Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3721: Dark green eyes

"Oh! Click ..."

The huge gap in strength is impossible to resist at all.

The unlucky young man of the Demon Clan was bitten off by the green-eyed piercing beast! Flesh and blood, bones, internal organs, and even Yuanshen were eaten together in the stomach!

"Click ..."

After the second sip, the green-eyed penguin directly took a good living person and ate it cleanly.

"Escape! Flee inside! After catching up with the three demon gods in front, I still have a rescue!"

Seeing the scene in front of them, the crowd had no warfare, and they did not dare to confront the green-eyed panther.

The retreat has been blocked, and they can only bite their heads and rush towards the ruins.

"Stop it for me! Do you think your speed can be faster than it?"

However, at this moment, Gallo stood up and took off the silver long bow and lilac beautiful eyes on his body, like a laser sight, and instantly locked one eye of the green-eyed mountain beast. bead.

"Who are you? Slightly five-star Tianxian, still want to fight against that monster? Daydream?"

The people around looked at Gala with disdain.

But, soon, someone found Mystery and screamed in surprise: "Look! The long bow in her hands has also reached the level of Jiuxing Xuanxian! Maybe there is a chance to defeat that monster!"

Everyone was shocked by this remark.

Especially those people who had spoken about Ghara just now showed a look of shame and fear.

Ashamed, they despised Gal.

What's scary is that Gal's heritage is unfathomable and inevitably hides a very high identity and status.

Of course, Gallo had no time to care about them, and yelled: "Don't hold it! Take out your life-saving sign and help me stabilize the monster!"

Obviously, the longbow in the hands of Galo, although strengthened by the magical lawlessness, has become a nine-star mystery. However, the monster has a natural physical talent, and the speed of the green eye to penetrate the mountain beast should be faster than the arrow of the long bow!

Because of this, Gallo cannot win alone, and must work with everyone to first entangle the green-eyed mountain piercing beast, and then Gallo puts his arrow.

"I understand ... I understand ..."

These young demons suddenly had the backbone of Gallo, and they calmed down a lot instantly, and took out their respective magic weapons at the fastest speed.

These young people at the scene were all aristocrats in the demon world. Although their cultivation was not high, the magic weapon in their hands was really high.

There are forty-three pieces of seven-star Xuanxian, all of which are clear.

Even, Yuan Shesha's hand had another piece of Jiuxing Xuanxian.

"This is stable!"

Everyone was relieved.

"Guru ... Guru ..."

At the same time, the green-eyed mountain beast seemed to feel the danger, and instead of continuing to attack, it lay on the ground and made a strange noise.

"Listen to me! Shoot together!"

Gallo drank softly, while holding the longbow tightly.

Mighty power urged, above the long bow, a purple flame burning arrow condensed by Xianyuan, directly aimed at the right eye of the green-eyed mountain trek!

"Boom boom ... boom boom ..."

At the same time, the forty-three magic weapons in the surrounding area all stimulated mighty power, like a torrential storm, crushing them towards the green-eyed mountain beast.

Among them, the magic power of Yuan Shesha is the strongest, like a golden tiger, rushing to the front first! The terrifying bloodthirsty coercion erupted, as if the green-eyed mountain beast was torn to pieces!

"Booming !!!"

With only a bang, the golden tiger suddenly slammed down, and it was about to hit the head of the green-eyed piercing beast.

"call out!"

However, at this moment, the huge body of the green-eyed penangbeast actually bounced up, rolled up at a very fast speed, and hung upside down from the top of the cave!


The physical talent of Jiuxing Monster has brought it a certain strength bonus, so it is almost impossible for the same level of power to hurt it!

The golden tiger's mighty power blasted by Yuan Shesha directly fell to the ground and blasted out into a terrible abyss, as if the Foshan body had been torn. This result is very shocking, but unfortunately, there is no egg use, and even the green-eyed mountain beast's hair did not hurt one!

Fortunately, this is just the beginning!

"Boom boom boom boom boom ..."

The next moment, more than forty channels of power, intertwined a net of heaven and earth, shrouded in a green eye through the mountain beast.

These mighty powers are huge, but their strength is not strong, and the gap is above a major level. Don't even think of hurting the green-eyed mountain passersby, but as long as they can trap the green-eye mountain passersby!

Even if you are stuck for a moment!

"call out!!!"

Just then, Gallo suddenly shot his arrow!

The arrow, which burned purple flames, fired at the speed of the thunder, toward the right eye of the green-eyed mountain piercing beast.

For Gallo, the eyeball was as large as a lantern, and it was a very easy target to hit. At the same time, it should be the most vulnerable place for the green-eyed panther.


The results did not disappoint!

At the moment when dozens of true yuans temporarily trapped the green-eyed mountain trek, Galo's arrow had been shot!

And, impartial and orthodox, right in the middle of the eye of the green-eyed panther!

"Hey ..."

The power of this arrow was so powerful that it suddenly penetrated the eyes of the green-eyed panther, and penetrated deeply into its flesh, shattered the muscles, blasted the bones, and injured the internal organs. Finally, it directly injured its Law body.

After all, it is an attack of the same realm. This arrow basically abolished the flesh of the green-eyed panther, but did not kill its primitive god!


The green-eyed pierced beast's law body brought Yuanshen out of his way and wanted to escape the scene.

"Want to run? Stop dreaming!"

Yuan She shouted a roar, and once again inspired his magic power.

The monster's greatest advantage lies in its physical talent.

At this moment, the green-eyed panther lost its physical body, and the legal body suffered some trauma. It is impossible to compete with the magic weapon of the same level!

"Booming ..."

I saw that the second golden tiger tiger phase quickly caught up with the green-eyed panther's body ~ ~ and forcibly smashed it, and then crushed the green-eyed panther's primal **** completely , Don't give it a trace of life!

"Whew ... successful ..."

Seeing the scene at hand, everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief.

After joining hands to defeat the strong enemy, everyone naturally praised Gala. Even Yuan Shesha, who finally made up the knife, was also regarded as a hero and received a lot of praise.


at this time!

Just when everyone was most relaxed and most alert, weird changes took place!

"Bang! Bang!"

Without warning, the big dark green eyes of the two lanterns of the green-eyed panther, suddenly burst open, splashing a lot of dark green venom!

The crowd was completely unprepared and was splashed all over!

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