Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3665: Ancestral Blood


The way Chen Xiaobei broke the game was to make Xu Tianxin stronger!

At the moment, Chen Xiaobei has severed his ties with the outside world and cannot leave the Yuncang tribe, so he cannot get the red envelope of the Master of Heaven.

In addition, Chen Xiaobei's body was suppressed by the power of the saints, Xian Yuansi could not condense, and his physical strength was minimal. He could not live on his own.

However, as long as Chen Xiaobei can train Xu Tianxin to become a talent, he can use Xu Tianxin's strength to break through this dilemma.

Therefore, Chen Xiaobei urgently wants to make Xu Tianxin stronger, the stronger the better!


小 Chen Xiaobei and Xu Tianxin have entered a tent and started to teach Xu Tianxin's "Destiny for Mixed Yuan".

母 Mother Xu went to another tent and found some animal skins, ready to help Chen Xiaobei sew a fitting dress.

That's it, time passes by.

小 Chen Xiaobei did not hide any secrets, and taught all the core essence of "Yunyuan Yi Min Jue" to Xu Tianxin!

The talent of Xu Tianxin is really very good! It took only more than four hours to fully understand the mental formula!

I spent more than four hours, and under the guidance of Chen Xiaobei, Xu Tianxin was already able to fully run the "Mixed Yuan Yi Yin Jue" for a whole week!

You can learn "Mixed Yuan Yi Yi Jue" within nine hours. This speed can be described with strangeness!

Of course, the main reason for this speed is Chen Xiaobei's guidance! All the problems can be explained thoroughly! All core essences are completely analyzed in front of Xu Tianxin! Greatly reduces the difficulty of learning!

Of course, aside from Chen Xiaobei's guidance, Xu Tianxin's personal talents can still be described by terror!

For ordinary Tianxian, it is impossible to learn without three years and five years!

小 Chen Xiaobei even suspected that Xu Tianxin was not just a gifted person, but he didn't listen. Constitution or blood was the key to his difference from ordinary people!

"Heaven, you can stop!"

小 Chen Xiaobei said, "You can now fully run" Yunyuan Yiyi Jue ". With your talents, future practice will be smooth! Now, I need to figure out another thing!"

"Master, please!" Xu Tianxin looked respectfully at Chen Xiaobei.

"Is there any difference between your physique and bloodline from ordinary people?" Chen Xiaobei said, "Physique and bloodline have a great relationship with the parents' heritage! If there is anything special about you, your parents will tell you!"

"Physique and bloodline !?"

Xu Tian thought for a while and said, "The people of the 81 days of the ancient times are descendants of the Wu tribe! Constitution and bloodline have inherited the characteristics of the ancient Wu tribe!"

"And the entire Wu tribe originates from the twelve ancestors! In other words, in our body, in fact, we have the blood of the twelve ancestors!"

只 "But, as time goes on, generation after generation, the blood of ancestors and witches becomes thinner and weaker!"

"Including me, today's wild ancient relics can no longer awaken the ancestral and witch blood, so there is nothing extraordinary!"

天 Xu Tianxin answered Chen Xiaobei's question seriously.

"No! No!"

小 Chen Xiaobei shook his head and said, "You can blow the golden leopard to a nosebleed with one kick, which is enough proof that you are different from ordinary people!"

"Yes! My strength has been greater than my peers since I was a child! But it has nothing to do with blood!"

Xu Tianxin said: "When I was very young, my dad took me out for hunting! Every time he hit a powerful Warcraft, he let me bathe with animal blood!"

"Abba will add some medicinal materials to the blood of the beast, saying that this is an ancient method of refining! It can make my body constantly strengthen!"

"Master, you may not believe it! This method really works! As I grow older, my physical strength and strength are stronger than my peers!"

"I believe! Of course I believe!"

小 Chen Xiaobei's eyes lighted up and he was pleasantly surprised: "Your dad's refining method should be the simple version of" Tian Tian Ba ​​Ti Jue! "

"Tiantian? Overlord?" Xu Tianxin looked blank.

Chen Xiaobei was immediately excited: "Unfortunately, I can't use the ghostly eyes! Otherwise, you can see your physical strength! I am sure that your physical strength is definitely much higher than your current practice! "

"What's the Nether War Eye?" Xu Tianxin became more confused as he listened.

"Don't ask! Calm down, now I'll teach you" Tian Tian Ba ​​Ti Jue "!" Chen Xiaobei settled down and got serious again.

"Observe!" Xu Tianxin immediately entered the state and began to listen carefully.

"Tian Tian Ba ​​Ti Jue" is an ancestral and witch-level method, and the learning difficulty is much lower than that of "Yunyuan Yimin Jue".

After almost three hours, Xu Tianxin was able to run the exercises smoothly.

In other words, as long as you cooperate with the blood of Warcraft, Xu Tianxin can use "Tian Tian Ba ​​Ti Jue" for refining.

As for the first trial of the domineering body, Chen Xiaobei was tortured to death. However, Xu Tianxin was born with the blood of ancestors and witches, and he must be able to pass the trial easily. Chen Xiaobei need not worry at all.

"Well, today's study time has been nearly twelve hours, you take a break!" Chen Xiaobei said.

"Master, I'm not tired!" Xu Tian is very motivated and extremely eager to become stronger faster.

"I'm tired ..." Chen Xiaobei smiled helplessly.

The power of the saints is suppressed not only by Xianyuan and physical strength, but also by spiritual power.

Twelve hours of high-intensity mental labor has exhausted Chen Xiaobei, and even fell asleep immediately to sleep ~ ~ Unfortunately, the vitality of the yin and yang life and death ring has been exhausted, Chen Xiaobei can only Stop to rest and recover.

"Yeah ... I almost forgot! Master, you have just recovered and your body is very weak!"

天 Xu Tianxin patted his head, and quickly stood up, saying, "Master, you rest first, I'll get you something to eat! At this time, Ama should have prepared dinner!"

"Is it pancake again?" Chen Xiaobei smiled bitterly.


Xu Tianxin nodded a little in embarrassment, and said, "The soldiers in the tribe have all gone to the front. No one hunts, only pancakes can eat ..."

"Okay, you go eat, I won't be hungry, just rest in peace!" Chen Xiaobei said.

"Well, then I won't disturb Master ..." Xu Tian nodded, and then quit the tent himself.

Chen Xiaobei lay down on the spot and sighed silently: "Two pancakes in the morning and two pancakes in the evening ... It's too hard this day ... if I can change some of the fairy fertilizer, the food shortage problem here will be fine. Solved ... Unfortunately, there was no signal from the Three Realms Fairy Network, and I couldn't even open the Book of Merit ... "

"Master !!!!"

Suddenly, Xu Tianxin rushed in again!

"What's wrong !?" Chen Xiaobei was startled.

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