Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3693: Pangu Bloodline

The mysterious light from the jade charm was reflected in Xu Tianxin's forehead.

Inevitably, Xu Tianxin closed his eyes, and at the forehead, Emmanuel opened another unreal eye for him.

This eye has a mysterious spirituality and a deep atmosphere as deep as the universe, as if everything in this world can be seen through at a glance, that is, the Three Realms, the Six Realms, and the Realms of All.

"Aba ... Aba !!!"

Suddenly, Xu Tianxin screamed with a huge surprise: "I saw Abba! He's not dead yet! I see ... My Abba is alive! Great ... Great ... ... "


Chen Xiaobei's look was a little stunned, and his eyes were also relieved: "It seems that although Xuan Yutian's army was defeated, not everyone has been killed! Maybe it was just scattered outside the battlefield. somewhere!"

"Master is right!"

Xu Tianxin focused his head and said, "I saw my dad, probably in a forest 30,000 miles north of the Lone Sparrow Mountain! There are other soldiers around! It looks not like a defeat, but like a mission! "

Chen Xiaobei nodded and said, "No matter what they are doing! You just have to remember the location of the forest, and we will go straight to it!"

"I have remembered it!" Xu Tianxin focused his head and returned the puppet sacred charm to Chen Xiaobei.

Afterwards, Xu Tianxin once again urged Didi Xianji to start quickly from below the ground towards his destination.

Of course, before leaving, Chen Xiaobei did another thing.

Open the "Medical Book" directly, and exchanged a total of 8.1 trillion bags of fairy fertilizer.

Ding——Merit reward, successful redemption, deduction of 8.100 billion points of Three Realms merit!

Ding-the current Three Realms of Merit is 195,750 billion points (charm value: 19175 billion 400 million, luck value: 19175 billion 4 million)!

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei wants to obtain a huge amount of seeds from the earth just to plant the eighty-one days in the desert.

And the fairy fertilizer that is exchanged at this moment can just make each party allot 100 billion bags.

In this way, they can get a lot of food in a short period of time. Although they can't support them for a lifetime, they can eat for two or three months. It is definitely no problem!

Chen Xiaobei has enough confidence to completely quell the war within two or three months.

After the immortal fertilizer was settled, Chen Xiaobei and Dijiangzhu Jiuyin entered Xumi space together.

Xu Tianxin continued to hurry.

Xumi space.

"Suddenly called you over without disturbing your original plan?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"North Brother is more worried! We have already used some methods to break through the one-star Xuanxian realm, and we are planning to come to the ancient land and look for greater opportunities!"

Dijiang said indifferently: "North Brother, you used the Qingdi Xianhu to pick us up, but it saved us a lot of time and avoided the dangers that may occur along the way!"

"That's it!"

Chen Xiaobei nodded and said, "I heard that the ancient land is the territory of the witches! Back here, it is your home field!"

Zhu Jiujin sighed deeply: "Although we are returning to our homeland this time, we don't need to look at it to know that the ancient land has long been wrong!"


Chen Xiaobei nodded and said: "It is said that after the decline of the Wu tribe, some people took the time to all the spiritual veins of the ancient land! After trillions of years, this land has become a desert and completely inhabitable!"

"The descendants of the Wu tribe are becoming more and more prosperous. Nowadays, I am afraid that the most powerful Wu tribe is the chief warrior of the Eighty-One Heavens.

At this point, the faces of Dijiang and Zhujiuyin have become very ugly, with anger, unwillingness, and hatred in their eyes.

Ordinary people may not know the truth of that year, but Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin are very clear that the Wu tribe from its heyday to decay and almost extinction are all due to the calculation of heaven.

Afterwards, Tiandao was the survivor who hunted the Witch tribe infinitely. If nothing unexpected happened, the ancient land became what it is now. It must also be Tiandao's handwriting.

"King defeated! We recognize the failure of that year!"

Di Jiang looked at it and said calmly: "Although we are not capable of revenge, but since we have a chance to live again, we must do our best to assist Pei brother. One day, Pei brother will step on heaven!"

Zhu Jiuyin's heavy emphasis on his head, his heart is also extremely firm, as if this is the only meaning of their life in this world.

"I called you over this time, and I just want you to help me get one thing done!"

Chen Xiaobei fixed his eyes and said, "I want to conquer the Eighty-one Heavens of the Ancient Times and gather all the descendants of the Wu tribe under my lord!"

"This is great!" Di Jiang said excitedly: "My sons and grandchildren of the Wu tribe can belong to Beige's family, and they will definitely be able to live an increasingly happy life. This is their greatest happiness in life!"

Chen Xiaobei frowned: "But the problem is that ~ ~ The witch people are extremely devout in their beliefs, and they can never become my loyalty!"

"It's not absolute!"

Zhu Jiuyin said: "The Wu tribe is indeed loyal to the twelve ancestors, and several particularly arrogant witches in ancient times! But there is a more lofty and extreme faith above the ancestors and witches!"

Di Jiang added: "If Beige can be connected with this highest belief, the Wu people will be extremely respectful and devoted to Beige, and become Beige's most devout believer!"

Chen Xiaobei heard the words and asked with a doubt: "Which sacred faith is ...?"

"Pangu Zusheng!"

Emperor Jiang said solemnly: "The ancestors opened up the world and became a floodland! The twelve drops of blood made the twelve ancestors and witches!"

Zhu Jiuyin nodded and said, "In the Wu tribe, not only ordinary people, but even all the great ancestors and witches, have an absolute devotion to Pangu ancestors!

"I understand……"

Chen Xiaobei nodded and asked, "How can I get in touch with Pan Gu Zusheng?"

"Pangu Bloodline!"

Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin said in unison: "If the ultimate ruins of the ancient land are still there, we have a way to help Beige you fuse the blood of Pangu!"

"This ... this ..." Chen Xiaobei heard that he was stunned.

I was a bit disgusted that the level of the blood of the Dragon and Witch was too low and I wanted to upgrade. I never expected that I would have the opportunity to fuse the blood of Pangu.

This is simply a super surprise!

"What kind of powers will there be in Pangu Bloodline? What kind of abnormality will there be when combined with Dragon and Witch Bloodline? How strong can you eventually become?"

Chen Xiaobei was full of doubts and full of expectations.

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

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