Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3656: Dead to see the dead


Hongjun was silent for a moment, and said, "I'll ask Shi Tiandao and try to release Tongtian as soon as possible ..."

Having said that, Hong Jun slowly closed her eyes, her body was not moving like a clock, but Yuanshen had traveled to the sky.

at the same time.

Yuanshi Tianzun and the guides were not idle.

The two men issued multiple missions to their subordinates at the same time!

The most important task is to find Chen Xiaobei's body and be sure to take back many treasures from Chen Xiaobei's hands!

Secondly, a comprehensive search of Luo Yan, Dijiang, Taiyi, Zhu Jiuyin!

Third, go all out to hunt down the self-conscious third spirit girl!

Obviously, the immense amount of robbery is approaching, and the benefits of these three tasks will all play a vital role in the amount of robbery.

Taishang Laojun and the quasi-mentor, as if it were not about themselves, squinted and calmed down.

Taishang Laojun is a well-known and rare mud master. He doesn't want to be the best, but only to be good at himself.

As for prospective preachers, it is more special.

He is like the Taoist sage of Western religion, just like the Taoist. However, he hardly participated in the management of Western religion, never competed for power, ignored world affairs, and even came out of a state of seclusion.

Proportionally speaking, the quasi-mentor at this moment is completely reasonable.

But at the moment! The son-in-law secretly used Yuanshen's voice to communicate with the prospective preacher.

It should be said that there is no deep friendship between the son-in-law and the prospective mentioner, but there is a very profound cause and effect between the two!

This cause and effect is the stone monkey, Sun Wukong!

Sun Wukong's relationship with son-in-law is very close, the two even match their sister and brother.

However, Sun Wukong's association with the quasi-mentor was far earlier than the son-in-law.

At that time, the stone monkey had just been born, and it was not even human!

It is the quasi-mentor who turned into a Bodhi ancestor, collected the stone monkey as a personal disciple, ordered fossil monkey psychics, and promoted the stone monkey to improve his performance at any cost. He also taught many powerful abilities to the stone monkey!

Even the name of Monkey King Wu was taken by the prince Bodhi for the stone monkey!

There are also top-secret rumors that after Sun Wukong's troubles in the sky, Sun Wukong should have been attacked by Holocaust.

In order to save Sun Wukong's life, it was the quasi-mentor who let Duobao Rulai take the shot, and suppressed Sun Wukong under Wuzhishan first.

In doing so, he said that he would severely punish Sun Wukong so that he would never get away.

But in the end, after some calculations by the quasi-mentorists, not only did Sun Wukong regain his freedom, but he also became a Western religion to defeat the Buddha.

Even when Sun Wukong later broke away from the Western religion and joined the demon religion, the preachers were working hard to maintain it, otherwise, the first one who would lead the Tao would not agree!

It can be seen that the preacher really likes Sun Wukong, a personal disciple!

And this layer of cause and effect is precisely why the son-in-law is willing to believe the prospective preacher!

Son-in-law Zhunti brother! The situation has changed so much that I can't see where it will follow! Would like to ask teacher brother your opinion!

Sisters and sisters are too modest, you ca n’t see clearly, neither can I!

Brother Nuwa can't tell me the truth?

The prospective mentioner depends on the sister, can you tell me the truth! Where did Goku go? Why can't I get in touch!

Now that my brother-in-law asked me, I might as well say it ... Goku was sent to the ancient land!

What do prospective preachers do?

Son-in-law ...

If the prospective believer ca n’t believe me, then I do n’t ask!

Son-in-law, I sent Goku to stop Yang Yan from hunting down Tai Yin Zhenxian!

Surely the preacher! You have secretly aligned with Chen Xiaobei! Do not! To be precise, you have long aligned with Tongtian!

Brother-in-law! I'm so confused now, I just want to hear you a truth!

To be honest, my truth is, I really ca n’t see! I had already contacted the King of Kings before you and me sent a message! Let him check the Book of Life and Death to see if Chen Xiaobei is dead!

Son-in-law is right! Why didn't I think! What King Yama said!

Prospector Yan Wang said that in the Book of Life and Death, Chen Xiaobei's name disappeared!

Son-in-law! ? Disappeared! ?

The right mentioner is right! Not only does Chen Xiaobei's name not appear in the Book of Life and Death! I secretly calculated that I could not count anything related to Chen Xiaobei!

Does the son-in-law say that Xiaobei has received a humanitarian seal?

Quasi-humane imprint? Is the same as the magical mark of Mo Luo Wu Tian?

This is right for prospective mentioners! No wonder even I can't calculate things about Chen Xiaobei!

Brother Nuwa ... Do you think Xiaobei is still alive?

I ca n’t be sure of the prospective mentioner, after all, we do n’t know if there is any other power in the Humane Mark!

Quasi-evangelists However, as the saying goes, you have to see people alive, you have to see dead bodies! Before seeing Chen Xiaobei's body, he may indeed be alive!

Also, Brother Tongtian may be released. At that time, Qisheng Heli ~ ~ may be able to calculate the life and death of Chen Xiaobei. Of course, Brother Tongtian must do his best!

Brother-in-law, what do you mean?

The quasi-mentalist is meticulous in balance and balance! Brother Tongtian was detained before to suppress the interception! Now that Chen Xiaobei, the star of censorship, is dead, naturally he can release Brother Tongtian!

Prospective mentioner However, with Brother Tongtian's character, if he knew that Chen Xiaobei was dead, he would definitely make a big noise! If he did not make this scene, it would be doubtful!

If Brother-in-law is having a fight ... then ... isn't that going to be locked up again?

So the preacher said, Brother Tongtian couldn't cooperate with us to calculate Chen Xiaobei's situation! Want to know if Chen Xiaobei is still alive, it depends on who found him first? It's better to find his body first!

Both Nüwa Censorship and Western religion have ordered a full search for Xiaobei ... even if he is alive, he is likely to be killed by chasing troops ... The chance of survival is still almost zero!


The scorching sun is high, and there is no cloud in the sky.

The desolate yellow earth is extremely hot when it is roasted by the sun. I'm afraid that the raw meat will be directly cooked.

However, in such an environment, there are a group of young boys wearing animal skins, holding wooden sticks in their hands, pinging each other ‘ping-pong-ping-pong’, imitating warriors to fight, and are happy.

"Booming ..."

But, just in this clear sky, a huge dark gap suddenly cracked!

The lightning flashes and thunders in the gaps. There are nine colors of electro-optic light. The thunder shook the earth and shook, and there was a kind of dark turbulence flowing through it. It was weird to imagine!


Suddenly, under the shocked eyes of a few young boys, a dark shadow suddenly fell from the crack.

He smashed the earth at the far end into a huge pit of tens of thousands of meters.

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