Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3694: Demon Pterodactyl

"We don't know the specific situation, because no one has ever integrated the blood of Pangu ..."

Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin both shook their heads silently. This matter even exceeded their cognition. Unless it was officially operated, otherwise, it would not be possible to imagine the effect that might appear in the end.

"So, where is the ultimate relic you said? How can I get in?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"The location of the ultimate ruins is just under construction!" Dijiang said.

"Jianmu !?"

Chen Xiaobei looked stunned, and said, "Did you say that the sacred trees and floods that connect the Three Realms in the legend?"

"Yes, in the legend, Jianmu grows in the human realm, the top of the tree crown is the heaven, and the root of the tree is the land!"

Zhu Jiuyin said, "However, that's what Jianmu was like when it was first opened! As time goes on, Jianmu can connect the heavens and the world!"

"Is this ... so powerful !?" Chen Xiaobei said unbelievably, "Jianmu is so huge and so important, but why have I never seen it, and I rarely hear anyone mention it?"

"It's simple!"

Dijiang said: "After the last countless calamity, the flood-waste continent completely collapsed, and Jianmu has long lost track of it!"

"I don't know where to go !?" Chen Xiaobei was said to be stunned: "Isn't the heavenly world thirty-sixth? Can't even find Zu Hongjun?"

"No! There are more than thirty-six heavens in heaven!"

Zhu Jiuyin said: "The Blissful Western Heaven! Extremely Clean and Holy! It is the largest two heavens outside the thirty-sixth heaven! In addition, there are many heavens of all sizes! Even the wild land is an independent party Heavens! "

"You ... you mean ..." Chen Xiaobei felt a bit scalp: "Jianmu may go to a certain unknown land, even the Daozu can't find it, along with the broken floodland fragments. ? "


Di Jiang nodded and said: "The location of the building is completely unknown! It may even be in a turbulent space, there is no fixed location at all!"

"This ..." Chen Xiaobei froze, but said helplessly: "Hasn't it been a nonsense that we have spoken for such a long time? I don't even know where Jianmu is, how can I find the ruins of Pan Guzu?"

"Beijing, don't worry!"

Zhu Jiuyin said: "I just said that Jianmu can connect the heavens and the world! On the contrary, as long as we find the exit of the connection and use the mystery of the Wu tribe, we can go back to Jianmu reversely!"

"I see!" Chen Xiaobei flashed in front of his eyes, and said, "In the barren land, there is an exit for building wood connections! As soon as we get there, we can find the building wood and find the ancient ancestral remains of Pangu!"


Di Jiang Shensheng said: "We all know the location of the exit! Now the only thing to worry about is whether the exit has been destroyed! Also, procuring retrograde witchcraft requires a lot of aura, which is also a big problem. ! "

"It doesn't matter! As long as there is a goal, any difficulty can be overcome!" Chen Xiaobei instantly ignited great confidence.

As long as there is direction, step by step, you will definitely reach your destination!

"That's right! This matter is not urgent! The strength of Beige is also a big problem!" Dijiang frowned. "Beijing now only has two-star Tianxian early repairs, even if it finds construction wood, I'm afraid it will not be easy!"


Zhu Jiuyin also said in a deep voice: "The wooden body itself is like a big world, in which the dangers are heavy, the strong are running rampant, and there is not enough strength, and you must not break free!"

"Okay! You two think too far!"

Chen Xiaobei interrupted: "Everything comes back! We step by step, first solve the current problem, and slowly consider the future! You must believe that the boat to the bridge head is naturally straight!"


After a while, Chen Xiaobei, Dijiang, and Zhu Jiuyin all left Xumi Space.

At this time, Xu Tianxin also arrived at his destination, urging the sacred fairy to take the crowd to the ground.

"What about people?"

Xu Tian couldn't wait to look around, but unfortunately, he didn't even see half a figure, let alone found his father.

"Silly boy!"

Chen Xiaobei was amused: "Your dad, they are on a mission. They must keep going. How could they stay in the same place and wait for you?"

"Master, lend me your holy charm again!" Xu Tianxin couldn't wait for a second.

"The Sacred Rune of Heaven can only be used once a day!"

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently: "You don't have to worry, your dad is sneaking in secret. They must not be fast. We can't go far, and we will find him soon!"

"it is good!"

Xu Tian calmed down and asked, "Master, please point your direction quickly. Where shall we go?"

"Is the descendant of the Wu tribe already so weak?" Dijiang gave Xu Tianxin a distressed glance.

Then, Dijiang condensed Xianyuan at his fingertips, and Volley drew a magic spell at will.


The next moment, there was a breeze blowing, Dijiang sniffed the scent of the wind gently, and said calmly: "A total of thirty-three people went north, no more than a thousand miles away!"

"This ... is this true?" Xu Tian was stunned, totally unbelievable.

"of course it's true!"

Candle Jiuyin smiled indifferently, and said, "We in the Wu tribe respect nature, wind, frost, rain, snow, vegetation, and rocks, all our partners! We can all use it for us!"

Xu Tian swallowed and said, "I ... I heard the old people say the same thing, but I have never seen anyone do it! How can you have this ability?"

Chen Xiaobei laughed: "Silly boy! They used to be ancestors! How do you say they have this ability?"

"The ancestor ... the ancestor witch !? It's ... it's impossible ..." Xu Tianxin took a sigh of relief ~ ~ As if living a ghost, his pupils tightened, his scalp became numb, and cold sweat kept blowing.

"This is Dijiang! This is Zhu Jiuyin!"

Chen Xiaobei explained briefly: "They were all dead. They were reborn through the ghosts and regained their lives!"

"Ancestral ... Ancestral Witch is born again !?"

These words, if someone else said, Xu Tianxin would not believe if he was killed! However, these words were spoken from Chen Xiaobei's mouth, and Xu Tianxin believed them completely!

"Tongtong ..."

This boy knelt down and worshiped at Dijiang and Zhujiu's Yinding, worshipping godly.

Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin accepted the junior's gift, and each stretched out a hand, holding Xu Tianxin up: "Since I received your worship, we will also teach you some skills for Beige! "

"Thank you ... Thank you to the two ancestors!" Xu Tian was so excited to die, but in the end, his eyes fell on Chen Xiaobei.

Xu Tianxin knows very well that the person he should most thank is actually Chen Xiaobei.

Without Chen Xiaobei, Xu Tianxin would not have had such an opportunity in his life, and he would never have come out of that impoverished tribe.

"Let's go! Let's speed up and catch up with the thirty-three people in front!" Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently and rushed out.

The crowd followed, rushing deep into the forest.

"Booming ..."

At the same time, a terrible war has suddenly erupted in the forest thousands of miles away.

One side of the battle was thirty-three Xuan Yu warriors, and the other side was a demon pterosaur with three heads!

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