After coming to the ground, Chen Xiaobei and Xu Tianxin did not know where Xuan Yutian's barracks were located, so they had to go to the back of the front to see if they could find the soldiers of the coalition and asked for the specific location.

"Uncle! Uncle ..."

Soon, Xu Tianxin saw a team of witches responsible for escorting food temporarily.

Because the witches have a special constitution, they must eat and drink water every day. Therefore, there are many teams transporting food to the front, and they can easily meet behind the front.

Seeing that Xu Tianxin was also a witch, a middle-aged man in the team came out and asked, "Is there something wrong with the little brother?"

It can be seen that the Wu people are very united and friendly.

Even if they are not related to Xu Tianxin, they are still willing to stop and help Xu Tianxin.

"I want to ask, where is Xuan Yutian's military camp?" Xu Tianxin asked politely.

"Xuan Yutian !?"

The middle-aged man frowned slightly and couldn't help frowning, Shen said, "Child, don't you know yet? Xuan Yutian's 300,000 people are all ... all killed ... ... "


Xu Tianxin's face changed drastically, as if he had suffered a huge blow, his face suddenly darkened, and even his eyes became cloudy.

"This brother! Are you ... are you sure?"

Chen Xiaobei was also surprised, and his brain was almost short-circuited: "The father of this child is Xuan Yutian's warrior! This kind of joke is not just casual!"

"This kind of thing, how could I be kidding?"

The middle-aged man lamented and said bitterly: "Just three days ago, the Devil attacked the dragonfinch stronghold in the core of the dragonfinch mountain like crazy!"

"Once the Dragon Sparrow Fortress has fallen, the ancient Eighty-One Heavens will open the door to the Demons! It will be completely destroyed!"

"In order to protect our homeland! The thirty-three heavenly chieftains reached a consensus and sent all the troops to defend the garrison!"

"In order to make the soldiers cooperate better, the various heavens take turns sending their own army! Until the army of one family is completely defeated and destroyed, then another army will be on top!"

"Because Xuan Yutian's army is closest to the Dragon Sparrow Fortress, all the Xuan Yu fighters, including the chief of Xuan Yu, are engaged in the first battle!"

"However, the demon's offensive is too horrible ... a tide-like army! Commander of the mysterious god-level deities! Magic weapons, battle formations, all aspects have taken great advantages ..."

The middle-aged man paused and choked very uncomfortably: "In the end, Xuan Yu warrior only persisted for a long time, and all of them were defeated. No one can live back to Dragon Sparrow Fortress!"

"Abba !!!"

At this point, Xu Tian's heart's grief and depression felt like a volcano erupting.

The hysterical roar, the tears that came out of my eyes, the clenched fists, the trembling body, all these were immersed in the pain of Xu Tianxin.

"Tianxin ..."

Chen Xiaobei couldn't help but worry, Xu Tianxin couldn't hold it. Once his state of mind collapsed, Xu Tianxin could no longer move forward, and he would be trapped in this knot in his life.


Chen Xiaobei still underestimated Xu Tianxin.

"Master ... I'm fine ... although I'm in pain ... but! My heart is very, very proud of my dad!"

Xu Tian's eyes fixed, slowly raised his head, and let the flowing water fall, his expression was always as firm as a rock: "Aba is a great soldier! His highest glory is to die on the battlefield!"

Xu Tianxin raised his head, as if accepting his father's inheritance: "My Wu Clan Erlang, never fear of death! Rather die, don't live in humiliation! Although Abba has left, his path will be continued by me! "


The middle-aged man gave Xu Tianxin a thumbs-up and said with passion: "If the frontline soldiers continue to be injured and killed, our food delivery team will also be put on the battlefield! If we are all dead! Our children! Women! The same Will come to the battlefield! Dead battle to the end! Never live!

"Witch! Real heroes too!"

Chen Xiaobei looked at the two people in front of her, and he suddenly respected him.

They are brave! Perseverance! Religious! Mighty! Life and death cannot be moved! Be a real warrior! Real heroes!

From small to big, you can even imagine that when the Wu clan was the strongest, it must be swallowing the mountains and rivers and swarming the sky! Dare to ask the **** and Buddha to bow their heads, and even make Tiandao shun three points!

If it is not calculated by the heavens, the whole tribe will be destroyed, and the demonic realm is not enough for the witches to plug their teeth!

"Master ... I have a request, I hope you will agree ..."

Xu Tianxin has calmed down and said respectfully, "I want to go to the battlefield and fight with the demons! If I die, I will only follow you in the afterlife!"

"I can understand your mood ... But there is a saying in my hometown! Death, lighter than Hongmao, heavier than Taishan!"

Chen Xiaobei's gaze ~ ~ said ruan: "You can die on the battlefield, but nothing can change! You can also die beside me, maybe we can end this war together! "

"This ... is this possible !?" Xu Tian couldn't help but swallowed, and his face was unbelievable.

"Young man! Courage is commendable! But there is no suspense for this idea at all!" The middle-aged man lamented: "When you get to the front line and see those crazy demons, you will know that the war can never end ! "

"Everything is absolute!"

Chen Xiaobei said positively: "Just two days ago, the whole world thought I had no place to be buried! But I am not only alive now, but also stronger than before! Others may not believe it, but Tianxin witnessed it all!"

"Yes! I believe in Master!"

Xu Tianxin took a deep breath, and his mood was completely settled down, and he no longer thought about it.

Because, Xu Tianxin really watched Chen Xiaobei climb out of the ghost gate! This is a miracle in itself!

Therefore, Xu Tianxin is willing to believe that as long as Chen Xiaobei is followed, a miracle may occur!

"Nothing ..."

The middle-aged man couldn't understand all this, but shook his head helplessly: "I won't advise you anyway, no matter what method you use, it's all to protect your homeland! Even death, there will be glory to come!"

"Let me give you some food ..." the middle-aged man took out his storage bracelet and said.

"No need!" Xu Tianxin said quickly: "I brought my own dry food! The food in Uncle's hands is for the soldiers, and no one can waste it!"

"What a good boy!" The middle-aged man smiled with relief.

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Xiaobei suddenly spoke and asked, "Are you particularly short of food?"

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