Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3657: Wait for him to breathe

A few little boys ran quickly.

Their skin has been tanned, young, and has clear muscle lines.

They did not feel uncomfortable under unusually high temperatures, and they ran very fast.

It can be seen that their physical strength is much stronger than ordinary people.

They ran down the big pit, but when they were hundreds of meters away from the falling shadow, they never dared to approach.

"What is it? Is it a meteorite?" The younger child asked curiously.

"No! Look at the shape, it's very much like a person ..." The older child frowned, observed for a long time, and said, "Should be just one person! But the body is completely burnt, I'm afraid I'm dead It's through! "

"Shall we go and see?" The other children were eager to try.


The older child immediately stopped the crowd and said, "Did you not see the vision in the sky just now? Maybe it is something evil! Let's go back and find an adult!"

"Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh ..."

The child's voice did not fall, and in the far sky, there were already countless galloping gallops.

From the speed point of view, all are the strong in the realm of Xuanxian.

Pole shadow settled, four elderly people wearing animal skin clothing.

"Bye ... meet the elders!"

The children showed their awe in an instant and immediately knelt on the ground and worshiped.

This is the etiquette of their ethnic group, and it is also highlighted from the side that these four elders must have extraordinary status.

"Children, go back and go home ..."

The oldest man waved his hand, his face looked as if he were facing the enemy, staring at the scorched human body in front of him.

Obviously, these four elders were all attracted by the vision of heaven and earth just now.

They were full of instinctual fears about the scorched human body.

"The sky is torn, the nine-color thunder roars, and the space is endless ... this ... what the **** is this?"

The elder's eyebrows were wrinkled, and the old eyes were full of worry and anxiety.

"It is better to bury these ominous things on the spot and put a seal over them, so as not to bring us disaster!" The second elder said decisively, and immediately suggested.


The three elders were very cautious and hurriedly shook their heads, saying: "I am afraid that these evil things will have powerful power! We want to seal it, or we will be harmed by it! It is better to stay away!"

"Stay away !? How to avoid !?"

The second elder said in a deep voice: "Our tribe is just three miles away. There are many old, weak women and children, and it is simply impossible to move! What's more, in this" wild land ", which piece of land is not suitable for survival? It's hard to find such a habitat with aura and water. If you move, you will wait for the extermination! "

The three elders insisted on their own meaning and refused to take risks: "There may still be a hint of vitality to move away, but if the seal can't keep the evil thing, and it is hurt by him, we will only destroy the clan faster and more thoroughly!"

"Don't make a noise! ​​Let me see!"

At this moment, the younger elders stood out and walked straight ahead.

"The four elders! Don't mess around!" The elder three suddenly panicked, and flew towards the rear, fearing to anger the evil creature, causing disaster to himself.

"Look first and then talk!"

The elders and the second elders stayed in place and seemed to trust the four elders more.

Of course, they can't be forced.

In the ancient land, any piece of land suitable for survival is occupied by extremely powerful forces.

If they want to move, they must prepare for a full-scale war with other forces.

However, at this moment, their tribe is in a very embarrassing state. The tribe is almost all old and weak women and children, and it is impossible to defeat other forces.

If they easily abandon their existing territories and wait for them, it will most likely be a tragic solution to the extinction of the entire family.

Because of this, the elders and second elders did not flinch.

Because they have no way back. Only by disposing of the evil that fell that day, can they continue to stay in this territory safely.

If they flinch, they can only move.

"Come here! Everyone, come here! This is one person! Alive!"

Just then, the four elders had come to the evil object, turned around and shouted loudly.

"A person!?"

The elder and the second elder looked at each other and rushed over.

The three elders fled for a distance and stopped when they heard the shout, but he never dared to approach the past.

"Really personal ..."

The elder narrowed his eyes, observed carefully, and said, "From the vision of heaven and earth just now, he must have experienced a terrible war, and he can still survive, which is incredible!"


The four elders nodded heavily, exclaiming: "Not to mention the horrific war ~ ~, it is already a miracle to survive the wounds on him!"

At this moment, the person lying on the ground was completely scorched, his body was still clearly seen with cracks and scars, and the blood turned black, flowing continuously, almost all the bones and internal organs were fragmented.

What's more frightening is that this person's law body collapsed and the Yuanshen was scattered, as if it might be destroyed at any time.

With such an injury, it is not surprising that this person breathed out immediately.

However, he always kept the last vitality, that is, he refused to die.

"That's easy!"

As soon as the second elder looked cold, he immediately gathered a fairy yuan in his hands and said aggressively, "Let me end his life! All dangers can be lifted!"

As soon as this remark was made, both the elders and the four elders were silent, as if they had acquiesced in this approach.

"Right, right! Kill him! Kill him!"

At the far end, the courageous three elders echoed loudly and couldn't wait to release the scourge.

"Second elder! Please be merciful ..."

However, just then, the children just ran back.

Most children are timid, staying a dozen meters away.

Only the older child ran forward, and said earnestly, "Sister Sister teaches us to do more good deeds! You can accumulate merits, eliminate karma, and avoid calamities! For evil, you must be karma Force yourself, sooner or later there will be death and robberies! "

"What does the child know?" The second elder frowned and yelled, "For the safety of our entire family, this scourge must never be left!"

"The second elder!"

The little boy was directly in front of the injured man, and said seriously: "He has only one last breath, and it is impossible to harm us! I am willing to stay here, wait for his breath, and then put him in the ground for peace!"

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