Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3716: Born from the heart

"I do not know why either……"

Yun Fanqing shook his head and said, "Although this is the first time I saw you, I always have a feeling, as if I had known you long ago, like an old friend, with an inexplicable kind sense!"

"So it is ..." Chen Xiaobei nodded.

Maybe the enchantment just wiped out Yun Fanqing's humanity and changed her belief at the same time.

However, something in her heart may not have changed.

Chen Xiaobei is not sure. Can Yun Fanqing who has been enchanted still recover?

However, Chen Xiaobei is very sure, as long as Yun Fanqing is still a friend, then no matter if she is a person! It's magic! Or something else! Chen Xiaobei will always treat her as a friend! Help her! Protect her! Revenge all her hatreds!

"Okay, let's go! Many people want to compete for credit for this task. If we go late, I'm afraid nothing will happen ..." Yun Fanqing said in a deep voice.

"OK ..." Chen Xiaobei settled down.

Subsequently, Chen Xiaobei lifted the hidden ability and followed Yun Fanqing to fly north.

After the concealment was lifted, Yuan Shesha and his party quickly locked their position with Yuan Shen's realm and gathered together.

"Fan Qing! Where are you going with him?" Galo asked, worried.

"That doesn't matter! What's important is that I invited him to perform the task with us." Yun Fan said calmly.


Gallo hesitated for a moment and promised: "Anyway, he is also a demon, anyway, go with him ..."

"Master Gal! That guy is a liar! You can't let him go with us!" At this time, a young demonic man stared at Chen Xiaobei with hostility and did not intend to accept the new member.


At this moment, Yuan Shesha slammed the young man's blood with his back hand, and the whole person suddenly fell to the ground, and then there was no movement at all, whether he was dead or unconscious.

"You can question Lord Gallo's decision?" Yuan She glared angrily, yelling at the direction the man fell.

As soon as this remark was made, the rest of the young demons immediately closed their mouths, half a word, and dared not say more.

"So eager to show loyalty?" Yun Fan glanced at Yuan Shesha coldly, indifferently: "It seems that Galo has told you our identity!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Yuan Shesha changed his face instantly, and said with a smile on his face: "Master Gala has already identified his identity. You two can rest assured that we will strictly keep the secrets, and we will leave them on the way!"

Yuan Shesha said, nodding her head and respecting her humility to the extreme. If he borrowed another 10,000 brave children, he would not dare to pursue Yun Fanqing.

"Listen all!"

Yun Fanqing pointed to Chen Xiaobei and said, "He is my friend! From now on, he will act with us! He is not very healthy. I order you to protect him!"

"Observe!" Yuan Shesha and others nodded without a word.

"By the way, I haven't asked your name!" Yun Fanqing looked at Chen Xiaobei and asked.

"Xuanbei!" Naturally, Chen Xiaobei could not reveal his identity, but could only say those two words casually.

"Xuan ... North ..." Yun Fanqing heard the words, his face froze slightly, his eyes could not help but wave.

"Fan Qing! Do you still remember Chen Xiaobei?"

Jia Luo's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and she saw Yun Fanqing's mind at a glance, and said in a cold voice: "The boy is dead! He was killed by the saints in heaven! Even the Yuanshen couldn't keep it! It disappeared completely from the Three Realms and died It ’s thorough! Even the God of Heaven cannot resurrect him! "


Gallo's face became cold for a moment, and a bit of pain flashed deep in his eyes. In a creepy tone, he said word by word: "I know these things clearly and don't need you to remind me!"

"I ..." Garo paused.

Not because there was nothing to say, but because of a strong sting in the heart.

Garoni is a rebirth of ancient demons. What big storms have not been seen, and what big troubles haven't been eaten? However, at this moment, she was still tormented by the severe pain in her heart.

I even raised my hand to cover my heart and kept breathing deeply, but still couldn't adjust it.

"This ... what's going on?"

Chen Xiaobei looked a little puzzled: "Why Yun Fanqing, Jia Luo, do you feel heartache? This is too strange!"

"You do not understand!"

Gallo reluctantly said: "I and her twins, it is her heartache that I will follow ..."

"Her heartache?" Chen Xiaobei looked at Yun Fanqing.

Her face was cold and her eyes sharp, no difference from the previous one, she could not see any pain at all!

Unless ... she's holding on!

The heartache that even Galo couldn't bear, Yun Fanqing was calm and calm.

It can be seen that the death of Chen Xiaobei has had a tremendous impact on Yun Fanqing. Perhaps, she was suffering from severe pain in her heart like a needle and a knife every day. After a long time, she became numb.

Fan Qing ...

Chen Xiaobei is not stupid, and instantly understands Yun Fanqing's intentions for him ~ ~ It turns out that this girl has always liked him, like it deeply, like the deep-seated.

Even if Yun Fanqing has been enchanted, this mind has not changed, until the news of Chen Xiaobei's death spread, Yun Fanqing's heart also died.

Rather, he suffered from Galo.

As soon as Yun Fanqing thought of Chen Xiaobei, his heart would tingle, and Gallo felt the same, and could only follow the pain together.

"Fan Qing, there is no absolute thing in the world, maybe Chen Xiaobei still has a hint of life?"

In a tentative tone, Chen Xiaobei persuaded: "You should relax your mind first and do the things right now. It's been a long time, and maybe we will have a turn!"

"It's impossible ..." Yun Fan shook his head and said, "He can't carry the attack from the guide!"

"What if ..." Chen Xiaobei would like to admit his true identity and would not like to see Yun Fanqing suffer any more.

But, no doubt, it is not the time!

If the identity of Chen Xiaobei is leaked now, it will certainly usher in countless powerful enemies, and the consequences will probably be many times more dangerous than in the heavenly wars!


After Yun Fan calmed down and calmed himself down, he said seriously.

"You don't have to comfort me! I know that death can't be resurrected! But I will never be decadent! I will do everything right now, because, in the near future, I will personally report the killing of Xiaobei! !!! "

"Revenge ... revenge?" Chen Xiaobei looked stunned, his heart could not help but clenched: "Who's revenge?"

"Who are you looking for?"

Yun Fan cleared his eyes, and deep in his eyes, he was hiding a thousand blood: "Someday, I want the Bliss West to become a desperate hell! I want the place where the guide will die without a burial body! I want to say that Total extinction !!! "

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

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