Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 198 3-76. Last Tianqi

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "vogeli'mkafig"


The machine guns from the bunker temporarily pressed the infantry from the landing boat, but with the consumption of the revolutionary ammunition and ammunition, the fire density and the killing effect have fallen a level.

Most of the bunker guards have begun to use a discharge to save a lot of ammunition, and the revolutionary army's amphibious chariot also helps to block the front of the landing boat, avoiding the soldiers who have been smashed in the machine gun.

The troops landed on the ice began, and the infantry followed the rushed back, and the crawler pressed the snow, leaving a deep gully, and the troops moved quickly met the first trouble - mine area.

Although it is very rushed, it has never been able to lay enough mines, but this has a great threat to the two-in-life chariots in other directions. As a sound explosion, several amphibious tank crashes are blown, distance The nearby infantry was blown out by the shock wave, followed by a lot of machine guns to break.

The engineering troops quickly slammed from behind the tank. They accompanied the body of the companion who was killed by the machine gun bullets, and carefully squatted on the ground to explore the shape of the mine area, hoping to find a safe path.

The crawler of the crawler is temporarily unable to serve, but also acts as a duties of fixed fire points, and the firepower suppression is performed on the distant bunker.

The press-of-two millimeter tanks and coaxial machine guns composed together have indeed reduced the opportunities of the Imperial soldiers to fire.

When the revolutionary army will pay attention to the annoying bunker, the imperial soldiers responsible for the observation, finally waved the hanging arm, waiting for a lot of bows and arrow girls finally release the bow, arrow.

The thousands of arrows rose from the ground plane under the eyes of the revolutionary soldiers, and the intensive arrow rain has almost become a blue light wall with the split of the arrow, and squatted to the ground.

The arrow with the explosion has set off a hurricane in the crowd, and the body of a soldier is run through the arrow. When the body is flying back, the arrow will then touch, the explosion will then produce, the body he is falling, the left arm is not Fly.

But as the bows girl's position is exposed, the fighter formation in the sky is not a firepower, and a missile is smashed.

Continuous battle until the next day, the sun raised again, and released his weak light from this blood-backed ice.

Most of the bases in terms of the base are all over-site.

The revolutionary military director is straight, the base of the resource shortage is to give up the defense of other positions in the first time of the coastline being broken, withdraw the last second rocket of the seventh group army, the first heavy armor and the fourth step corps.

180 burst robots moving faster, 300 rocket angels, 18 days old dogges and 12 gourmeters VX first ground forces one step back to the base inside and replenishment, preparing for the final base.

More than 300 Thunder and forty-four culfons were filled with a thousand seven hundred infantry, and the collection of a large number of infantry did not make confusion, and the sections were quickly convened their own infantry row, according to the deployment of Anya. The battle position.

The three hundred and twenty-four Thunders who were idle were hired to the chariot area to accept the transformation, and the equipment was installed to act as a fire support vehicle.

The bullfrog is driven to the lifter ladder on the dome, and the dome enters the air defense position.

The third batch of arrivals is a tsunami tank, sickle machine, harvester, and steel conver, and steel.

The external steel defense line consisting of the first heavy armor is initially set.

A few hours later, with the return of the six ghost kings, only two days of daytime cock left and twelve V4 rockets that were extremely important to defense war.

... Two Tianqi parallel to the ice cream, in front of them, the V4 formation, the horizon in the distance, and the body of a dome building is invisible.

The sturdy dome guarantees that even if the base army that has lost the email, you don't have to worry about bombing from the high altitude.

Annea hidden in the base is not right. This uneasy feels from the speed of the revolutionary army. After breaking through the coastal defense, the offensive speed is slow, it seems to be waiting for something, the revolutionary army should At a few hours ago, the infantry unit returned to the base was initiated, until V4 arrived in the base, did not see trace.

However, An Anya, who has just filed this question, then in the Tikinz, "Your mouth is really open", and the admire has received an exchange of attacked the attacked Tianqi.

...... More than ten kilometers, the two days were killed by the five revolutionary tanks behind him. Thanks to the thick armor, Tianqi can also retreat normal, turret, two 128mm shells have taken out, a hair Falling in the ice cream, the other is directly hit a tank's front armor, and the 325mm thick multi-layer composite armor is not broken, but the huge kinetic energy is sloping, the armor is recess it. On both sides of the vehicle body, the inner microscopic deposit is damaged in the impact. The speed of this chariot will then slow down, and finally stop stopping on the ice.

The team behind him also launched a counterattack, one of the shells hit a natural rear side track.

The plan to continue to move forward on the remaining right front track continued to move in the outline of the moving speed, and the tianship capture eventually entered the communication channel with the 2nd car.

"On the second car, here is a car, just received the news, the V4 formation is entering the base, the base door is open, if we go in this time ...", the words of the first car long, he looks I nodded to my cart, then I clicked, "So, I decided to stay here to stop the enemy's striker armor troops, and closing the base door to the base door, you will continue to advance, do the defense war preparation as soon as possible ,the above……"

After that, the basic paralyzed day left track turned crazy, pushing the heavy body to rotate, slowly putting 430mm thick front armor towards more than a dozen chariots that are braking.

The captain looked at the car in the car, and the mouth is full of mouth. "There is no cover, we can't get rid of ..."

"Then let's fight for time, let the base door is firmly closed, the rest ... I will give them", he finished, the eyes are on the observation window, watching the 12th Vegetable chariot.

"Tianqi! Go forward!"

The track rotates, dragging this sky, slow forward, two main guns continue to roar, a gunball flying to the enemy in front.

A shell from the enemy is falling on the day to the armor, and the harsh sound is made.

The huge steel monsters are like returning from hell, dragging themselves to be smoked to smoke, as if the knight of the armor, holding his own long sword, step by step, approaching the enemy before going to face, You must also bring the enemies in front of hell.

In the face of the monsters who don't worry, the people of the revolutionary army felt endless depression and fear, as if a mountain is slowly pressing.

Several chariot drivers were all rounded, and the hands under the hands took the battle back.

The artillery is dead stepped on the hit button of the coaxial machine gun, even if the machine gun is deep, but it is impossible to make a threat to the things in front of you.

One of the artilleryballs, this revolutionary military chariot, this time, the distance is close enough, the warhead runs through the front armor, the broken film is launched, and the whole car is killed. Subsequently hit the underwater rack under the bottom of the turret, with a sound Thanks, this chariot turret flew high, the body was shocked by dozens of centimeters.

"Fast! Filling! Give me back to hell!", A revolutionary military vehicle grew up and seemed to cover his fear.

This is the final elite in the empire, the sky, even if it faces a few times, it is not afraid of his enemy.

No one can take away the lives of others, as long as it has not fallen, will never stop.

What kind of loyalty is this until the end, it is also high, and it is better than the battlefield.

After watching the enemy's chariot, when the turret was damaged, the driver was finally relaxed, he leaned against the chair, closed his eyes.

"Back to the hometown I can't return ... this is my only hope ..."

"... but even if we fight the sand field, our loyal chariot will also leave us ... the grave of the metal ..."

The three revolutionary military warriors just stabilized the body immediately fired, and the smoke did not disappear. The captains that have been controlled by fear issued an instruction to continue the fire.

A round of a round of shells breakdown on the hint of the sky, and the shells were shredded with the engine inside.

Two roars, another natural day is approaching the shower of the shower.

The second car is long looking to the tomb of the metal. It stands there quietly, like a piece of ashes, and a monument.

He faintly opened, "When did you have seen the fear of the battle?"


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