Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 944: Grandpa drives (3)

"Get through! The call got through! Grandpa said he'd come over now!"

Zhuang Yuejin happily ran to report, as excited as if he had chicken blood. "Hunting Ω text network Ww" W. "LieWen. CC

"Great! As soon as Grandpa arrives, Master Yue's severe injuries can be solved!"

Zhuang Hao smiled instantly, as if the sky was down.

"Where did you go to recognize another grandpa?"

Zhuang Bihuang's eyes narrowed, revealing the unpleasant color: "When have my sons and daughters become so boneless?"

"The ancestors don't know!"

Zhuang Hao respectfully explained: "This grandfather I worship is a great holy doctor who is sanctified! There is no poison in the world that he cannot cure! No disease that he cannot cure!"

"Who is it?"

Zhuang Bihuang frowned, wondering: "Can it be better than Huangfu Muming?"

"That's natural!"

Zhuang Hao said excitedly: "Huangfu Muming Alchemy has two sons, but when it comes to medicine, he didn't even dare to put a fart in front of my grandfather!"

"Oh? Anything like this?"

Zhuang Bihuang's expression changed all of a sudden, and the unpleasant color turned into a strong curiosity: "It can suppress the first alchemist Huang Fu Muming of Huaxia! It seems that you really worship a **** doctor! You must do it for me later Referral! "


Zhuang Hao stood humbly and said, "Grandpa must also be very happy to make a hidden man like an ancestor!"

"Okay, you all go out to welcome us!" Zhuang Bihuang waved her hands, silently tidying her dress, and was ready to greet the great doctor with a cow fork and lightning in the courtyard.

After about half an hour, Chen Xiaobei was late.

"My grandpa! You are here!"

Zhuang Hao was out of a cold sweat: "Come on! The wounded people inside are waiting for you to come to help!"

"What wounded? What are the symptoms?" Chen Xiaobei wore a human skin mask, using a wonderful sound to perceive, with an old voice, asked.

"Back to Grandpa!"

Zhuang Hao immediately and respectfully responded: "A total of four wounded people, young and old, suffered severe trauma! For the time being, some drugs were used to hang their lives, but they were still vomiting blood, and the injuries were still worsening! "

"Well, take me to see it." Chen Xiaobei looked pale and light, but was heartbroken.

Because, things are exactly as he envisioned!

"Grandpa! Grandpa you are here!"

As soon as they entered the house, the two **** brothers Zhuang Bifan and Zhuang Fanfan greeted them with enthusiasm and surrounded themselves around Chen Xiaobei.

"Brother Yi! You are here!"

Even the old lady Zhuang came personally and greeted Chen Xiaobei.

"This is the legendary Witch Doctor?"

Zhuang Bihuang finally came over and proactively stretched out his hand, saying, "Zhuang Bihuang, the abominable person, has long admired the old doctor of the witch, and today it really looks like an immortal style, with a magnificent spirit!"

"Don't adjust these ill-mannered politeness, take the husband directly to see the patient!"

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently that he didn't shake Zhuang Bihuang's hand and walked directly in front of the old guy.


Zhuang Bihuang's mouth twitched twice and was instantly depressed and broken.

I'm a grand elder of the Huashan School. On weekdays, many people cry and shout that they want to shake hands with themselves.

But it's good. Here Chen Xiaobei has become a hot face and a cold ass.

"Old ancestors, don't mind, Grandpa Gan has a bad temper, and doesn't care about politeness ... we still have to save people first!" Zhuang Hao quickly rounded the road.

"Huh! In the future, remember to say hello to me in advance!" Zhuang Bihuang gave Zhuang Hao a stern glance and walked towards the big house.

Zhuang Hao swallowed, and quickly followed.

Inside the big house.

Four temporarily moved beds were lined up. Yue Changkong, Yue Junmo, Su Dongruo, Xu Changqing, and four were lying on the bed.

"Gee! Hey ..."

Yue Changkong crooked his neck and spit out old blood.

Around his bed, the pillows and bedding, and even the floor, had been stained red, and the blood was really vomiting.

"Ahem ... heh ..."

Su Dongruo is constantly coughing.

The thorax of the chest of the goods was scorched by thunder and lightning, and every time a cough was heard, filthy blood rushed out of the scorched meat on the chest, and the bleeding blood was no less than that of Yue Changkong.

"Well ... it hurts ... it hurts us ... it might as well kill us ..."

Yue Junmo and Xu Changqing are in the same situation.

Chen Xiaobei slaps half of his face with slaps, the skin is fleshy, the muscles are broken and the bones are broken. It seems that the pain is caused by the knife.

It really hurts.

"Grandpa, please show them!"

Zhuang Hao said anxiously: "These four are all important VIPs of our dealer! Don't let them have anything to do!"

"This ... who is this person?"

Although Yue Changkong was seriously injured, he was very cautious. He said: "Our injuries are not trivial. If you are a general doctor, you can let him get away!"

"That's right ... keke ..."

Su Dongruo said hardly: "If our injuries can be cured by ordinary people, we will go directly to the hospital. Why should we suffer here ... keke ..."

"It hurts ... it hurts us ..."

Yue Junmo and Xu Changqing said with a trembling voice: "General doctors are useless! We not only need to heal, but we also need to restore our appearance ... ah ... it hurts ..."

"Oh, since you can't believe my husband, please ask for more blessings!" As soon as Chen Xiaobei said coldly, he turned away.

"Grandpa stayed! Grandpa stayed!"

Zhuang Hao stunned and persuaded: "Their lives are off. They don't know Grandpa, so be careful! When the grandson introduces them, they will immediately know that you are great!"

Hearing Zhuang Hao's left and grandpa's right and grandpa's Chen Xiaobei, treating Chen Xiaobei is closer than treating Zhuang Bihuang.

There was no small fluctuation in the hearts of everyone.

"I don't know if the Supreme Master is coming ... I'm waiting for the rude ... Zhuang Hao to introduce quickly ..." Yue Changkong said weakly.

Just after that, he spit another blood.

"This is Wu Lao! It is also my grandfather! It is also my doctor's dedication to the gods!"

Zhuang Hao solemnly said: "In the early days, the dog's body was extremely poisonous, and he asked all the famous doctors in the world, and even the first alchemist Huang Fu Muming of China was helpless! In the end, it was Grandpa Gan who took the shot himself to make the dog recover!"

"What !? This witch veteran's medical skill is higher than Huang Fu Muming !?"

For a while ~ ~ everyone was surprised at the scene.

"Wu Lao! Cough ... cough ... come and heal me first ..."

"Wu Lao! Heal first! I beg you!"

"Doctor me first! Doctor me first ..."

The four unlucky ghosts stunned, looking at Chen Xiaobei's eyes, as if they were four idiots, looking at the world's largest handsome guy, dreaming that Chen Xiaobei can `` pamper '' himself first!

"This little injury is nothing to the old man."

Chen Xiaobei smiled faintly: "However, the old man needs to receive a consultation fee for the treatment of the disease. 1ooo spirit stone treats one person. Whoever takes out the stone first, the old man will treat it first!"

Chapter Three, thank me [Ping] Brother, once again bring a reward! thank you very much! muah!

(End of this chapter)

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