Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 196 3-74. Outside the earth


A wireless fluctuation appeared in the dark space, the white aperture appeared in the distorted space, constantly cutting this airspace, and opened a way out for the warship behind.

The head of the unnamed time is shrouded by a layer as if the film-like substance, with the continuous output of the unknown Times propeller, the ship finally destroyed this film, the ship was then rushed out, and the transition channel behind him was also flashing. It is completely closed after two.

In the middle of the name, after completing the last jump, the radar turned on, and the cold Wu began to determine the position of oneself.

[... "affected by space storm, transition coordinates except for some mistakes]

[At present, we are located outside the solar terrazzoon track, about 800 million kilometers away from the earth]

[Gravity radar has been opened, the solar system is being scanned for the first time ...]

Listening to the Hui Wu of the ear, Cheng Jie used to smash the head, and did not know that the continuous jump is still the influence of the space storm. After this transition, his head seems to be blown up.

[Scan end, 16 ships with us identified signals]

[Confirmation is two standard fleets manufactured by Anya]

[Note, after scanning, there is an unidentified battleship in Jupiter Atmosphere]

[Enemy I identify no answer]

"Warship? Isn't it our?"

[Unable to determine, the scan for this target seems to be shielded, I can't determine the other party's ship model]

[Note, this ship is being scanned]

[Warning, this ship has been locked by fire-controlled radar, confirming that the other party has attack intentions, start circumvention

[Note, communication has been involved in channels]

[Warning, the battleship database is being invaded]

With this alarm, all the equipment in the unknown time, all the equipment in the empty time, the light is off, and the ship is dark.

The propeller flashed, and the unnamed times began to float in this space and was traged by Jupiter gravitation, and the gaseous planet was constantly close.

"Hanwu? Han Wu ?!"


Cheng Jie's call did not respond, after half a minute, the damaged tube started to manually inspect the whole ship line.

This time the power outage lasted for ten minutes, which was nearly ten times higher than the last time being hosted by the angel computer.

Ten minutes after power failure, Cambruncaled the whole ship's control ... or the other party released the consciousness of the cold in his core database.

At the same time of electricity recovery, a electronic synthesis sound is also passed into the ear.

{The Branch of the Eat, Ali Integrated Federation, immediately stay away from the galaxies under our control, the armistice agreement has not been invalidated, pay attention, the armistist agreement has not yet lost}

As the body of the cold, the body is still resumed again, Cheng Jie looks to her, asked, "What did he say?"

[... unclear, but he is asking us to leave the solar system]

"Amount ... Help me pick up his news."


Qing Qing Zi Zi, Cheng Jie got up, and looked at the main screen as if a crab.

"The unclear warship within the next Jupiter pay attention, here is the unknown time of the Earth, please show that you are intentional."

{Emather integrate the federal ship, you still have to leave my planet track, twenty minutes, I will have no different attacks on all non-Republic ships in the track}

"Wait a minute, we are not affiliated to what Eather, we are part of the Earth, I believe you can find our current information in our database, including our current civilization level."

{Emather integrate the federal ship, you still have to leave my planet track, twenty minutes, I will have no different attacks on all non-Republic ships in the track}

I heard such a response, Cheng Jie was broken to let the other party played the other party from the communication channel.

"Han Wu, if we are hard, how big is the chance of success?"

Cheng Jie looks at the direction of the earth.

[Given the intention of the intention to invade my database, I personally believe that we think that the warning of the single ship does not take his warning to break through ... The difficulty is still very big]

[Unless we quit, then from the other side of the solar system again]

Cheng Jie nodded, "How long does it take?"

[Probably need to spend us for one and a half months]

"That if we let Ania send two fleets?"

[Information was issued and received by her, she sent a fleet to come, then engaged, probably takes 20 to 30 days, very clear, this plan is more saving.

"That ... Han Wu, we started to return, contacting Anya, letting her send two fleets, then take over the two fleets, then contact here after that."


[Information has been sent, it is expected to arrive after one day]

[After receiving the information, the two flesses starting from the earth track about 30 days and I am mixed with my ship.


Long wait, Hanwu and Cheng Jie look forward to the light blue planet in the distance.

"One month ... Han Wu, if it is a month, the earth has been lost?"

[No, I believe in Ania]

"Who can think of it, we are being blocked outside at the door ...", Cheng Jie sighed his tone.

[Rest assured, Anya will hold this month]

[And during this time, we take a break in the woods two.

... After ten minutes, the unknown era has withdrawn the Jupiter track, detours on the other side of Jupiter, secretly landing on the two-thick ice of the wooden guard.

In the twentieth day of Wuman Second, the traces of the two fleets have appeared on gravity radar, and the cold Wu also took over the control of the two fleets.

In terms of the Earth, the dragon fled from the two sinking battles, the rocket angels falling on the sea, opened their wings, far away, except for the burn on the sea The wreckage, it seems that it has never appeared, and all the body's body is cleaned up.

After that, the attack plan was hit by a revolutionary army forced to withdraw from South America. It was located in all the world's completed docks to start the production of battleships, preparing forces for offensive.

The manufacture of battleship spent half a month, and it took them in South America. At the same time, while Hanwu took over two fleets, the Revolutionary Army was also ready.

At An Anya, who has just completed and handed over, is a whole-edged mother's fleet, a nuclear submarine, two aircraft carriers, two missile cruisers, three frigate, and followed by a large number of regularly. Transport ship and replenishment ship.

After the examination of the island, it turns into a testistic attack on the attack on the south. One, one, the sacrifice of the island, and the nuclear submarine of the three equipped nuclear weapons will launch a nuclear missile. Put the island.

Under such tactics, the South is set up in the Lanqun, which will be named by the nuclear bomb, which has become a region where human beings cannot be involved in a short period of time.


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