Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 219 3-97. Daily (6)


- Antarctica Science Park -

- A computer main building -

Inside the underground layer of cultures, the high simulation human body of Hanwu has just formed, and the transparent cabin is quietly lying on a baby.

"Injecting the catalyst."

"Confirm, inject the catalyst."

The flat inside of the culture chamber protrudes a gap, the needle pops up, gently pierced into the skin, and the light green medicine is injected into the vein in the hose.

The injection process lasted for more than half.

Also in this half hour, small babies have grown up with the speed visible in the naked eye, quickly cross the young age, the growth ends to stop at the age of 11 or two, the dark brown long hair gradually petite Body package.

"Start injecting nano-machinery."

"Confirm, the nano-machinery began to transform the target."

The little body trembles in the cultivation cabin, and the insects under the skin are constantly moving, bite and memories.

Finally, according to your own memory, you will rehab it to the original look, each organ, each blood vessel.

Time Turnd Answers about it, after an hour, with the stability of the body, the next phase of transformation begins.

They took the body from the cultivation cabin, put on the operating table, the scalpel broke her skull, and the original human brain was taken out by the automatic program controlled mechanism.

Everyone in the field placed breathing, because in two years, at this stage, they have failed for more than one hundred times, with an average of twice a day.

In recent times, it is still ending with a dramatic react.

A neural network computer started to access the body that has just been transformed by nano mechanical insects.

As the user's future users, Hanwu is also focusing on the progress here.

The time behind everyone beats, and records the time a second.

April 15th, 2002: 16 hours 50 minutes 39 seconds

Possible people have never thought that Cheng Jie has been a body that is stolen from the creatures of the Biwu.

And from Cheng Jie's information on the bride, it has also played a small inspiration and role in this project.

Of course, it is also necessary to further test whether the body of the neural network computer can be used normally. As for the "artificial ship" connected to the built-in computer and the target batharship, it is behind the matter.

As for the present, it is also necessary to see if the artificial brain can be highly integrated with the artificial body, which is the most basic hardware facility.

... "Computer implantation is complete ..."

Almost while reporting the sound, the alarm sounds.

"The target vital signs are falling ..."

"Nano machinery? Didn't you start repair?"

"……no response……"

On the monitoring device, the heart took the lead in stopping fluctuations, followed by blood pressure and pulse.


"The 3rd thousand one hundred and twenty-five manual body have died."

"Package, analyze the monitoring data as soon as possible, we continue ...", the old man responsible for this project is a little desirable to go to his position.

In fact, his heart is clear, this time, it is already the peak of his own technology capabilities, and then continues to do a significant meaning, although the derivative of this project, such as a new generation of nano mechanical insects, organism catalysts and neural network computers.

Due to the high cost, the nano-machinery worm is planned to be used for a soldier that is high in combat intensity.

The organism catalyst can accelerate the speed of the military camp to create cloning soldiers.

The use of neural network computers is wide, especially for the increase in the capacity of the battleship, and will also greatly improve the operational speed of facilities, and further optimize the algorithm.

There are still many other than this, such as the application of disconnection technology in the dormant chamber.

But no matter how extensive application of derivative technology, it is also nothing to do with them.

He sat slightly, sitting on the chair.

I haven't got on two days, I have to sleep for a while ...

He thought about it, his eyes slowly closed ... However, a excused sound.

"The target life is recovering!"

When the old man who was asleep suddenly opened his eyes, he got up to the observation window.

The voice of the cold also sounded in this room.

[When I just scanned, I found that the nano-machinery insects accumulated in her heart, so suspicious is still the problem of the heart.

[Then, then take it out, put a small blood pump, you can confirm as soon as possible, if other organs are no problem, just the heart is not good, then I start to produce a longer useful life of life.

"What about the experimoct?"

[Destroy, I only need the most perfect product, any should be destroyed, so as not to disclose technology.


In the early morning of the next day, the cold War who was lying in Cheng Jie and suddenly opened his eyes, she gently took Cheng Jie's hand, and then only one person went to the Science and Technology Park.

... Enter the ground, she saw the soot that is about to belong to, with human beings.

Connect to the transfer grid, with the original body fall, the girl in the cultivation will start to wake up.

As a product of the gene, the Hanwu's facial features did not have much difference with the past, but the microscopic changes in the proportional and positions made her more beautiful.

Long hanging is like a ink, slipping down her shoulders, like a wall of the mountain pouring down.

Physiologically speaking should be in the 1988. The body is full of vitality, plus the renovation of nano-machinery insects, so that Hanwu has a powerful feeling.

In fact, when she caught the armrest, she kneaded the armor's armrests when she was working.

... Replace the body, receive a lot of data, and adapt to your current body, she rushed back to Cheng Jie.

She sounded from the state of the vlog, and the corner of the mouth was rising, decided to make a whole.

Replace the Hanfu, lying back, waiting for the morning.

... The sun is like a, but Cheng Jie is still sleeping ...

...... When you are on the day, Cheng Jie is still sleeping ...

... The sun is bright, but ... Cheng Jie is still staring at the face in front of the bed.

Not much time, he gently said, "Hey, haven't woken up yet?"

Then close your eyes, ready to continue.

I heard this, I was very speechless, I found Cheng Jie really prepared to continue to sleep, and I also slammed the snoring. She got up, left the left hand to grab the ears of Cheng Jie, and the right hand caught the meat of his waist ... and then force it together.


"Ah, ah !!"

...... "Shaoxia!"

It is found that the Cheng Jieli Ma rejuvenated the Hanwu, "No! Women, Women!"

"I beg you, let go, the ear is coming, you can't do it, then go to kidney!"

Han Wu made a doppicuous look, she gentlely asked, [how? You are still dreaming, just sleep for a while.

"Wrong, really."

Han Wu slowly opened his hand.

At this point, a team of imperial soldiers rushed in, followed by Europe and Chicheng.

Although people in front of you are a bit familiar, it seems to be quite like Han Wu, but there are fewer differences, such as the cold military facial expressions will not be so rich, but also ...

Seeing the surrounding soldiers, there is the two ships, Cheng Jie is also a lot, since I killed me without starting, then I will talk about it.

He opened, "That ... Who are you?"

Hanwu eyebrows pick, "I am Hui Wu."

Cheng Jie is a bit amazed, he shakes his head, "No, although I don't want to admit, you are really more than the cold military, and you still have so many expressions ..."

Cheng Jie is still talking about it. The imperial soldier has been the special enemy of the tribe. I identified the identity of Cambrian, but also informs the two wars.

So now the imperial soldier is waiting for the wars.

I saw that Hanwu's face as Cheng Jie's words were more and more black, although he said the facts, and the wording is still more euphemism, but how can you be so uncomfortable?

The Ou Ren is low, silently draws a cross in the chest, "I hope that the paradise has no cold, Amen ..."


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