Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 200 3-78. Antarctic Base Defense War


On the narrow road, the revolutionary army's chariot is placed in a vertical column, and it is moving forward, and on both sides of the road, there are several lights that are bright, and the height of the surrounding revolutionary military vehicles will soon discover the unusual. Brightness, just when some of them felt that this is a little familiar, the light beam emitted by the waveleon chariot instantly penetrates four battles at the end, and the team immediately stopped.

The response speed of the attack is not slow, and it is impossible to move forward and will not be retracted. The group is transferred to the body. It is ready to break through the two sides, but the big net of the ambush is quietly collapsed. The tsunami tank opens the shield, and the speed can be tried Escaped enemy chariot pour the firepower.

On the air on both sides of the road, six crumbers rushed out and opened to the chariot of the revolutionary army.

Twenty-six twelve-meter steel converever ran from the distance, but their attacks have been struck first.

A few lasers shot from the eyes of the ghostwells, playing a revolutionary military team that has been hitting a halo, burning a few chariots, and baked a crisp with the car group inside.

Eighteen Tianshi has dropped from the air. After using the motor advantage, it worsened the enemy's chariot. Before the opponent's turret has not turned over, the two-side cannon bomb, then immediately detached, re-set on the sky at the distance.

The battle for the revolutionary army is over in just a few minutes. For these days before it is a farmer, it turns into a tank car group, and the opening of the chariot is already the limit.

And the column that has also opened a headlight in the dark, and they are not eloquentially annihilated within 15 minutes of fighting.

After the chariotrans are lost, the revolutionary army has delayed attacks, because a new weapon that has just been sent here, the new weapon for warfield test is in the final debugging.

... in accordance with the idea of ​​Ania, since the other party can't break the obstacle of the dome, then the place that can enter is only the dome of the dome, and enter the dome, no matter what kind of action path they choose, I will not pass two. Place, one is the road that is just coming in, one is the road that is about to arrive at the base, no matter how tactical roundabout, finally escape from the dome and enter the base.

Therefore, in the path that just entered the dome, Anne deployed all armor power, while the remaining infantry and rocket angels were responsible for the remaining infantry.

This effect is also immediate, all the way airspeed, completely rushing into the dome with the Revolutionary Army armor behind the future, and commit many fatal mistakes continuously, and finally died.

The armored power of the annihilation is also the main armored division of the revolutionary army. After this, the revolutionary army is responsible for the armor forces to attack the Antarctic Base, although a lot of infantry that rushed to enclose the dome of the dome, but it has not been able to Continue to attack capital.

Until the debugging of new weapons is completed ...

Soon, the five epicons of human machine have rushed from the broken dome of the dome, and the heavy footsteps gave us used to the base of the battle of the battle, I haven't heard it for a while, until these things Rush into the dome.

There are five units that rushed in, except for a snow-white model, all all equipped with long-range weapons, and the fire-transported capacity is not low.

Most of them are around ten to 15 meters, only one height is only about five meters, but there is an unbelievable mobile and sensitivity, and the seventy-five mm machine cannon is not too much. Big threat, but for the slunseie of the tsunami without the opening of the nano shield, it is a dense death rain.

The snow-white machine has only a heavy sword as a weapon, but the bounce force is amazing. I jumped from the entrance to the tsunami tank group, and the sword was swayed and opened a tsunami, twenty-six steel The loan will then surround it, and the tsunami tank group in the dead is on the top of the five-meter little guy.

The third platform seems to be a slightly high metal machine standing on the ground, and the two guns on the body will return the hammer and crusher to the part.

Anyia also quickly made adjustments, and the sky dogs that were also excellent in motor performance were allocated to deal with the five-meter-high model, and the steel convericed and heavy sword model was launched. The ghost king also ran up, the movement Attack attacks on the models of their own crushers and the hammer.

But very fast, the fourth machine has put into battlefield, it is a machine with nearly 15 meters high, but its body is very large, the weapon equipment and huge armor boards exposed, this is a Sophisticated high-speed models, with the debugging input processor for weapons, the fasteners on the ground, four-door 75mm transduction speed cannon from the back to the waist, one 125mm The artillery is launched on the shoulders, the unparalleled rockets on both sides rise, showing the warhead inside.

A tsunami tank, the captain saw this guy in the observation mirror, and faintly spit out, "", then he was parked by the 125mm artillery.

Just when this machine has killed four, gradually grasping the base of the counterpart mode.

The first thing I fell is that the ten-meter white machine, the cold weapon, even if the revolutionary army seems to be a digestion, the reason why the steel loan is delayed is unique to the horse The reason is to look forward to what this heavy sword can be different from ordinary cold weapons, such as grinding the blade in the molecular weight or like his own knife, there is a black technology, but they are disappointed, this is a common Heavy swords, except for sinking, after this, thirty-six steel waves smashed the white body into meat mud ... Iron filings.

And in the five-meter mechanical, it is facing motorless, and a mistake makes it leaks the back to two sky dogs. The intensive robbers cannon tapped down the fuel tank behind the back ...

The ammunition is the fight against the fuel tank, and the fighting capacity of this machine has been deprived.

The machine just pressed the hammer and the crushing person, I was just prepared for help, I was blocked by the steel craftsman who had just hacked the enemy, it desperately wanted to pull the distance, but the speed of moving a number of steel waves Deadly stuck, the cockroach cut, the machine with various observation equipment was cut down, followed by the moment of these steel conver veteran.

The cost of eliminating these three machines is not small. The ground armor forces in the Sui system is almost consumed, and there is only eight in the sky, and the steel craft is also broken under the fire of the heavy arm. Six, tsunami tanks have lost forty vehicles, and only two are left.

But the battle continues, this model has caused great trouble to the base, first of all, Tian Dog and tsunami tank take it without a way, the location of the machine is not able to play, can play The place where they didn't worn, so the remaining Tiangou and tsunami left a time, and the machine guns and tank shells almost kept in front of the leg joints of this Malays. The part is blocked by the outside armor, and the sporadic happens is on the joint, but it is only a destroyable effect of itch.

Since the steel craft is too small, from the head to the road to the road, it is destroyed by the 125mm shell.

And it then puts the target in the far-energy wavelength chariot, which is more than 125mm artillery filling speed than the wave cannon filling, aiming, and firefighters, this is fragile and moving speed The slower eight wave energy tanks do not have a completion of the accumulation to the target to attack the target before being dismissed.

During this time, the four-door 75mm transduction speed guns in this machine is also torn at the moment.

After losing a ghost king, their driver finds that such an offense is extremely efficient. After the interoperable data chain, it is controlled by a ghost king, and the left ghost king is simultaneously emitting the laser suppression target, and then approaching step by step. The respective controls were collided with the target until it was near enough.

The effect of impact is much better than in that constantly laser, only one impact, so that the target has lost its actions, turned into a fixed filling platform.

The five ghosts who have pulled into the distance with collision quickly started to disassemble the weapons carried by the target.

I saw a ghost king reached out to grab the 125 artillery on the arm, and pulled up with the armor, and was taken up from the machine. It was also called the army. Department, smash the observation equipment of this machine.

The armor grabbed the ghost king down, until the height of his rocket launcher is really alive, the front chest of the ghost king ...

Dozens of rockets flew out, due to the distance from nearly, the rocket group that has not been scattered is directly in the ghost king, and the outer armor made from three thousand pieces of armor is broken, the cockpit in this position is thorough. Destroyed, the driver was swallowed, and the whole ghost king suddenly lost his movements. At the moment of instant, the 20 meters high ghosts slowly dumped.

Another short-borne-intensive robbas cannon bullet made a resected ghost king died to seize the armor should have a piece of armor, slightly opened a slit, and the laser that was emitted from the eyes was then fill.

The revolutionary armor armor has been cut down, and even the ghost king that does not let go, the gun is turned into the mouth, and the rain is sprinkled in the position of the ghostwell cockpit.

Another ghost king fills the ghostwriting, lifting a foot, putting two shots of the two shots of the metal sidewalk, then snoring the head of the machine, the arm force, the metal's head The body is torn down.

It completely lost all the darkness of all observation equipment, the wall of the machine, the surround screen no longer worked, because there was no picture to be passed back.

Listening to the torn sound of the ear, he knew that this is those who have tall the armor than yourself, soon it will be forwarded to themselves ...

The ghosts did not let him wait, very fast, a cockpit of an egg is taken out, then slowly pinch the flat, screams from the caching, continuous five Minutes, blood flows from the gap.

It seems to be lost, and the cockpit is thrown in the ground, after the end of the person, after the end of the person, this ghost king looked at the last revolutionary military machine just suddenly killing the battle.

When the original armor, I didn't solve the other ghosts who sent the destination, one was directly attacked by the speed shooting guns until the cockpit, the other is the chest driving The outer armor of the cabin is severely concave, and the driver inside is obviously a life.

And this machine has also been severely damaged, the left shoulder card is killed, the armor on the right side is melted with a high temperature, and the ghost king's laser is burning a big hole on its legs. This also makes this The right leg of the machine has passed directly.

The head of the head is also damaged.

However, it is benefited from the designer of this machine, and after being destroyed at the head, the machine bricks pops up, and the observatory on both sides is deployed, and the driver is provided with images.

Now, it is a one-on-one moments ...

Ghost king pulsation, fast, attempting to rely on the rise, grabbing the revolutionary armor's fragile neck, one, the ghost king can grab the neck of the machine, powerful hydraulic pliers will directly cut the machine The connection of the body and the body, and the body of the body is the fragile installation of the neck, which has become the best attack target of laser weapons.

It is foreseeable that the blue laser will not be subject to only ten millimeters of the breakdown of any hindrance, and then pass through the battery pack, the cockpit, and the standby observation equipment, and this machine is divided into two.

However, ideal is very full, the reality is very bone, the rocket propeller of the revolutionary armor, under the control of the driver, providing a backward thrust for the machine armor, instantly out of the ghost kill, then change the advancement direction again The body quickly slides to the ghost king side, the main weapon fires, the 75mm assault rifle of the magazine is sprayed, and a piece of portrait is playing on the ghost king.

The propeller continues to work, in the continuous roar, the revolutionary armor has completed the cutting of the ghost king using a 75mm assault rifle.

The ghost king is still in the same place, and this machine has stepped into the knock, accompanied by the torn sound, the ghost king is broken, and the oil will miss the place.

The revolutionary armor took the assault rifle, and then stepped on the ghost king's body, and the right hand was rude, and then took out the tactical dagger, such as opening cans, slowly opened the cockpit.

After seeing the driver inside, the revolutionary military machine armor took the tactical dagger, the leg armor opened, and a 50mm semi-automatic pistol was launched by the bracket.

The revolutionary armor is right-handed, slowly aiming at the ghostwin driver who gradually wake up, and fade in the moment he opened his eyes.

...... The body broiler is mixed with blood and oil drops on the ground.

The revolutionary armor has walked to the other four units, pulling the four machine data recorders, and then dragged the broken body to the dome.

Since then, the most powerful armored armor of the Blocking Revolution is almost all over the army. In the face of the revolutionary army, the high-tech wall is that there is already stationed in the troupe, the top of the rocket, and 12 V4 rocket launcher.


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