Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3779: Coincidentally

() "Howling !!!"

A violent purple fireball burst into the purple flame fan of Qiankun! The power is extremely horrible, even if the Lord of the Qingyang has a hundred lives, it will undoubtedly die!

but! This moment!

The horrible purple fireball did not rang the Lord of the Blue Sheep, but directly hit the body of the Lord Zipeng!


The horrible might directly smashed the body of Lord Zipeng.

Then, the shattered corpse was quickly burned by the purple flame, and even a little bit of meat dregs was left, only a drop of blood was scattered on the ground.

As for Zi Peng's holy body, the **** of the body was also vulnerable, and was directly annihilated in the purple flames, no trace left.

In this way, a dignified quasi-sacred second generation was directly killed and there was no place for burial.

Even at the moment of death, the Supreme Master Peng Peng did not understand why Chen Xiaobei killed himself?


Then, Qiankun Ziyan feather fan flew into the hands of its real master Chen Xiaobei.

"This ... this ... what the **** is going on !?"

The Qingyang Shengzun was dumbfounded, his eyes were bigger than the bull's eyes, his mouth was open to fit a fist, and his brain was almost short-circuited.

"I'm a man of affection and love your character! Zi Peng, such a ruthless and meaningless person, I look down on!"

Chen Xiaobei said calmly.

"You ... don't think you will do this, I will betray the demon master!" Qingyang Shengzun said calmly: "You go! For the sake of saving my life, I will not reveal your whereabouts!"

It can be seen that Qingyang Shengzun not only values ​​affection and righteousness, but also a person who believes in words. Since he said so, he will not leak Chen Xiaobei's whereabouts.

"It's impossible to walk!"

Chen Xiaobei said rudely, "You are loyal to your Master, and I am also loyal to my Master! If Peng Peng is sanctified, my Master is in danger! Therefore, I will stop Peng Peng no matter what!"

"Your Master !? The Master of Heaven !?" The Qingyang Holy Lord looked a little indifferent, and his eyes were a little complicated.

"What is your expression? Do you know my Master?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"Who does not know the famous Shangqing Lingbaotian among the heavens and the world?

The Qingyang Shengzhang sighed and said, "Tongtian's founder has established an ecclesiastical religion, and has widely received disciples. There is no teaching! No matter the strength of the race, no matter whether the blood is noble or low, as long as he is under the ecclesiastical door, he will be treated equally.

"It seems that you don't just know my Master so simple!" Chen Xiaobei's eyes narrowed.

"It's true, my father was a disciple of discipleship! When the disciple was the most powerful, there was a prosperous age of the immortals! And my father was one of those immortals! I can achieve what I have achieved today, and I am also indebted to many elders. Pointing for help! "

The Qingyang Saint had a complex complexion and couldn't help but lament, "I thought that year, I had dreamed of joining the censorship, but I did not expect that the heavenly saints and censorship fell under the third immeasurable calamity!"

"No! You are wrong!"

Chen Xiaobei said arbitrarily: "The censorship has not fallen! My Master has not fallen! If you want, I can fulfill your dream of joining the censorship! Moreover, I can guarantee that my teacher will still use what he teaches. Treat you like you, treat your entire community! "

"This ... Is this true !?" Qingyang Shengzun's face changed dramatically.

If you say that Peng Peng is not good for him, it is not the reason for his betrayal! So, joining the confession is good for him and for the whole race. This reason may be sufficient!

"You and Kun Peng don't really have the mentorship between apprentices and apprentices!"

Chen Xiaobei said: "It's awkward, you are a horse **** he prepared in advance! The mass calamity is coming, and you are definitely sent to the front to kill the cannon fodder! As for the fate of the sheep, there is no need to say more!"

"Huh ..." Qingyang Shengzhang let out a sigh of relief. Although he did not want to admit it, Chen Xiaobei said that it was true.

Xun Peng doesn't care about the Qingyang Holy Lord or the sheep tribe.

However, over the years, the most dangerous, hardest, and most unhelpful tasks have been performed by the Supreme Lord. The sheep are like slaves, living at the lowest level of the city of Holy Spirit.

"Xiao Bei Shang Xian! You are all right!"

Qingyang Shengzun said calmly: "Although I don't want to betray, but because of my own decision, I can't make the whole family never have a day of prominence! I want to join the truncation, it's more like the entire clan is protected by censorship! At least In the future, the young people of my sheep tribe can still have dreams, hopes, and a future! "

"OK! I'm waiting for you!" Chen Xiaobei rejoiced.

Obviously, the Supreme Lord of Qingyang is a gentleman with a broad mind and a kind attitude towards the people.

Such people are worthy of being Chen's allies.

As for the Supreme Master Zi Peng, Chen Xiaobei will get rid of him sooner or later.

Bringing such a relentless villain with you is like carrying a time bomb. You don't know at all, when will he bite you and make you fall into despair.

"What should I do! Please ask Xiaobei Shangxian Shangxian!" Qingyang Shengzun asked.

"I want all the resources in your treasure house!" Chen Xiaobei said, "Of course, you can put away some important things in case you need them!"

"no problem!"

Qingyang Shengzun did not blink, and immediately took Chen Xiaobei to the treasure house.

Honest gentleman, empathy!

Anyone who has these two qualities, once they have made a decision, will definitely keep their promises, and never commit fraud.

Upon arriving at the treasure house, the Supreme Lord of Qingyang recovered only a few magic weapons, elixir, and exercises, and all of them were collected by Chen Xiaobei.

All the remaining things were handed over to Chen Xiaobei in one breath.

Among them, there are 30 billion top-quality Lingyu, countless various types of advanced resources.

Chen Xiaobei accepted all of them, without being polite to Qingyang Shengzun.

All of this is to prevent Xun Peng from becoming sanctified ~ ~ Li Baotong God, first solved the urgent need, in the future, Chen Xiaobei will naturally return the Qingyang Shengzun.

"Come on, let's visit your three brothers now! If I can, I hope that he can surrender to me too!" Chen Xiaobei calmed down and immediately took the next step.

"Three brothers ... this may be a little difficult ..."

As the Lord Qingyang walked, he said, "Three brothers are absolutely loyal to Xun Peng! Moreover, all three brothers are also loyal to Yuanjiao! Even if you kill him and slaughter his entire family, it will not change!"

"Do you mean, their belief is Yuan Peng's Yuanjiao?" Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly.

"No, their belief is the ancient demon heaven!"

Qing Yang Shengzeng said in a deep voice: "The Xun Peng was the third person in the demon heaven court under the East Emperor Taiyi and the West Emperor Jun! Taiyi and Emperor Jun were no longer there. The demon teacher Xun Peng had their highest faith!"

"Oh, what a coincidence!" Chen Xiaobei smiled: "Taiyi I brought him!"

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