Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3658: The sincere boy

"Boy! You like doing good deeds, but there are opportunities in the future! But not now!"

The two elders stared angrily, raising their hands to push the little boy away.


Seeing this, the four elders directly held the wrists of the second elder and said, "I think Xu Tianxin made sense! The lady of Dongling once had a life-saving grace for our tribe! We have no way to repay her, at least she should A minimum of respect! "

"Um ... yes!"

The elder nodded, and Shen Sheng said, "Some lady Tangling once said, don't ask us for anything, as long as we do more good things, we will repay her!"

"The man in front of him is exhausted, even if we do n’t do anything, he will die! It is evil to kill him! It is good to send him into the earth!"

The elder smiled and looked at the second elder and said, "One thought is good, one thought is evil! One step in heaven, one step in hell! This should be a good choice!"

"Nothing ..." The second elder sighed, converged on Xianyuan, and the killing intention dissipated.

"Kill him! What is hesitant?" At the far end, the three elders looked anxiously, but still dare not approach.

"Xu Tianxin!"

The elder looked at the little boy and said, "Here is the place for you! If this person takes a breath, you will put him in the ground! If there is any change, you must inform the husband immediately!"

"Elder Elder rest assured! I know what to do!" Xu Tian nodded heartily, and was very serious.

The elders and the second elders nodded and left.

"Good boy! You will be rewarded!" The four elders patted Xu Tianxin's shoulders before turning and leaving.

In this way, Xu Tianxin sat directly in place, silently waiting for the badly wounded person to breathe.

At the beginning, the little friends also accompanied Xu Tianxin to wait. Gradually, the sun went down and the temperature plummeted. The little friends couldn't bear it and returned to the tribe.

However, Xu Tianxin never left, always waiting quietly.


At this time, a middle-aged woman, holding thick beast fur in her left hand, and holding a few rough-boiled kebabs in her right hand, came towards this side.

"Ama! Why are you here? It's cold, so watch out for the cold!"

Xu Tianxin quickly got up and helped her mother take over the things in her hand.

"Stupid child! Mom beware of you catching cold! I will bring you blankets and cakes!"

Mother Xu glanced at the undead person on the ground, and sighed silently, "This man is so tenacious! He doesn't even breathe!"


Xu Tianxin nodded his heart. The bronze face was full of admiration. "I admire this person very much, it's already like this, I can stick to it!"

"Otherwise, shall we go back?" Xu mother said.

"Ama! You're wrong again! If you really want to persuade me to go back, why would you send me a blanket and cake?"

Xu Tianxin laughed. "I am the son of Xu Ao, a warrior from Yun Cang! I will use my life to defend my promise! If this person does not breathe, I will not leave any day!"

"Good boy!"

Mother Xu's smile on her face said, "When your dad comes back, you will be proud of you!"

Xu Tianxin raised his small face and smiled, "Okay! Mom, go back! Be careful on the road!"

Mother Xu nodded, and then left slowly.

Subsequently, Xu Tianxin has been waiting in situ.

The temperature difference between day and night in this ghost place is surprisingly great. During the day, the raw meat can be cooked, but at night it is cold and bitter, and I am afraid that the urine can be frozen immediately.

Xu Tianxin was wrapped in an animal skin blanket and sipped his sesame cake, barely able to hold the cold.


However, as the temperature dropped sharply, Xu Tianxin suddenly found that the wounded lying on the ground was shaking.


Xu Tianxin rubbed his eyes in disbelief. "He clearly has only one last breath, and his body is completely scrapped. How can he tremble with strength? Can he still be saved?"

Xu Tianxin stood up immediately and approached carefully.

Squatting beside the man and carefully observing for a long time, Xu Tianxin finally found the mystery.

"Huh ... huh ..."

Xu Tianxin breathed a few breaths at the man's anger Hai Dantian, blowing off the dust and the scorched debris.

Then I saw that the location of the man's Qi Haidan Tian, ​​the outer skin, muscles, muscles, internal organs, had all been burned, leaving only a big dry hole!


In this big hole, there are eight **** of mysterious light, slowly turning around a purple-gold lotus seed, forming a mark of nine stars and even beads!

And at this moment, it is the mark of this nine-star renju! Protect the person's primordial spirit, and maintain the last vitality of that body!

"This ... what imprint is this? Amazing, right?"

Xu Tian was curious, but with his experience and knowledge, he couldn't think of any answer at all.

Of course, Xu Tianxin was not too entangled in this issue.

At this moment ~ ~ he only has one idea in mind, if this person still has a rescue, he must do his best to rescue it!

"Let's see if he has anything to prove his identity so I can find a way to contact people he knows!"

Xu Tianxin confidently observed for a while, and immediately found out "that is ... the space ring?"

At this moment, there were cracks on the surface of the ring, as if it might break at any time.

Xu Tianxin gently took off the ring, held it in his hand, and began spiritual communication.

"Oh my God……"

Suddenly, Xu Tianxin took a breath, and even his pupils shrank, his scalp was numb, "two ... two hundred and fifty million ... billions !!! This man actually has so many sublime spirits! God ... he is so rich ! "

It is no exaggeration to say that Xu Tianxin has grown so big and has never seen so many spirit jades!

Do not! It should be said that he had never even heard of it!

The entire Yuncang tribe he belongs to has been a weak force in the ancient land since ancient times.

The entire tribe lives on a one-star Tianxian-level spirit vein, and has never had more wealth.

And 250 billion yuan of top grade Lingyu, if converted into aura, is equivalent to five one-star Tianxian-level spiritual veins, which can feed five Yuncang tribes.

At this moment, Xu Tianxin was stunned directly.

However, he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​embezzling this wealth.

He knew it would be extremely shameful to do that! It is also a defilement of the glory and reputation of his father!

At this moment, he has no ambition, just want to save people!

"Jumping amulet! Great!"

Xu Tianxin no longer cares about Lingyu, but takes a messaging jade from the space ring.

Ding——The canopy sends you eighteen messages!

Ding——Six-eared macaques sent you 26 messages!

Ding——Tiantian leader sent you a message!

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