Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3704: Meet underground

The original body of Chen Xiaobei was the magic body of the twelve wings Buddha!

However, after engulfing the sperm blood, the body of the law changed substantially in nature.

"Wow ..."

As soon as Chen Xiaobei's two-character demon came out, a scarlet sigil Buddha seal emerged on the body.

In the light of blood, Chen Xiaobei ’s body began to change form.

The skin turned into ink, his eyes were bleeding through, a crown-like horn spur grew on his forehead, a pair of pterosaur-like wings grew on his back, and dagger-like claws grew on his fingers.

And on the skin and wings of the ink color, there are even more red lines, like special blood marks like blood stains! Among them, the red aura is constantly flowing, and it is very, very cool.

"Devil ... Devil! Master has become a real Devil!"

Xu Tianxin suddenly exclaimed: "Also, you have wings, crown-like horns, and blood-colored energy spots. These are all characteristics of the holy demon!"


Chen Xiaobei looked for a moment and said, "I have eaten a drop of the holy marrow before. It seems that the power of attracting essence and blood is just four words. One way!"

"One way!"

Everyone heard the words, explained for a moment, and did not quite understand what Chen Xiaobei meant.

"In simple terms, all the characteristics I have can be manifested through the Dharma!"

Chen Xiaobei said: "Sacred demons, dragons and phoenixes, dragon witches, black holes, and even Buddha! My body can change! And what is changed is not the body body, but the real body body!"

"It is indeed the blood of a saint! This power is too powerful!"

Dijiang marveled: "It's very bad to change the shape of the Dharma body as you want! The most important thing is that the Dharma body is not a spirit body, but an entity! Just like the real body, you can absolutely hide the sky!"


Zhuan Jiuyin nodded his head again and said, "As long as North Brother turns into the body of the holy demon, no one can see the flaws under the heavenly saints! You can come and go freely north of the Dragon Sparrow Mountain!"

"Wow ..."

When Chen Xiaobei changed his mind, the Fa body returned to its physique again.

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei's complexion looked a little ugly, his breathing was short, his eyes were dull, and his energy was very, very poor.


Xu Tianxin quickly said: "Master's Primordial is damaged. Although the physical power of the Dharma is powerful, if you urge it a little, it will seriously drain your spirit and cause damage to Primordial! If you activate the power for too long, Primordial There is even the possibility of collapse and annihilation! "


Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin became tense instantly.

Chen Xiaobei waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. Most of the time, I use the night **** dark spirit suit to hide! When it is absolutely necessary, I will use the power again, and there will be no problem ..."

"Beige, how did your Yuanshen get hurt? Is there no medicine to cure it?" Dijiang asked.

"I took a Promise Saint Magic Dan ..."

Chen Xiaobei said helplessly: "The introduction of the elixir will leave permanent damage to Yuanshen, and there is no cure for it ... I have taken many blood bodhi before, and have not recovered the damage of Yuanshen, I am afraid it is true. The medicine is not good ... "

"not necessarily!"

Zhu Jiuyin's gaze fixed, and said: "As the saying goes, the bell must be tied to the bell! This Promise is a demon-type thing, and no one in the heavens can solve it.

"Yeah! That makes sense!"

Chen Xiaobei looked for a moment, and said, "If I have the opportunity to go to the demon world, I will find a way to investigate! If he can heal the Yuanshen, then I can really walk across the north of Long Que Mountain!"

"Maybe Bei Brother can ask Luo Yan, isn't it more straightforward!" Dijiang reminded.

"Luo may practice in retreat ..."

Chen Xiaobei said, "Before I received his red envelope, I sent a message to ask him. Until now, he hasn't written back ..."

You know, Luo Yan, Dijiang, Taiyi, and the three are all Chen Xiaobei's reincarnated ancient immortals, and a Yuanshen contract was concluded with Chen Xiaobei.

Therefore, when the world thought that Chen Xiaobei was dead, Luo Yan, Dijiang, Taiyi knew that Chen Xiaobei was still alive.

Therefore, Luo Yan didn't worry too much. He sent a red envelope and continued to practice in isolation.

If Luo Yan is still there, maybe there is a way to heal the damage caused by the Promise Saint Motan to Chen Xiaobei.

"A two-pronged approach! Luo Yan is waiting for his reply on the other side, and on the other side, I have to find a way to investigate it! Repairing the Yuanshen is a big event. It can be one day earlier!"

Chen Xiaobei eased the discomfort of Yuanshen a little bit, and then started to act: "Okay, the three of you are waiting in the Xumi space first, and I'm leaving now!"

All three nodded, and had no ability to become a demon, so they could only temporarily hide.

Back to the ground.

Chen Xiaobei first used the night **** dark spirit suit to hide his shape.

Then ~ ~ sacrificed a glimpse of the heavenly amulet.

This time, Chen Xiaobei wanted to spy on the positions of Chief Xuan Yu and Chief Yan Yan.

"With the character of the Devil, you should kill the two chieftains directly on the battlefield! The reason why they are arrested but not killed is definitely because these two people have other useful values! Therefore, I want to try as much as possible, first Get them out! "

When Chen Xiaobei made his own analysis and judgment, he locked the positions where the two men were detained.

There is the core camp of the Demon Army.

I also know with my toes, among which the masters are like clouds, and there is also a high-level Xuan Shen sitting in town. It is absolutely impossible for Chen Xiaobei to sneak in with hidden powers.

Even Chen Xiaobei couldn't even get close to it.

Because, around the core big barracks, there are a large number of small military camps. In each barracks, there are a large number of Demon warriors.

Even if Chen Xiaobei could hide his body, he couldn't let himself disappear completely. He just walked through those barracks, only to be caught by the wind and grass.

"It seems that you can only rely on the scum of the land ..."

Chen Xiaobei thought for a while and said, "As long as I plunge deep enough, I can avoid the enemy ’s Primordial Realm. When I reach the core camp and use Primal Demon to demonize, I may be able to get closer to the two chiefs ! "

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei immediately acted.

Then he started to hurriedly.

In order to ensure that he can avoid the enemy's Yuanshen realm, Chen Xiaobei plunged into the depth of hundreds of thousands of meters underground, and then hurried forward.

Originally, the plan was well thought out and there would be no loopholes.


Chen Xiaobei dreamed of it!

He would actually be hundreds of thousands of meters underground and run into a large number of elite warriors!

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

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