Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3720: Block the way back

Of course, Chen Xiaobei recognizes Jiu Fanxian Qi.

This is a special power of the Nine Vatican Admiralty. It consumes a certain amount of energy and a long time, and can accumulate a small amount of Nine Vatican immortal energy.

And this kind of fairy ware, once saved Chen Xiaobei's life in the immortal realm, and even helped Chen Xiaobei break through the big realm, it can be said that it is a very amazing power gas.

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei finally understood why, when leaving the Nine Van Golem, Yun Fanqing would say that this magic weapon could save Chen Xiaobei's life.

It turned out that Yunfan knew early in the morning that a new Jiufan immortal was born in the Jiufan Admiralty.

She can put such important things into Chen Xiaobei's hands, and it is because she does not know Chen Xiaobei's identity.

It can be seen that even though Chen Xiaobei's appearance is demonized, between the two of them, they still have a conscience.

It feels like a really mysterious thing.

Sometimes you like someone for no reason at all. In fact, it feels right.

"That being the case, I'm welcome! Hess ..."

Chen Xiaobei took a deep breath and completely inhaled Jiu Fanxian's breath into the body.

At the same time, Chen Xiaobei consciously gathered the Jiu Fanxian Qi near the Yuanshen.

There is no doubt that for Chen Xiaobei now, as long as he can protect the comprehensiveness of the Yuanshen, everything else is not a problem.

"let's go!"

As soon as Chen Xiaobei's gaze was fixed, he immediately put away the Jiu Fanjin Bell and walked deeper into the ruins.

Chen Xiaobei doesn't care about anyone else, but Yun Fanqing must be protected.


Hei Feng's face was all green, naturally he did not want to take this risk.

However, the grand words before entering here are still fresh in memory at this moment. If you don't follow them, every word will become a slap in the face and hit your own face.

With his heart crossed, Hei Feng eventually followed.

From this step on, he knew that there would be no turning back. He had to fight his own life and go crazy with Chen Xiaobei in one breath!


Deep in the ruins, after the First World War at the entrance of the cave, all the demons were careful.

Every time you take a step forward, you will definitely observe the surrounding situation carefully. At the same time, the realm of the Yuan Shen is fully urged and dare not miss any wind and grass.

Of course, there are exceptions.

There are three young aristocratic aristocrats who brought three deities and gods as bodyguards. They rely on them. They are naturally more courageous and walk in the forefront. Moreover, they gradually distanced themselves from the large troops.

"Mr. Gallo, Ms. Yun, you are both behind me, and I will definitely try to protect you!"

Yuan Shesha looked loyal and loyal, and it really touched people.

However, Galo and Yun Fanqing did not accept him at all.

Because, just before the battle at the entrance, the monster suddenly appeared, and Yuan Shesha was the first to hide.

Even if one of his companions was taken away by a monster near him, he didn't take any action to stop him, and even Xianyuan didn't condense, and just fled by himself.

Gallo and Yun Fanqing would believe it was strange!

In fact, people with good eyes can see that the reason why Yuan Shesha shrank beside Gala and Yun Fanqing was not to protect them, but to seek their protection.

After all, Galo had already revealed the identity of the demon ancestor, and there must be a life-saving trump card on his body.

Therefore, from the perspective of Yuan Shesha, as long as he stays in Gala and Yun Fanqing, he is basically safe.

Gallo saw Yuan Shesha's small abacus at first glance, and his face was disgusting, and he could not help but sigh secretly: "Fortunately, Xuanbei did not follow, otherwise, we have to protect one more person ..."


Yuan Shesha resembled a worm, and immediately echoed: "That Xuanbei is really too weak, a sickly frame, as if it would fall at any time! If he follows, it will be too much delay!"

Hearing the words of these two people, Yun Fanqing frowned slightly, but did not refute.

Obviously, in Yun Fanqing's view, Chen Xiaobei is really not suitable for acting together. In case there is something that is both long and short, Yun Fanqing will be very guilty of guilt.

Fortunately, he did not follow up ...

If Yun Fanqing thought about it, she felt a little more relaxed.

"Kerala ... Kerala ..."

But all of a sudden, there was a strange sound in the surrounding stone wall, as if something was penetrating the rock and rushing towards it.

"Not good! It's Warcraft! The Warcraft just came over again!"

Someone screamed loudly, and then everyone became nervous.

"Well! The power of Warcraft is far better than all of us! The three mysterious demon gods just now have gone away, so why don't we only have a dead end?"

"What else do you want to live on? Let's run away! It's important to save our lives, we don't do this task!"

"Escape! Hurry! If you don't escape, you won't have time ..."

For a while, almost all the young demons ran towards the rear. Want to quickly leave the attack range of the monster.

"Booming ..."

However, this monster already has wisdom. With a loud noise, its huge body directly broke through the rock wall of the mountain and was blocking the retreat of everyone.

I saw that the monster's body was very similar to the pangolin, but the scales were covered with barbs, and the body length reached more than thirty meters.

The most amazing thing is that this monster has two huge dark green eyes.

It's like two big dark green lanterns, rolling round, at the same time, it also emits dark green exotic light.

"It's over ..."

The moment you saw this monster, despair was spreading through the crowd as quickly as the most terrifying disease.

A group of fifty or sixty people died as soon as they entered the cave.

I can imagine how terrible this WoW is.

To these young demons who are far worse than it is, it is like a life-threatening **** of death, specifically harvesting their lives.

Moreover, this time it directly blocked the retreat of everyone, watching this posture is to completely destroy everyone here.

"call out!!!"

There is no nonsense ~ ~ that weird green-eyed mountain panther, directly launched an attack.

I saw that its mouth, like a whip, spit out a long tongue that was blessed by Xianyuan.

Judging from the fluctuation of Xianyuan, its cultivation has reached the level of Jiuxing Xuanxian.

At the same time, the monster's special body structure gives it a natural attacking talent.

That tongue, like a long whip, has already surpassed the Jiuxing Xuanxian at the same level in terms of speed and accuracy.

Among the young demons at the scene, the strongest was the seven-star Xuanxian like Yuan Shesha.

It turned out no suspense!


Suddenly, a young demonic man was directly entangled in his body, and he couldn't resist the bombardment of the green-eyed piercing beast!

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