Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3666: Weird breakthrough

"Look at it!"

Xu Tianxin stretched out a set of black animal skin clothes and put it in front of Chen Xiaobei, saying, "This suit is made of the fur of the dark ink mad leopard! This is the only one for the entire tribe! I ask Countless times, she never gave it to me! "

"This ... Is this for me?" Chen Xiaobei looked for a moment.

Looking at the set of pure black animal skin, Chen Xiaobei couldn't help but shine in front of his heart.

"Of course it is for Master! Who else wears it except Master?"

Xu Tianxin hurried over and asked Chen Xiaobei to change his clothes.

I have to say that Mother Xu is really clever and handy, but she just looked at Chen Xiaobei's figure and made clothes that fit quite well.

The black animal skin was worn on the body, and Chen Xiaobei was a lot more energetic. Moreover, he faintly exuded a wild atmosphere, very domineering, very prestigious!

"Well ... since it's made to my size, I won't quit, thank you, mom for me!"

Chen Xiaobei grinned and liked it very much,

"No thanks! Grandma is making boots, and it should be ready tomorrow morning!" Xu Tian said cheerfully.

小 Chen Xiaobei looked down at her bare feet and smiled bitterly: "It's too much trouble for your grandma ..."

"Master, we all consider you as a family, you are so out of sight if you say so!" Xu Tianxin said, "Have a good rest, I will not disturb you!"

After Xu said, Xu Tianxin ran out again.


小 Chen Xiaobei looked for a moment, her heart was very warm.

I didn't expect that after the catastrophe, I could still feel the warm side of the world from Xu Tianxin and Xu's mother!

In the beginning Nature is good! This sentence is indeed true!

都有 There are bad people everywhere. Fortunately, there are more good people in this world!

After a few hours.

小 Chen Xiaobei woke up from his drowsiness and finally recovered his mental strength.

I looked around, Xu Tianxin didn't enter the tent, and Chen Xiaobei could not help but frown slightly: "I took Tianxin's tent, where did he sleep tonight?"

As soon as he thought about it, Chen Xiaobei got up and went out.

I saw that the fence shattered by the golden leopard in the small courtyard had been repaired.

Suddenly, Xu Tianxin was sitting cross-legged in the small courtyard at the moment, using the surrounding aura to silently practice the mixed Yuan.

I am really a hard working child.

小 Chen Xiaobei felt very relieved, and at the same time, frowned a little tighter.

The environment of the eighty-one heavens in the deserted ancient days is far from being comparable to the heavenly realm. The aura here can be said to be quite thin, even worse than that of the fairyland.

According to Xu Tianxin's practice like this, I don't know if the monkey can break through a small realm.

But then again, this problem is actually a common problem for most practitioners.

吸收 Absorbing aura from outside to cultivate will greatly slow down the cultivation speed. It is better not to hurry. If you are in a hurry, you must use spiritual stones and jade to cultivate.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei lacks everything now, but there is no shortage of spiritual jade!

"Heart of God."

小 Chen Xiaobei walked over and waited for Xu Tianxin to run the whole idea for a week and then interrupt him.

"Master? You wake up!"

天 Xu Tianxin stopped practicing and looked respectfully at Chen Xiaobei.


小 Chen Xiaobei handed his space ring to Xu Tianxin and said, "How much spirit jade is needed to wear it, just take it out!"

"This ... how can this ..."

Xu Tianxin looked for a moment, and said, "That is the master's spiritual jade. I have no credit for it and dare not receive it!"

"What you said, did not treat me as a family!" Chen Xiaobei smiled, and said, "If you use it, you can use it! Don't mother-in-law!"

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"Yes ... disciples obey!"

天 Xu Tianxin took Chen Xiaobei's space ring with both hands, and then, with a change of heart, took out a hundred of top grade jade.

Obviously, Xu Tianxin still has a bit of stubbornness.

After all, ten top-quality spirit jade is one billion top-quality spirit stone! For the people of the Yuncang tribe, this is already a great wealth!

"Silly boy! You know how much money I have! There is no need to save me!"

小 Chen Xiaobei said, "Take out 100 million directly, and let you break to the top of the one-star Tianxian tonight!"

"This ... how is this possible !?" Xu Tianxin looked for a moment, and couldn't believe his ears.

Although Chen Xiaobei's space ring contains more than 250 billion inferior products.

It's really nothing worth 100 million yuan.

However, to break through the realm, it is not enough to have spiritual jade, and it needs enough time!

Even if Xu Tianxin's talent is very good, even if the mixed Yuan is determined to be super fast, even if the aura is sufficient, but it will take at least six months to break the triple realm and reach the peak of the one-star Tianxian.

突破 Break through overnight, this is absolutely impossible!

"Just do what I say! Unsuccessful, even if I lose!" Chen Xiaobei is very confident.

"Okay ... okay ... Master, please teach me, what should I do?" Xu Tian's heart looked forward. Although he didn't dare to imagine, he was willing to believe in Chen Xiaobei.

"Remove Lingyu first, and then take out a long black wooden box!" Chen Xiaobei said: "This wooden box is called a solar treasure box, which can speed up the flow of time, but the activation ability will consume life. ! "

Don't forget, Chen Xiaobei has two sunlight treasure boxes.

One of them was upgraded to the level of God ~ ~ in the hands of Fu Tianxiner.

The other one was taken from Shen Gongbao, a one-star Tianxian class.

"Is this box?"

天 Xu Tianxin quickly took out the sunlight treasure box.


Chen Xiaobei nodded his head and said, "You listen to me, first breathe Qi Hai Dan Tian full of Reiki, then urge the Nikko treasure box power, and then fully practice the hybrid element! Although it will consume some life, but later , I can help you make it back! "

"Disciple obey!"

Next, Xu Tianxin followed Chen Xiaobei's instructions and started to operate.

天 Xu Tianxin is really smart and attentive, just a little bit, and the whole process is very smooth.

的 The power effect of this solar treasure box is that one minute has passed in the outside world, and a whole day will pass in the field of sunlight. At the same time, Xu Tianxin will consume a hundred years of life.

天 Xu Tianxin was originally a child. The early realm of one star Tianxian had a life span of at least seven million or even ten million years. A breakthrough in a small realm can also increase life expectancy.

Alas, he doesn't have to worry about his life running out.

That's it. For the past thirty minutes, a month has passed in the field of sunlight!

天 Xu Tianxin's Xianyuan has obvious abnormal fluctuations, and is stable at a more powerful level!

This means that his little realm has broken through!


In addition to breakthrough, there is also a strange phenomenon that suddenly broke out! !! !!

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