Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 218 3-96. Daily (5)


In a luxury home in Asian, the current executive trimmed their clouds.

"The psychological side of Cheng Jie came out ...", his wife and deputy officials pushed the door, holding a report in his hand.

"Oh? That's right, what?"

The bodies were approved, and they were lazy, and then continued to construct unregulated branches.

"Most of you are good at compromise, perseverance is not too good, but it is very insisted on some things, and even a stubborn point, the attitude of treating things is unstable ..."

"The scary self-sighted person, there is a relative in the abnormal situation, not willing to share, the control is very strong, easy to randomly exploit the meaningful violence ..."

The deputy officials stopped, clear the throat, and then continue, "It seems that I like the strange people and the advantages of people, and habits are used to use the massacre as the way to release the pressure ..."

When I heard this, the two couldn't help but remember the first contact, Cheng Jie was unscrupulous in front of them shot twenty scenes.

"But unexpectedly, he wants to be a good family member, and although his current age should be about 30 years old, but the attitude towards sex ... Some shy?"

"Well? That ... isn't he is not interested in women?"

"Amount, this is not, the opposite, we speculate that he is open to this, will be crazy, like fresh feelings, and may even lead to overall or illness on his body."

Drink the scissors, he sat back in the chair, cross your hands, think carefully.


And in the South Pole in the other side of the earth, wearing a pajamas, Cheng Jie sitting at the desk, opening the projection, starting to screen the picture of more than a dozen space telescope from the head of the head.

Hanwu also quietly stood behind him.


In a photo, a number of photos that have been enlarged is included in a number of stars, but a star brightness change is extremely obvious. In the last photo, this star's rays are extinguished.

according to……


Cheng Jie, who is awesome, scared, is almost a hidden pistol under the desk.

"Han Wu ... what kind of sound from you, is too scary, people are scary ... it will scare people."


"what did you just say?"

[According to our subsequent cross-comparison, we confirm that this star is extinguished in a very short time, and the other two stars have also appeared, and the three stars are extinguished at the same time, and the error is not more than one frame. Screen

Cheng Jie's eyebrow wrinkled, "Han Wu, this happens, is it very abnormal?"

[Unless otherwise, this situation is almost impossible]

"Can we know what is there?"

Cold Wu nodded and called the spectral analysis.

[Obviously, there are some things that surround the irregularities of the stars, causing an irregular attenuation of stars.

"Advance the telescope, lock the lens in that star field, monitoring there is no similar situation in the nearby stellar system ..."


"There is also the design of scientific research boat, adjust the priority of this project to the highest, we have to send the scientific research boat as soon as possible, engage in the reasons why they extinguished."

[Confirmation ... Research Project Change]

[Task: Battlefield Survey]

[Introduction: The three stars that should have a long life expectancy suddenly decay, this means is a way of attacking physical law inside each civilization]

[Task content: dispatching ships into three star systems]

[Time Limit: eight months]

[Task Reward: Star Base Drawings]

[Failure punishment: scientific research speed in twenty years]

[Good luck]

The system interface that has not been released for a long time, suddenly comes out, the above content is also a nature of this action.

"It looks ... it is really a factor."

what did you say? ]

"Amount ... Nothing", hesitate to thirteen, Cheng Jie finally choosing the task that did not open himself.

Look at the rewards and punishment, the stars Base this kind of east and west is just one or two times in the angel database, and it is a technology that is abandoned by the angel. So Cheng Jie naturally pays attention to, but this punishment ...... For now, it is unbearable loss.

The entire science and technology park is 170,000, but now there are many research projects, large to the new ship design, small to plasma weapons upgrade projects and X laser weapons.

... "Han Wu, if the scientific boat is equipped with our current plasma propeller, how long does it take to go to the three stellar systems from here?" Cheng Jie asked.

[We are still in the construction of the production line. After a week, we can put production. If you do not consider the time of the ship design, the carrier equipment and manufacturing costs, it takes about two months or so, the time is not short.

Cheng Jie nodded and had a probably understanding of this distance.

"Han Wu, three months, can the scientific design can be completed?"


"That two months, give the science park for two months, complete the design of the scientific boat ..."

Hanwu breaks the way [amount, two months, it seems not to do]

[After all, geological monitoring equipment, the equipment and small size of the spectrum analysis equipment have not been completed, we still don't know how much space needs to be given to the scientific boat]

"Then first design the power cabin and then reserve space according to the size of the existing equipment, for up to three months."

Within three months, it is important to complete the design of the scientific boat. "


"How is the situation of the angel?"

[According to the news of Emler, the angel Empire is grateful, but it has also successfully destroyed the Three Kingdoms of the Anti-Angel Imperial League, and retracted the offense of the title.

Finally, there is such a way to make a happy family, he asked, "That is to say, now the angel empire does not pick us up?"

Han Wu smiled, [From their existing fleet strength ... unless they want to be with us]

Cheng Jie scratched his head, "I didn't expect it, I am winning around it."


"Then we have expanded and expanded here?"

[Expansion, we built three space docks in two years, and now also put production]

[From the surrounding galaxy, the plan is successful. It is expected that by 120 years later, waiting until the expansion plan is completed, the resources of the semi-horses Alpha galaxy are almost exhausted.

Cheng Jie looked up, he suddenly remembered that the cold Wu seems to say that there is a livable planet.

"Han Wu, what is it livable?"

? ... Oh, after Master arrived in the investigation, we found that the suspected livable planet surface was full of unknown gas, and the subsequent sampling test showed that the gas played a vision and excitement of organisms, before this gas dissipated Not suitable for us to live

"Hurry ... How do I feel that this is the same?"


"This way, you have determined the amount, if you have no side effects, the container is produced, and these gases are killed, and they are sold to the federation."

[I started testing the test, and established the production line after determining it)

Cheng Jie said that this is that he can make the biggest contribution to the growth of the federal population.


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