() "My method, three or two sentences are unclear, but the old man can rest assured that he will give it to me to deal with it!"

Chen Xiaobei now knows how to deal with that hare.

Therefore, as long as the remaining self-discipline disciples are solved, so that they do not take part in the war, then, the long-eared Dingguangxian will not be able to find Chen Xiaobei's palm.

"In that case, what should the old man do?" Asked Yu Lin.

"Father, you can get the Lord of the Holy Spirit and the Lord of the Darkness you saw today, shouldn't it be a problem?" Chen Xiaobei said.

"Of course, no problem!"

The Jade Emperor Yulin is very confident and said: "The Emperor Jin Lu and the Emperor Mo Lu are the weakest two, and the old man can naturally grab it!"

Obviously, the demon teacher Xun Peng has seven personal disciples. Although Jin Xun and Mo Xun are ranked fifty-six, they do not have the same background and background as Zipeng. .

As a matter of fact, Zipeng Shengzun owns the Qiankun Purple Flame Feather Fan. He really wants to tear his face and fight against him, and he can even overpower Yulin.

Therefore, Chen Xiaobei's ability to sacrifice Zipeng Shengzun is also one of the important reasons for Yulin Shengzun to recognize Chen Xiaobei.

Of course, at this moment, the Qianyan purple flame fan has become a magic weapon for Chen Xiaobei.

Take control of Zi Peng Shengzhuang's life, not afraid of what he does.

"Then you go away now!"

Chen Xiaobei said, "I and Zi Peng, now we are going to get the third and fourth disciples! After the incident is over, we will meet near the long ear palace!"

"No problem!" Yulin Shengzun nodded, flying up here, and immediately acted.

Chen Xiaobei did not delay, and said, "Xianer, you first go to the Qingdi Xianhu to wait for me! Yun Fanqing is also there, you can ask her to understand my current situation first. Come out! "

"Okay!" Dugu buried Xian nodded very well.

The solitary burial fairy and Yun Fanqing had some contact after Chen Xiaobei unified the immortal realm.

And Yun Fanqing and Jia Luo are at the moment of the Qing Emperor, naturally they can tell everything to the lone buried funeral.

Having settled for the solitary burial of immortals, Chen Xiaobei took the Lord Zipeng and immediately acted.

Qingyang Palace.

This is the palace of the Supreme Lord of the Blue Sheep.

This item ranks fourth among the disciples of the demon teacher Xun Peng. The realm of Jiu Xing Xuan Shen, the blood vein is Xuan Guang Sapphire God Sheep, and it is also Ji Xing Xuan Shen level.

This product is also considered a personal thing, but unfortunately, the sheep tribe is totally weak among the demons, so he wants to attach a strong ally.

However, ordinary allies despise others, and powerful allies despise him.

In this way, he has always been in a very awkward state.

Just like his ranking, he can't go up, he can't go down, he can only survive in the gap.

Today, upon hearing the visit of Mr. Zi Peng, Mr. Qing Yang was naturally overjoyed and personally welcomed him.

"Seventh Brother! What wind blows you?"

The Qingyang Shengzun took the Zipeng Shengzhuang into the door cheerfully, and did not care too much about Chen Xiaobei on the side of the Zijin Dragon.

Chen Xiaobei didn't say anything, so he went beside the two and entered the palace together.

"Four brothers, I am here today, there is a major event, and I want to discuss it with you!" Said Saint Zipeng.

"Let me guess!"

Qingyang Shengzhuang laughed: "I heard the fifth master said that you are engaged to the second unicorn's Kirin girl? Are you here to send a wedding invitation?"

"No ... the engagement has been cancelled."

Mr. Zi Peng said, "I'm here to be a lobbyist. I want the four brothers to form an alliance with Xiaoshangxian!"

"Xiaobei Shangxian !? Who?" Qingyang Shengzun looked blank.

"Wow ..."

This is, Chen Xiaobei appeared in the form of the deity, and said quietly, "Interception, Chen Xiaobei!"

"you you you you……"

The Supreme Lord of the Qingyang was shocked and was about to growl.


The Supreme Master Zipeng directly lifted the Qiankun Ziyan feather fan, and said indifferently, "Four brothers, calm down. What are you talking about? Think about it!"


The Supreme Master of Qingyang wanted to growl in anger, and was frightened back by Qiankun Ziyan's feather fan. His face was instantly filled with unparalleled shock, shock, and incredible!

"Yes, Brother Four, you read that right! I have formed an alliance with Xiaobei Shangxian! Your life and death are all between your own thoughts!"

Zi Peng Sheng sneered: "Don't you always want to seek a strong ally? Now is your chance! With the alliance of Xiaobei Shangxian, you will have an ally that is better than Kun Peng! This is not your long-standing Dream? "

"Seven Masters! Master treats you well on weekdays! You ... you betrayed?" Qingyang Shengzhuang's eyebrows tightened, his teeth clenched, and his eyes were full of anger and hatred.

Obviously, not everyone is like Zi Peng Sheng, and they will just cheat on apostasy casually.

Previously, the first reaction of the Lord Yulin was to be loyal to Kun Peng, and the same was true of the Lord Qingyang, and he did not want to betray easily.

"Yes, Xun Peng treats me well, but how does he treat you? How does he treat the sheep?" Asked Zi Peng Sheng.

"This ..." the Supreme Lord of the Qingyang lingered momentarily.

Obviously, Xun Peng was very indifferent to him and to the sheep tribe. There was no kind of help at all, or even no help at all.

The reason is very simple. The Qingyang Shengzun's blood level is not high, and the sheep tribe is poor.

Therefore, among the seven great disciples of Xun Peng, the Supreme Lord of the Qingyang is the one most unheard of.

If it wasn't for his own practice to reach the level of Jiuxing Xuanshen, only one step away from Zhunsheng, Xun Peng would never accept him as an apprentice.

And his current practice was achieved before worshipping Xunpeng as a teacher. Xun Peng did not even teach him at all, even ignored him at all, and treated him completely with a sheep-raising attitude.

To put it bluntly, although he and Xun Peng have the names of masters and apprentices, they are not true.

"Four brothers! Think about it! Do you want to continue to work for Xun Peng, or to be honest and obey Xiaobei Shangxian?" Zipeng Shengzhuang shook Qiankun and Ziyan feather fan ~ www.readwn.com ~ threatened coldly.

"I want to be loyal to Master!"

The Qingyang Shengzhuang looked cold, and immediately opened his posture to prepare for battle.

Obviously, some people attach great importance to justice, and will stick to their bottom line even if they are not rewarded.

At this moment, although Peng Peng was not good to the Qingyang saint, this would not be a reason for him to bully his teacher.


The Lord Zi Peng slanted the Qingyang Lord the same way, then looked at Chen Xiaobei and said, "Xiaobei Shangxian! You have seen it! I said earlier that the youngest and the fourth are all loyal to Xun Peng, no waste. Time persuades that the direct erasure is over! "


After finishing speaking, Zipeng Shengzhang suddenly waved the Qiankun Ziyan feather fan, inspiring mighty power to directly wipe out Qingyang Shengzun.

However, at this moment, the mutation suddenly broke out!

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