Obviously, the black hunter family looks humble and weak, but in fact, their role in finding the body of the ancestral witch has definitely hit anyone! Even bigger than the heavenly saints!

Even the heavenly saints cannot infer where the ancestral witch's body is, but as long as you define a zone, the black hunter can help you find out the target!

From this moment on, the black hunter tribe will belong to Chen Xiaobei alone!

This is definitely a vital piece! Falling in the hands of Chen Xiaobei, in addition to looking for corpses, there are many other wonderful uses!

"Come on, Hei Feng! You enter the ruins with me!"

Chen Xiaobei issued an invitation.

"I ... I won't go ... Seen by those aristocratic adults, they will be unhappy ..." Hei Feng swallowed and did not dare to touch the interests of the nobles.

"Relax! The sky is falling down, I will carry it for you!" Chen Xiaobei patted Hei Feng's shoulder and gave him great courage.

Heifeng was a little ashamed, calmed down, and said calmly: "I just said a lot of grandeur. If I admit counsel at this moment, it is too shameful! Go! No matter what happens, let us carry it together!"

"Well, I don't know what to call you yet?" Hei Feng asked.

"My name is Xuanbei!" Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently, holding the Jiufan Admiralty, and walked into the entrance of the ruins side by side with Hei Feng.

It was an abyss between the mountains and the earth.

Flying down the abyss, after a depth of about several million meters, you can see a cave above the mountain wall.

Entering from the cave entrance is regarded as entering the mysterious relic.

Because a large number of demons have swarmed in, the danger at the entrance has long been eliminated, and they are all very calm together.

As Chen Xiaobei walked, he asked: "I heard that there is a treasure in this relic! It can make the Demon Army stronger than the Witch! What is it?"

"It's a corpse too!"

Hei Feng said in a deep voice: "The incomplete corpse, and it exudes a strong murderous and heavy **** smell! It should be part of the corpse of Chiyou, the chief of the great witch!"

Chi You was defeated by Huangdi Xuanyuan that year, divided the dead body with five horses, and buried the broken bodies in different places.

In fact, Chen Xiaobei had found his head south of the Long Que Mountain range. I did not expect that there was another part hidden in the north of the Long Que Mountain range.

"its not right……"

Chen Xiaobei wondered: "What treasure is a corpse? Why can you defeat the Witch?"

"Don't you know yet?" Hei Feng stunned, explaining: "The ancient Eighty-One Heavens have a horrific array of quasi-holy peaks! Once this array is opened, my demon army will completely collapse Off! "

"I seem to have heard that ... it's" The Twelve Capitals of Heaven and God ", right?" Chen Xiaobei asked.


Hei Feng settled down and continued: "Originally, the Wu clan didn't have enough energy to start the big battle, but if they let Chi You's corpse gather together! With the sacrifice of the corpse, you can start the big battle and reverse the battle!"

"I probably understand ..."

Chen Xiaobei said slowly: "Originally, the Mozu had taken advantage of the battlefield, but the Wuzu still had the possibility of counterattack using" The Twelve Capitals of Gods ", but as long as the Mozu got the Chiyou corpse, In part, this large array cannot be opened, and the Witches will be defeated sooner or later! "

"Yes! That's it!"

Hei Feng frowned slightly, with a somewhat complex look: "If you say that Chi You is really a cow! Originally, after the death of the Wu tribe, the corpses would turn into energy and merge into the ancient land!"

"However, Chi You has killed countless lives throughout his life! There have been some special changes in the murderous and evil spirits that have prevailed throughout the ages, protecting his body without turning into energy!"

"Of course, the way the Wu clan sacrificed Chi You's body is to turn Chi You's body into energy, which is used to urge the Twelve Capitals!"

Obviously, Hei Feng is not only stupid, but also has a flexible mind and far-reaching thoughts, even what the witches have to do.

Of course, as Hei Feng can think of, Chen Xiaobei can also think of it.

Even Chen Xiaobei can already judge that the secret task mentioned by the Wu tribe is to find Chi You's body.

At the same time, Chen Xiaobei had to consider another issue.

The Master of Heaven has sent Chi You to the wasteland after reincarnation, saying that he wants to tell Chen Xiaobei how to use Chi You's body.

Listening to this meaning, Chi You's body should not be refined into energy, but should be used in other more important places.

Talking, thinking, and unknowingly, Chen Xiaobei and Hei Feng have already penetrated the ruins for some distance, and the surrounding environment has also begun to undergo special changes.

This area is even darker, with many traces of beast minions on the stone wall.

Even on the ground, a lot of blood has appeared.

But, weirdly, there are no injured beasts and no demons.

"Did both sides draw a tie here? They retreated again?" Chen Xiaobei was a little confused.

"Do not!"

Hei Feng twitched his nose a few times, sniffed the smell in the air carefully, and said solemnly: "There is a smell of dead bodies ... people who come in have at least ten injured and injured them! I am afraid all the dead bodies have been eaten ..."

"Is eaten !?" Chen Xiaobei looked for a moment, and immediately became vigilant: "According to you, is the cannibal monster still here?"

Hei Feng sniffed again carefully: "No ... it's gone! It's far from here, but it's close to the crowd ... It seems that it is not full yet ..."

"Come on! We'll be there right away! I can't let my friend go wrong!" Chen Xiaobei said eagerly.

"I ... let's not pass anymore ..." Hei Feng swallowed: "The monster is very powerful, and there is no shadow or trace, even the demon **** can't figure it out. We will die if we go ... "

"No! I must rescue my friend!" Chen Xiaobei was very firm.

With regard to the security of Yun Fanqing, there is no room for negotiation in this matter.

Must go!

"Brother! Listen to me and persuade ..." Of course, Hei Feng also wanted to persuade.

"Om ..."

But ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this moment, the ninth Vatican bell suddenly made a buzzing sound, and then revealed a monk's image.

That's right, this is the instrument of the Nine Vatican Bells.

Qi Ling previously knew Chen Xiaobei, but at this moment, Chen Xiaobei's identity is completely invisible.

"I hate the Demons, but if you are willing to save my master, I will do my best to help you!" Qi Ling looked at Chen Xiaobei and said seriously.

"You? Don't make fun?"

Hei Feng said with a disgusted expression: "A mere celestial celestial organ, even I can't beat it, what can I do for you? Don't mess up! Okay?"

"Wow ..."

Qi Ling did not care about the black front, but directly exuded a very special color atmosphere from within the nine golden bells!

Jiu Fanxian Qi! ?

Chen Xiaobei's expression flashed with surprise.

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