Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 202 3-80. Earth Federation


Antarctica, the battle is temporarily stopped, and the revolutionary army is now full of the struggle to invest in the battlefield, only for this older attack.

So far, the revolutionary army has paid nearly 100 battleships, tens of thousands of armored units and 130,000 lives in a series of actions, and such sacrifice will also force the base to be desirable.

The strength of the revolutionary military in Antarcticia is also very weak. There is only one of the armored KG5, and the soldiers left in the infantry. In the face of a group of infantry units in the base, although there is more than enough, this is attack The city war, more than one in front of the country, there is a large number of defendors and twelve V4, let alone a rocket angel of a camp that has not shades, and it is necessary to complete the Thunder of the speed gun.

The Air Force and the Navy of the Revolutionary Army did not play in this scholar battle. After all, the dark dome is now no signs of support.

In the face of such a situation, the morale of the revolutionary army is very downturn. The first night after the ceasefire is turned on, and the instant messaging network in the capital capital of the Northern Hemisphere.

At the capital time, in the base, the people around the world, the people will guard against the TV, today, every humanity on the earth will be aware of extraordinary days.

Nearly two thousand soldiers in the frontier base of Antarctica collapsed, and the scene was large.


- February 18, 2300 -

- The capital time is 8:30 -

As a museum, through photos and partial hand drawing, the Tiananmen Square built after the self-renovation design is no longer a museum today, nor is there to be open to tourists.

Today, under the witness of parliamentarians and various continents, it will once again set up the political power again from the war and the human civilization stood in the shadow of the rule, and will once again set up a regime and generate the first leader.

... There is no excessive etiquette and cumbersome ceremonies, the audience is waiting for the arrival of the team in silence.

... After ten minutes, cross the crowd, accepted the people's blessings and the prime ministers eventually docked in the golden water bridge.

The next way, you must embrade your step back.

... The door opens, from the middle-aged man who came down from the car, the security personnel guarded on both sides until Tiananmen.

Before the Tiananmen Square, the security guard retired, the guards on both sides took the security task. With the neat shoes and collision, the heavy city gate opened, and the first-order step step to the chairman appeared in the middle-aged. .

He took a deep breath, and after returning the guards on both sides, he took the first step to this hundred and eight-level step.

Each step that he stepped out is recorded by the camera and passes the lens to the other side of the screen.

This kind of feelings have received much attention to this middle-aged uncomfortable, he never thought that there will be such a day, the original sparse climbing stairs, but let himself be confused.

... Soon, he walked to the chairman, where there is already a group of people waiting for a long time.

At the moment he pushed the gate, the applause sounded, and the members and the borsche, and smiled.

His politely waved to them, and the pace of the foot could not help but speed up.

... After a while, he stood on the chairpend, a young woman turned to him, and the two were so right.

"Below, please raise your right hand as you swear", the woman sounds.

Behind the left hand, raise your right hand.

"I, Lin Qingxue, solemnly swear"

"I, Liu Wenhua, solemnly swear"

"IsolemnysWear", the same voice translation will translate Chinese into English, so as not to learn Chinese, people can't understand.

"My life will spare no effort ..."

"My life will spare no effort ..."


"Used to defend the Earth Federation ..."

"Used to defend the Earth Federation ..."


"Protect human fire ..."

"Protect human fire ..."


"And deep-air full-sex life"

"And deep-air full-sex life"


"Whether it is from the abyss of the Pacific Ocean, or the side of the Galaxy"

"Whether it is from the abyss of the Pacific Ocean, or the side of the Galaxy"

"FromtheDepthsofthepacific, Totheedgeofthegalaxy"

"There is anatective this life ..."

"There is anatective this life ..."

"To the dead!"

"To the dead!"



... After the oath, this is the legal first man who has become a legitimate Earth's legal first man started to perform its own administrative capabilities.

The federal began to concentrate all resources to develop the gentlestar.

Compared with the three transformations of the Earth, the three-to-earth federation of the Space Earth, the Earth Federation is critical, and it is true in the base.

However, after considering the war of Antarctica and the war of the federal consumption of the federal, the first Membership meeting was held after an hour of oath ceremony.

At the meeting, everyone clarified several key.

First, according to the current strength, the next attack, the federal side must be unable to attack the base, and it will inevitably settle the sand, and if you want to set up enough attack power, at least one month later, and foreseeable After a month, the federal needs to use space elevators to start transporting materials and materials to the dock and space station, and open the manufacturing of the Star Fleet.

Time, I can't say it, I don't even say that the next attack can take the Antarctic base. Even if I won it, as long as Ine, I can destroy all space era technology, and even destroy the space elevator. And the space dock, such losses are the federal unbearable.

In summary, another road is in front of everyone, but there are many hidden dangers in this way, and the biggest problem is in the hearts.

So old, the hood has attacked two offensive, and it is necessary to overcome the enemy. At this time, I suddenly give up the attack. If I have an all-round way, I will not let some of the people disappoint, and a threat to the unstable federal.

One side is an important opportunity that may lose the fastest entering space, while the federal that may be lost.

The number of votes for the final Members' meeting is 125-125, and the proposal is given to the meeting.

At the meeting, most of the people here depends on the executive execade, and most people here are the names of the executive.

... "Meet, you are good, I am a Banglian, Li Wenhua, today's motion, to determine how we will go to the next more than ten years or even decades, first of all, I have to emphasize the space elevator, orbit space station And the strategic value of the space dock to the federal, if these things are destroyed once, then we will spend a maximum of fifteen years, and in this fifteen year, we have almost in the past 15 years. There is no difference, and it is still helping the threat of space from space. "He looked at the meeting around a look.

"In fact, you can think of an angle. We make a conformity judgment may result in a federal destruction. We will carry out the war until the earth is more than 15 years, or it may cause the federal destruction ... If two The choice may cause the federal destruction, then why we don't fight, choose that earnings bigger? "

"My speech is over this end ...", Li Wenhua slowly walked down.

With the beginning of the voting, Li Wenhua's smile is more obvious. This can be said that he only needs to have more than 45% of the support ticket, he only needs to go to the speech to say 6% of the part, you can pass.

And the facts are the same as what he thinks ...


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