Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3690: On the journey

There is no free lunch in the world.

Chen Xiaobei was able to recover his life in the Battle of Heaven. In addition to many opportunities, he himself paid a great price.

In particular, the damage to the Yuan Shen, even the blood Bodhi could not be cured, is considered to be Chen Xiaobei's biggest weakness.

As Xu Tianxin said, Chen Xiaobei's Yuanshen was in a state of serious injury. It was useless once to deepen the injury by using a point beyond a certain threshold.

In this regard, Chen Xiaobei himself is also well aware.

This time the 18-kill red envelope, Chen Xiaobei took an inventory, and did not find the treasure of Yuanshen.

Of course, this is not surprising. After all, almost no one knows about such things as Promise Saint Motan, let alone Chen Xiaobei will use this life-fighting method.

Therefore, with regard to Yuan Shen's injury, Chen Xiaobei could not resolve it for the time being.

I can only think of ways to make other aspects of myself stronger, and then wait for the variables to see how to repair the Primal God.

"Wow ... wow ..."

Subsequently, the sacrifice and strengthening of Chaos Blood Sword and Demon Dragon Robbery both entered a stable state.

Xu Tianxin continued to accelerate with the sunlight treasure box.

Chen Xiaobei continued to open red envelopes.

This time, Chen Xiaobei opened the canopy's red envelope, which contained the Qingdi Xianhu and Xumi space.

"Second Brother really didn't let me down this time!"

Chen Xiaobei grinned and felt very satisfied.

Xu Fu is closed in the Xu Mi space, and a lot of ancient immortals are sealed, which is very important for Chen Xiaobei.

There is a blood bodhi tree and hundreds of billions of demons within the Qing emperor's gourd. There is also the rich aura that Chen Xiaobei absorbed later.

According to Chen Xiaobei, as long as the canopy can protect these two things, it is equivalent to a super huge red envelope!

However, what Chen Xiaobei did not expect was that there was a little surprise in the Xu Mi space!

It's a dark blue space ring, and it doesn't look low!

Obviously, this is to allow Chen Xiaobei to replace the now-broken space ring.

Chen Xiaobei transferred everything to the new space ring, so he didn't have to worry about losing things.

"Let's see what good things the red baby gave me!"

When Chen Xiaobei moved his mind, he extracted a piece of metal like red copper, called Wanshou Yanxin Copper!

You don't need to guess, Red Baby brought this piece of metal from his father, the cow demon king, which can help Chen Xiaobei repair the same cracked ring of beasts!

In addition, this piece of Wanxin Yanxin Copper has reached the level of Jiuxing Xuanxian, maybe it can greatly improve the function of Wanshou Ring.

"Hmm! Hmm ..."

Of course, Chen Xiaobei will not drag the water, first transfer the monsters in the ring of thousands of beasts to the Qingdi fairy gourd.

Of course, except for the second child.

This little guy ate some of the chains that tied the Chang'e fairy last time, and after waking up for a period of time, he woke up again and already had the strength of the six-star Tianxian peak, exactly the same as Xu Tianxin!

Right now, Chen Xiaobei Yuanshen is flawed, and he takes Xiao Er with him, and his size is a life-saving card.

Ding-merit reward, successful redemption, deduction of 60 billion points of the three realms of merit!

Ding——The current Three Merit Merit points are 985 billion and 400 million points (charm value: 199850 billion and luck value: 19995 billion)!

Then, Chen Xiaobei exchanged some auxiliary materials, and put them into the melting pot of heaven and earth together with the ring of the beast and the heart of the beast, and printed a copy of the true fire of the samadhi from the furnace.

In this way, it is tantamount to repairing three magic weapons together.

"nailed it!"

Chen Xiaobei settled down and quietly calculated: "I have opened nineteen of the eighteen red envelopes this time! The remaining nine will not be used for the time being. I will put them in the space ring first and wait until necessary. take it out!"

Obviously, the remaining nine red envelopes are not bad, but they are temporarily unavailable.

Among them are the left ears from the Master of the Heavens, the priests from the prospective preachers, the three beast bloods from the Styx River, etc ...

These nine things are currently useless, but at a certain time, a certain place, a certain situation, they will definitely be able to play a role beyond imagination!

Of course, you can use the Sacred Talisman at any time, but you can only use it once a day.

Therefore, Chen Xiaobei does not intend to waste the first opportunity easily before he can figure out who to find first.

"Tianxin, where is your father? When the magic weapon is strengthened, let's go find him!"

While waiting for the three magic weapons to strengthen, Chen Xiaobei put forward his own ideas.

Obviously, it is very important for Chen Xiaobei to quell the battle between the 81 days of the desolation and the demons.

According to the son-in-law's mother-in-law, this share of the merits of the war may even be exchanged for the freedom of the Master of Heaven.

To stop the war, you must first understand the situation.

Therefore, Xu Tianxin's father is definitely the best guide. You can let Chen Xiaobei understand everything here ~ ~ My abba's name is Xu Ao. It is Xuan Yutian's army fighting! "

Xu Tianxin said with excitement: "We can go to Xuan Yutian's military camp first. I know many of my comrades in arms. If you find one, you can find my father!

"Okay! Then when I finish strengthening the magic weapon, we will start immediately!" Chen Xiaobei nodded.

Can't help but miss Futianxiner.

This girl is holding a god-level sunlight treasure box, a magic weapon to strengthen this operation, which can basically be completed in one or two seconds.

In addition, the growth of the Blood Bodhi tree will become very, very slow without Futianxiner, which will slow Chen Xiaobei's ascension.

Unfortunately, Chen Xiaobei does not have the ability to avatar, and he cannot find Fu Tianxiner without leaving the wasteland.

It really doesn't work, you can let Fu Tianxiner send the god-level sunlight box with a red envelope.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei will only do this when he has to.

After all, the life-span required to procure God-level sunlight treasure boxes is so much that even Chen Xiaobei can't bear it.


After some time, all three magic weapons have been strengthened.

The first is level.

Chaos Blood Sword reaches the level of one star Xuanxian, and the God Eater ability reaches the level of nine star Xuanxian.

Demon Dragon Dragon reaches the level of eight stars, and the Thunder ability reaches the level of nine stars.

The Band of Thousand Beasts reaches the level of Seven-Star Celestial Immortal, and the ability to control Beasts reaches the level of Nine-Star Celestial.

"That's it! Tianxin! Let's go!"

As soon as Chen Xiaobei's gaze was fixed, his blood was burning and his warfare was burning.

Nirvana is born again, go on the journey again!


Xu Tianxin once again urged Xi Dixian to go straight to the ground.

Intuition tells him that this trip will never be easy!

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

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