, and the mouth was read, "Don't run ..."

[Proton impact cannon ready]

Hanwu's reminder is like a sound of the sound.

Cheng Jie looked up, and the eyes were released.

"Immediately fire!"


The six proton beam left the gun, and the speed approached two warships that were escaping.

At that moment, the dazzling brightening spurs in the eyes, making him instantly blindly.

When his visual recovery, the two warships that were escaping have been destroyed. There is only a lot of wrecks to drift into the transition channel, and disappears with the disappearance of the channel.

Cheng Jie rubs his eyes, down the command of the defense.

The houseruce rushed on the homes, but there were some distorted armor cards, and they had to be stacked there.

"With the main assembly of the fleet, began to close to the emperor."


The home ship began to reverse the body.

caveat! ]

It is a loud noise with the sound of the cold.

The damage report is then passed.

[Sixth, seventh, eighth floor area is broken, the oxygen in the three regions is leaking]

[Home ship power output is declining ...]

[All engine stops in the lower right area]

[Fangzhou-level home ship posture error, is trying to adjust ...]

Since there is no reference, Cheng Jie does not feel the problem of the hull attitude.

However, he flew out directly in the air, squatting on the wall of the wall, or said ... The wall on the left rushed to put this steel pen.


[Snorkers Tilt angle: 75 degrees]

[Close all engines in the right area]

The huge floating island stands vertically, and rushed into their own fleet.

Fortunately, I notified the payment of each ship before, this collision behavior did not cause losses, home ships through the fleet, and under the control of the cold.

[Attempt to slow down ...]

[Note: 40% of the deceleration engine cannot be opened normally]

[All output engines are closed, this ship is lowered]

[The rest of the engine is shut down]

In addition to the spout of the front reducing engine, the spout in other directions is gradually extinguished, and the speed of the home ship has begun to decline, but the ship is still rotating at the quarter of the quarter of each second, and finally stopped on the Dudu star track.


[Recycling the land team ...]


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