Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3715: See through tricks


Yuan Shesha and others were stunned at the same time, staring at Garo with an extremely complicated look.

Obviously, they would never believe such a big thing in one sentence.

But then again, if Gallo lied, it was a capital crime, and she had no reason to risk such a panic.

For a moment, although Yuan Shesha and others couldn't believe it, they were extremely anxious.

"Wow ..."

I saw that Galuso's hand was lifted, and a dark cross magic mark was raised directly in the palm of his hand.

This magic seal corresponds to the Buddhist scripture of the Buddhist scriptures, which is the unique number of the magical Luo Wutian. Moreover, it exudes special coercion and spirituality. As long as it is a demons, it can be the first time to distinguish between true and false.

"Bang Bang ... Bang Bang ..."

Without saying a word, Yuan Shesha and others slumped and knelt down, struggling to scratch their heads, and even cracked the rocks on the ground.

There is no doubt that Gal's identity, as she said, was never false.

This also means that the identity of Galo and Yun Fanqing is far above all the demons here.

Even the strongest mysterious demon god, Tiansha Demon, north of the Long Que Mountain range, must bow to the salute to Galo, and if Galo has an order, he must execute it unconditionally.

"Get me all up!"

Galo exclaimed, "I have no time to clean up you! Feel like I will save Yun Fanqing! Otherwise, you will surely die!"


Yuan Shesha and others, if pardoned, rose up and followed Galo.

Because Gallo was a secret messenger, several people did not speak up, nor did they alarm more people, so they chased in the direction of Chen Xiaobei's departure.

In their opinion, Chen Xiaobei is a fake holy demon, flying at a low speed, and if there is no accident, it should be easy to catch up.


Among them, the strongest Yuan Shesha is just Qixing Xuanxian.

They never imagined that Chen Xiaobei's sacred demon form was the body of law! The biggest advantage of the legal body is that it can be changed, and it is not an entity in the absolute sense!

Therefore, Chen Xiaobei hid the night **** dark spirit suit inside the body of the law, activated the hidden ability, and then burned some auras, expanding the scope of the ability, and covering Yun Fanqing.

In this way, even if Chen Xiaobei was under the eyes of Yuan Shesha and others, they could not find it, let alone search in the field of Yuanshen.


After leaving the Demon Barracks.

Chen Xiaobei found a quiet place to stay.

"What are you doing here with me?" Yun Fanqing's face was cold, with a little doubt in his eyes.

"I want to ask you something ..." Chen Xiaobei calmed down.

Originally intended to transform into the form of the deity.

However, the demonized transformation just now has caused his Yuan Shen to have severe discomfort, and may even be unsupportable at any time.

Therefore, at this moment, he can't change back to his deity form, and can only be temporarily supported with a demonized look.

Chen Xiaobei never imagined that he could not transform, and actually saved his life.

"Are you asking me about this important task?"

Yun Fanqing did not recognize Chen Xiaobei, but there was a sense of intimacy in his instinct, and he said directly: "This mission is to open a relic of the Wu clan, which contains a vital treasure. That treasure, we demons, will surely defeat the witches and completely rule the ancient land! "


Chen Xiaobei's expression froze.

We Devil! !! !!

Chen Xiaobei couldn't imagine it. In such a case, he would actually say it from Yun Fanqing's mouth!

The implication is that the reason why Yun Fanqing became what she is now is because she has fallen into magic!

With this in mind, Chen Xiaobei's mood was instantly complicated.

Since the time of the Taixu Universe, Chen Xiaobei swallowed the sacred marrow of the world, which caused Mo Luo to suffer a great loss, and it was considered a feud.

Seeing this now, Chen Xiaobei immediately understood.

It must be that the magic Luo Wutian counted Yun Fanqing and caused Yun Fanqing to enter the magic, and then used Yun Fanqing to calculate Chen Xiaobei.


Chen Xiaobei secretly fortunately fortunately, fortunately, he did not change back to his original form just now, otherwise, in the current state of the Yuanshen, he is not Yun Fanqing's opponent at all, only a dead end!

Damn it is lawless! How dare to count Fan Qing!

Chen Xiaobei began to have a deep hatred. He always had a heavy heart and he never allowed others to take action on his relatives and friends.

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei even kills Mo Luo lawlessly! One day, this demon ancestor must be killed!

of course!

Chen Xiaobei's state of mind is extremely powerful. No matter how the mood fluctuates, his face and eyes have not changed at all, so that Yun Fanqing cannot see any flaws!

"How's it? Are you interested in working with us on a mission?" Yun Fanqing asked.

"Me? I'm going too?" Chen Xiaobei was hesitant, not sure how to answer.

I want to go, of course I want to go, but the current state of the Yuanshen ~ ~ It does n’t make any sense to go with it.

"I can see that although you have the appearance of the holy demon, you have no reputation and low cultivation, so you have not entered the vision of the godless ancestor!"

Yun Fanqing said, "But if this time you complete the task with us, the Heavenly Demon ancestor will know you, and with his personality-oriented character, he will definitely take you as a personal disciple. It ’s soaring into the sky! "

"I can see Mo Luo ... oh no, do you see the Godless Demon ancestor?" Chen Xiaobei looked a little bit, and immediately began to count in his heart.

"Do you still need to ask?"

Yun Fanqing said: "I repeat, you can become a disciple of the Heavenly Demon ancestor, can you see him?"

"It's good to see ..." Chen Xiaobei nodded meaningfully.

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei has a human mark to protect, and he is not afraid of the magical lawless calculation, coupled with the mysterious magical body power that leads to the integration of essence and blood, the magical lawlessness does not see any flaws.

Therefore, Chen Xiaobei was not afraid to see Mo Luowutian.

On the contrary, if Chen Xiaobei can take this opportunity to approach Mo Luo Wutian, this is definitely a great opportunity!

With the mind of Chen Xiaobei's first traitor in the Three Realms, he can absolutely make Mo Luo cry in the sky!

"Okay! I'll go with you!"

Chen Xiaobei nodded and gave a firm answer, but then he reluctantly said, "However, I need to make it clear in advance ... My physical condition is very poor, and on the way, May take more care of you ... "

"No problem!" Yun Fan agreed without hesitation.


Chen Xiaobei was a little hesitant and was silent for a moment, but still couldn't help asking: "Why are you so good to me?"

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

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