Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 197 3-75. Antarctic Peninsula Landing War


The use of hot nuclear weapons is unscrupulous to make the ice cover that the Antarctica has reached the melting.

At the same time that the global climate began deterioration, the war of Antarctica is still as usual.

Gradually control the revolutionary army of most resources in the world, began to expand the army. The second fleet is building, although the number of population is insufficient, the automation of science and technology promotion has greatly reduced the number of people.

The equipment seized by the base is no longer the main equipment of the Revolutionary Army. It is allocated to the rear for analysis, and the science and technology of the Xuri Empire is combined with the original technology, and has born a batch of new products.

In North America, air combat performance is superior to Apollo's deformable fighters in progress.

In the Asiana continent, the fifteen-meter manifeetor is being tested to confirm whether it is better than the main tank; three-generation chariot turret with the Tianqi tank firepower throws three pieces of green flakes, The faint blue light curtain from top to bottom, in the distance, dozens of tsunami tank guns spurt the fire tongue, kinetic blue light curtain that seems to be smashed.

Under the bailout of the base, the combination of science and technology materials, the basic science of human beings is moving forward, and there is enough potential to enter the space combat technology is being born.

In terms of administration, under the leadership of the head of the revolutionary army, the oligarchy "democracy" is beginning to be bud, and the policy of restoring commercial trade is being introduced. Nano technology has greatly improved the efficiency of the construction, and the name of the city is unplugged. In the ground, a seat city is like a product on the pipeline, and different blueprints are applied according to different roles, and the high-speed track begins to connect a seat city.

Some of the atrocities of the revolutionary army have attracted many people, but after aware of the people's heart, the revolutionary army began the first cleaning, and a large number of unregulated sergeants were sacrificed to comfort the people, including Li Bing and Ying Ying's corpse is an all-round battle, which is also in the eyes of thousands of eyes, and then the revolutionary army is placed on the two bones.

This move quickly calved the dissatisfaction of the people, but also made the revolutionary army's war's support.

...... It's hard to imagine that this is a matter of happening in just more than a month, and the miracle of too many nights appear in every corner of the earth, human civilization, the same diversity that is working hard after the rain, but This time, they have a common enemy and they are all.



The solar sun with the weak radiance, and the two-ten-level low temperatures on the coastline of the Antarctic Peninsula make the imperial soldiers who lack winter clothing have to burn valuable fuel, most of these fuels come from The Soviet armor unit stopped in the distance, especially those daytimetrians, have been drawn from about half of fuel.

In a bunker on the coastline, several imperial soldiers are installing just sent to the general machine gun.

"I heard that our resources have been exhausted. Now it is only possible to force the power to power the base, even if the shells on the ship's army are also a state in which few hair ...", this imperial soldier huddled On the side, I looked at the two companions who were adjusting the highness of the machine gun, and the white mist came from his mouth.

"I don't know, but it should be like this, you will see this very machine gun, the shooting speed is very fast, just mentioned the small team of our transportation, reaching more than 1,000 per minute, but give us I looked at the bullets, and there was less than two thousand, and I still eliminated the old hot medicine bullets, a resource point for 500 clothes ... "

Take a picture of the installed machine gun, this imperial soldier sighed, "May ... we really want to oil,?"

The voice is just falling, and the far-faced sea rises a bright red light, it raises quickly, then high hanging in the air, at the same time, the familiar fighters whistling, deploying the defense guards on the coastline Cannon, a row of missiles.

A high shining, hundreds of air defense missiles rose to their respective goals.

The alert in the fighter cockpit is mastered, and the heat who is in the sky, the fighter formation is ridiculous, followed by the anti-defense missile of the next arrival in the light behind.

Forty-eight air-back missiles from four six-machine formation quickly destroyed the visible firepower that had just attacked them.

The construction of an extremely rushing Antarctic Peninsula coast line, as the defenders as defense were destroyed, there is only one bunker and sporadic several wave energy fort.

When two thousand landing boats appeared on the sea surface of the searchlight, the imperial soldiers in the bunker fell into the sluggish, and the side of the blue beam was bright, and the Wavene gun began to be named after the landing landing boat.

Thermal energy burdens the armor of the landing boat, the soldiers in the boat launched the miserable baked.

Their skin quickly burned out, showing the gradually baked muscle tissue, lost the eye protection of the eye protection, and quickly slammed.

Before they consciously dissipate, they have not been painful because there is also a nervous system as the muscle tissue is destroyed.

Finally, only the baked crisp bones remain on the ground.

The light beam finally burned into the tail of the landing boat, running through the landing boat without a living person.

On the side of the landing boat, several soldiers passed through the porthole, see the horrible shape next to the boat, and the face suddenly changed.

"WOC, we have no way to cover us? Thin Air Force?"

The voice just fell, the second batch of four six-machine formation flew over, just the wavelength guns that had just launched the landing boat were labeled, and the picture rolls composed of the air-to-earth missiles go to the ground.

The revolutionary army that fully occupies an air truly truly implemented the creed that was discovered, hitting the destruction.

As the last wavene gun is destroyed, nearly two thousand landing boats cross the body of their companions, gradually leaned on the shore, on the shore, the thousands of imperial soldiers were waiting, the bow and arrow girls were on their own The arrow is responsible for observing the high-rise of the military soldier arm in the landing point.

The crisp whistle sounds, the armor is put down, the position of the bunker is exposed as the imperial soldier buckled the board, thanks to the strong outer layer, the missile from the fighter is just the man's head inside the shock.

The heavy machine guns on the landing boat began to spray the fire tongue, the missile frigate on the sea was waiting for the ground guidance from the front line, launched the well, a white body is ready.


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