Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 220 3-98. Daily (7)


"So, do you change your body?"

Although it hurts in the place where it is, there is a nano-machine insect in your own body, so the wig fixes are quickly repaired ... and then have been subjected to second sanctions.


"So, what is the difference between the current body?"

Hanwu pushed the pushing glasses that did not exist.

[Of course, first, this body is lighter, but the structural strength is better than the original metal frame.

[Second, the brain, the neural network computer is installed, in addition to the blessing of the computing of the new algorithm, but also makes me more advanced learning and analysis capabilities, you can also complete the simulation emotions, what you want to think about it,

[More people are more intertwined, the original body is not temperature ...]

Said that the cold Wu suddenly thought of, then the speed is getting more and more slower, and finally stopped.

"What happened?" Cheng Jie asked.

[, It is more intertwined, you can do what you can do.

Cheng Jie still does not understand, he opened the mouth, "human beings can do ... you can't do it before?"

Hanwu is eager to swim.

[Accurately, I can do it, I can do it.

Cheng Jie scratched his head, then suddenly wanted to understand, "What are you talking about?"

The cold is ashamed, [Yes, theoretically, my current body can make life, and there will be no mistakes]

Cheng Jie's brain is a bit awkward, I don't know if it should be replaced for a time. Although Cambrian finally pays a physiologically real human being, on the other hand, I always feel the artificial life. This kind of new life seems to be against the ethics.

Seeing the Cheng Jie, Hui Wu, guess his mind.

[Are you thinking about whether a human berch is breasting whether to violate an ethical and natural law? ]

Cheng Jie is silent, although he thinks so much.

I saw Cheng Jie defaults, the cold is nodded, [Ok, I know]

She turned and left, Ougen saw that Hui Wu was turning out, there were a few tears flowed out, which also made her movement.

Waiting for the cold, European Pertarator said, "I didn't expect that she became the emotion of her unforgettable emotions after she became human beings."

Staring at Cheng Jie, Ougen turned a white eye, and took him from the bed, "Hey, dear, if the cold mission is like this, I will be angry ~ ~"

Chicheng also gone, she will organize the clothes, it is self-evident.


Well, it is difficult to become a real human, it should be happy ... But ... Why don't I, but it's a bad chest, my heart is very depressed, I don't know what to do.

Fortunately, I will go to the ground and go shopping in the Antarctic city. When the research group is resting, let them exchange them back to the original body.

Walking on the street and walking into the life of normal people.

[Bar ...? ]

She saw a bus on the roadside and flashing this store in my mind.

When I took a foot, she also wanted to experience the feeling of being drunk. Although the previous body can experience it, it is basically naturally scattered. Now this body is not, only her own is in a nano-machinery. I will start purifying, how long does it take to get drunk, depending on how much you drink and I wake up.

... On the other side, Cheng Jie, who wore clothes from two ships, and the more I want to worry about the words before the cold.

I am afraid that cold martial arts is because they know their own hesitation, so I am going to solve myself, that is, ruin the current body.

So ... where will she be?

"Han Wu ...", he originally wanted to call the cold, search for her position, but then suddenly remembered, which made her own truth.

Sure enough, there is no answer to the cold.


"I'm here"

"Great, help me check the cold, yesterday, all the morning, there is still her position."

"Confirm, monitoring information is being collected"

"First of all, she is at night to this morning to this morning."

"Science and Technology Park, No. 1 Computer Core Building?"

"Yes, and it should be the next floor, this is the case that all surveillance camera can be found."

"As for her now, I can only determine her near the Ground Antarctic City No. 1 commercial street, and then in detail, I can't identify"

Cheng Jie has a direction, running at the foot.

"Aiya, inform Ougen and Chicheng, one person leads a small team's armed guard army to the core building of the computer, one but seeing the cold martial arts will stop her, waiting for me to arrive."

"Confirm, the message has been sent"

"Also, give me a car, I want to use it, let it wait for me at the main exit."



In dozens, Luane and Chicheng have a team of two entrances to the main building of the company, in accordance with Cheng Jie's instructions, waiting for the cold.

... a black sedan is arrogant on the streets of the Antarctic city, and Cheng Jie, who is too slow, to give the driver a day with salary leave.

The speed has soared, and several traffic lights have been created all the way, and finally arrived at the No. 1 commercial street within 15 minutes after leaving the ground, but this street is three hundred meters, and there are several hundred small shops on both sides.

The siren sounded, it is clear that the transversely collided vehicle has been locked by the police.

... and in this bar, the Hanwu Zhou Zhiyou

It turns out that despite not awake, the nano mechanical insects are still very resistant to abnormal state of the outside world.

Not far from the card, young man wearing a suit pushed the girl around him, he looked at the cold two eyes on the bar.

I scattered a few bodyguards around, one of them went forward and started with cold martial arts.

The bar owner acts as a bartender's role. After all, people who lying on a place are so abnormal, they still have to look at them.

From time to time, he will take the bomb gun under the table, bring more security to yourself.

He also noticed the eyes of the customer, it was clear that he didn't take this girl today and I would not let the break, and from his shot, it is also a person who can't afford it.

But the most curious, or the girl in front of this is 4 or six people.

He reminded that when he was in the wine, "the girl, there is no friend, hurry to make a call, it is best to come, then take a few people, then take it ..."

Hanwu is very unfunction to look at the boss, [why? ]


Just when the boss will continue to say something, the bodyguard came over and took a slap in the palm.

"Ms., can you have a drink with you?"


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