() With the words, Chen Xiaobei's Wushuang Demon Holy Body directly turns back to his deity.


Yu Lin Shengzhuang was stunned for a moment, and couldn't believe his eyes.

"You ... you ... you are the Chen Xiaobei who destroyed the heavenly continent and was killed by the saints !?"

The voice of Saint Yulin is shaking, his eyelids are jumping, his breathing is short, and he is thriller countless times than hell.

"I was not killed by the lead, but my teacher cut off and led one ear!" Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently, but exuded unparalleled terror.

"Oh ... this ... how could this be true?" Yulin Shengzun couldn't be calm for a long time.

In the end, on the contrary, the Supreme Master Zi Peng persuaded: "Second Brother! You don't have to doubt it! The mystery of Xiaobei Shangxian is mysterious and unpredictable, and we will never see it! It ’s time to find another Master ! "

"What do you mean? You want to betray the demon master?" Yulin Shengzhuang frowned and asked.

"Why is second brother so excited?"

Zi Peng sacrificed: "Good birds choose wood to live, this is the eternal truth of the past! If Peng Peng is defeated, it can be proved that Xiaobei Shangxian is the true destiny of the destiny and can lead us through excessive robberies. Mingzhu! What is wrong if we switch to Mingzhu? "

"You are so shameless!"

Yulin Saint despised: "The demon master has always loved you. When you say these words, will your conscience not hurt? Or, you have no conscience at all!"

"Second Brother! You are too simple! Do you think he will spoil me for no reason?"

Zi Peng Sheng Shen said, "The reason why Xun Peng is good to me is that we want our family of Dapeng birds to betray their son-in-law's demon religion and switch to his Yuan religion?"

"As for Brother Er, you still want to be loyal to Xun Peng? That's the true recognition of the thief!"

"What do you mean? What do you think of a thief as a father? Make your words clear!"

Lord Yulin has lived to this age, how can he tolerate such a junior so insulting himself?

If there is no reasonable explanation for Lord Zi Peng, Lord Yu Lin will never give up!

"Second Brother, don't you know yet?"

Zi Peng Sheng sneered, and said, "Xun Peng has been hunting and killing Kirin all the time, sucking blood! Pumping! Meat flesh! Bone-bone! There was a white Kirin that had already reached the gate of your palace. He was also arrested by his subordinates. Eat even a little bit of dregs! "


Yulin Shengzhuang's face changed drastically, and he snarled loudly: "Xun Peng said that he would protect the Kirin family, so I joined his Yuanjiao! He deceived me so! Damn it !!!"

Obviously, Zipeng Sheng won the favor of Xun Peng, so he knew more or less the secrets that others did not know.

At this moment, he directly pointed out the situation that Kun Peng hurt the Kirin family, which was tantamount to provoking the inverse scale of Yulin Saint.

No wonder the old man is going to get angry!

"If Xun Peng is interested in protecting the Kirin family, why haven't half of the unicorns come to Shengtuo City in the trillions of years?"

Zi Peng Sheng said indifferently: "I thought the second elder brother should have suspected long ago, but I didn't expect that you didn't know it, and you wanted to continue to be loyal to Xun Peng. This is not to recognize the thief as the father, what is it?"

"Damn! Damn! Damn !!!" The Lord Yulin was completely furious, exuding terrible fairy yuan, and even the faint shadow of the unicorn demon flickering in the void.

At this moment, his anger has soared to the extreme, and he even wants to directly enter Yuanjiao, and ask Xun Peng to get justice!

Judging from the attitude of Saint Yulin towards the lonely burial god, the old man cherishes his blood relationship and attaches great importance to the Kirin family.

Harm to the Kirin family is something that the Jade Emperor absolutely cannot tolerate!

Even if he didn't fight for his life, he had to go to Kun Peng. He had revenge and revenge!

Of course, the result is actually doomed. He is not Kun Peng's opponent at all. If he is impulsive, I am afraid that he will become another plate meal of Kun Peng!


At this moment, the lone burial fairy walked over, grabbed the sleeve of the King Yulin, and calmly said, "You must not be impulsive! I don't want to lose you!"

"Good granddaughter! You leave Shengcheng City quickly, and don't come back no matter what happens!" Yulin Shengzun said calmly: "The old husband has lived long enough, and today, he must avenge his people anyway!"

"Grandpa! I said no revenge!"

Dugu Buxian said: "This feud allows Xiaobei to report for us! Anyway, we have a common enemy! If we act together, the odds will be greater!"

"Well ... you make sense!"

Yulin Shengzhang took a deep breath, because he was so angry that he almost forgot Chen Xiaobei.

"Xiaobei Shangxian! I am willing to cooperate with you! After that, I will cooperate with all your actions, and I will obey all your orders, just to seek justice for my Kirin family!"

The Lord Yulin was extremely serious and said solemnly.

Obviously, before Chen Xiaobei revealed his identity, the Lord Yulin did not dare to fully believe in Chen Xiaobei.

However, after knowing Chen Xiaobei's true identity, the Lord Yulin had great confidence.

Chen Xiaobei can play the collapse of the heavenly continent and survive the attack of the Taoist. In this world, there is nothing he cannot do!

Therefore, the Lord Yulin has made up his mind to set aside his life, and with Chen Xiaobei, make another big one!


Chen Xiaobei said: "First, I need all the spiritual jade in the treasure house of the old man, some less important resources, and try to hand them all to me!"

"no problem!"

The dedication of Yulin Saint has been decided, and he did not hesitate to agree with Chen Xiaobei's first request.

After opening the treasure house and taking away some important things, the Lord Yulin gave all the spiritual jade and resources to Chen Xiaobei.

A total of 50 billion top-quality Lingyus have high levels of various resources, and countless, piled up like mountains.

Chen Xiaobei took it all down and would naturally use it later.

"Second point!"

Chen Xiaobei settled down ~ www.readwn.com ~ and continued: "I want to clear the treasure house of each of Peng Peng's personal disciples!"

"This ..." Yu Lin Shengzhuang looked a little for a moment, looking a little embarrassed.

"Isn't the old man willing to do it?" Chen Xiaobei frowned, and said, "In my opinion, your brothers and sisters have no mercy with you, but fight with you openly and threaten your status and security!"

"No ... it's not unbearable!" Yulin Shengzun said, "I'm afraid I've shocked Dingguangxian with long ears!"

"I'm just shocked!"

Chen Xiaobei said coldly, "If he shows up, I will have a hand torn rabbit meat today!"

"This ... how is this possible!"

The Lord Yulin did not dare to say: "The long-eared Dingguangxian is a seven-star quasi-san, how do you deal with him?"

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

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