"End ... end the war !? This ... how is this possible !?"

Wei Qianzhong's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his eyes were full of wonder: "Even if we have enough food, we can only defend the front. It is impossible to defeat and defeat! How can we end the war?"

"No ... it's not just the end!"

Zuo Song asked in a deep voice: "Don't forget, food will run out sooner or later, but the Demons are constantly sending reinforcements over and over! At this time, we will still fail!"

Obviously, the two of them are telling the truth. Even if they get the food provided by Chen Xiaobei, the war situation is still very, very optimistic.

For a moment, the others around him also seemed very anxious, just excited, was poured into a basin of cold water, let them down again and sorrow.

"You! Don't jump to conclusions!"

At this moment, Mo Shanggu Yun was the most suffocated. He stood up, his old face with a very strong conviction: "Since the Lord Zu Sheng has proposed the goal of ending the war, then he will There must be a way! Everyone is quiet, listen to your ears! "

As soon as this statement was made, everyone did not say much.

In the end, Moshang Guyun had a very high prestige.

Secondly, just like the food problem just now, everyone does not believe it, but Chen Xiaobei can do it!

Therefore, at this moment, everyone is willing to trust Chen Xiaobei just like Mo Shangguyun.

Of course, apart from trusting Chen Xiaobei, they really have no other way but to wait for the food to run out and be completely defeated.

"My plan is actually very simple!"

As soon as Chen Xiaobei fixed his eyes, he said calmly: "As long as the enemy ’s channel of reinforcements is cut off, the enemy ’s strength will stop growing, and the enemy ’s military heart will be disturbed! When the military heart is chaotic, it is time for us to fight back!”


Mo Shang Guyun looked frowned, and frowned, "This is easy, but absolutely impossible! First of all, we don't know where the channel is! Second, even if we know it, we can't cut it off!"

"You know, that reinforcement channel is the supply lifeline of the Demon Army, and it must be in the rear, and it must be guarded by heavy soldiers!"

"More importantly, if there is a slight change, the enemy's high-level Xuanshen will be killed. At that time, not only will we not be able to destroy the channel, but we may destroy it there!"

Obviously, all the south of the Dragon Sparrow Mountain are already the territory of the Demon race. It is dangerous to dive into it, let alone to destroy the enemy's supply lifeline.

Mo Shang Gu Yun, the strongest on the scene, is just the two-star mysterious **** realm, the enemy's **** of mystery, even the Samsung level at the time, is enough to crush everyone.

What's more, there are a vast army of demons that can form a powerful battlefield and let everyone go back.

"Everyone rest assured ..."

However, just when everyone was anxious, Chen Xiaobei made an extremely domineering decision: "This task, I will do it myself, without your participation!"

Everyone was shocked by this remark.

"How can this be !? That's too dangerous! We must never let you go alone ..."

"Yeah! Although you are the reincarnation of Pangu ancestral saint, but your current cultivation is not high. In case there is something short and long, we can hardly blame it!"

"Master Zusheng! Don't be impulsive, we first stick to the fortress and wait for the situation to change! Maybe there will be a turnaround!"

Obviously, everyone is very loyal to Chen Xiaobei, naturally they do not want Chen Xiaobei to take risks.

After all, this kind of action has almost zero chance of success. It takes a lot of luck to come back alive. A little carelessness is a place without a burial body!

This is no joke!

"I have decided on the matter, and you each go back to arrange the cultivation of food and increase the number of troops! No need to persuade me, this is an order!"

Chen Xiaobei probably already has a calculation in his mind. Although his tone is calm, he exudes unquestionable domineering.

"I wait ... obey ..."

Although everyone is still very worried and anxious, Chen Xiaobei has used the word 'command'. Everyone must not violate it, but can only choose to obey.


Chen Xiaobei released Xu Ao and others to make them regret the Yuncang tribe and arrange food planting.

After all, the soldiers of the Yuncang tribe were almost completely destroyed, and the chieftain was captured by the enemy.

In this case, Xu Ao and others are the backbone of the Yuncang tribe. Although it is planting food, the burden of this task is definitely not light.

Wait until everyone leaves.

Chen Xiaobei took out the Guiyuan bracelet, and brought Dijiang, Zhujiuyin, and Xu Tianxin together to the place where they could previously connect to the Three Realms.

"North Brother!"

Di Jiang said with anxiety: "What on earth do you think? Can you tell us something about the plan? Otherwise, we can't rest assured!"

Wen Yan said that Zhu Jiuyin and Xu Tianxin even nodded, and the expressions in their eyes were very worried.

"My plan is to sneak into the enemy's hinterland alone, and then destroy it like a method!" Chen Xiaobei said calmly.

"A person!?"

Xu Tian's heart was full of shock: "Master, do you mean, don't even take the three of us?"

"Yes! The three of you are on standby in Sumi space at any time! I will call you out when you need it! In normal times, don't follow me!

Chen Xiaobei said, "You don't have to hurry to oppose it! When Xu Ao was rescued, you were all there! There are demons almost everywhere in the south of the Dragonfinch Mountains! If the three of you don't hide, you may be exposed at any time!"

"But we will be exposed, Beige you alone, you will be exposed!" Chan Jiuyin said anxiously.

"I naturally have my way!"

Chen Xiaobei shook the black suit on his body and said calmly: "This is the night **** dark spirit suit given to me by Brother Yan! The quality is one-star and heavenly! The first power is hiding! After entering the hiding state, Enemies below the level of God cannot detect my existence! "

"There are second and third abilities, a defensive type, an attack type, and they can help me break the game at a critical moment! What's more important, Brother Huang has already filled me with aura and can urge ten times. Ability!"

"But ..." Xu Tianxin asked again: "What if the aura is exhausted? What if I meet an enemy above the level of God?"

"Relax! Can you think of it, for the teacher?"

Chen Xiaobei raised her eyebrows and straightened her body.

This new body is exactly the same as Chen Xiaobei's deity.

No one understood what Chen Xiaobei meant.

In the next second, Chen Xiaobei moved his mind and spit out two words: "Transform the magic!"

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

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