Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 945: Ye's home (4)

"What !? 1ooo spirit stones for one person !? Four people are just 4ooo spirit stones!"

As soon as this remark was made, the four unlucky ghosts were stunned in an instant. I have never heard such a high medical consultation in my life!

"Witch veteran doctor ... Can this consultation be cheaper? We are now at death's day, so you might have made some lions speak out ..." Yue Changkong asked in a low voice. Ω "hunting" text network WwΩW. ΩLieWen. CC

"Yeah ... keke ... the old witch doctor did this ... I am afraid that outsiders will say you robbed in the fire ..." Su Dongruo immediately agreed.

Both of the old foxes wanted to put pressure on Chen Xiaobei and make Chen Xiaobei cut the price.

"Oh, if you feel that your life is not worth 1ooo spirit stone, then you can go to someone for treatment!"

Chen Xiaobei did not change his color, and said indifferently, "The old man's medical technique is not so cheap!"

"Mr. Yue! Elder Su! You two don't know. My grandfather didn't rob and took the fire and released him to detoxify the dog. It was also 1ooo spirit stone!"

Zhuang Hao quickly rounded the field and said, "In the beginning, I also thought that the price was ridiculously high, but as soon as Grandpa shot, I immediately knew that the value of the 1ooo flower was worth it!"

"A few of you have ordinary identities. This is the injury. The ordinary doctor can't cure it! If you drag it on again, what's the use of it?

As soon as this statement was made, Yue Changkong and others were silent.

Chen Xiaobei was in front of him, and was almost amused. Zhuang Hao was really amused. He didn't eat the dog food in Tianting. It was as if he had eaten it. He helped himself to speak everywhere, and the words were very reasonable.

"Zhuang Hao also makes sense ... when a person dies, what else does Lingshi do ..."

Yue Changkong made a decisive decision and said, "I'm willing to pay 2ooo spirit stones. Please heal me and the dog first!"

"I do ... I do ..."

Su Dongruo and Xu Changqing immediately made up their minds.

Even if Chen Xiaobei was robbing while in the fire, they could only cooperate, otherwise his life would be lost and nothing would be lost.

"Okay, then come with the spirit stone!" Chen Xiaobei said lightly.

"Witch veteran doctor ... Look at us like this, there is no spirit stone on your body ... You help us heal first, within three days, the spirit stone will be delivered to ..."

Yue Changkong said in a deep voice.

"one day!"

Chen Xiaobei said calmly: "It must be delivered within one day!"

"This ..." Yue Changkong had no choice but to promise: "Okay ... first help me stabilize my injury, I immediately asked someone to send the spirit stone from Huashan!"

Chen Xiaobei nodded, walked directly, took out the carry-on needle bag, twisted out the silver needles and started to apply needles to Yue Changkong.

For a moment, everyone's eyes focused on Chen Xiaobei, wanting to see what he could do.

Chen Xiaobei's acupuncture need not be said.

The technique is pure and hot, and the method is unparalleled in the world, so that everyone around is dazzled.

After 36 stitches, Chen Xiaobei stopped.

"How? Master Yue! How are you feeling? Are you better?" Several people around asked inquisitively.

"I ... I ... Oh my **** ..."

Yue Changkong was shocked and happy, and he sighed for a long time: "Wu Lao Shen Yi is really great! I feel that the pain in my chest has been greatly reduced, and that the chaotic blood has subsided and I will not vomit blood!"

As soon as this remark was made, the hearts of the people around him were instantly and strongly impacted.

Just two minutes ago, Yue Changkong was still vomiting blood, and Chen Xiaobei had just finished the needle, and immediately solved the problem!

This is not what the divine doctor is?

"Old Witch Doctor! Grandpa Witch ... it's me! Come and heal me soon ..." Yue Junmo couldn't wait, and rushed to hug Chen Xiaobei's thigh immediately.

Chen Xiaobei walked over it unhurriedly and changed a set of acupuncture techniques to give Yue Junmo a needle.

It was done in less than two minutes.

"God! Grandpa Witch! You are really god!" Yue Junmo exclaimed: "My face doesn't hurt anymore! It doesn't hurt to breathe! Even the talking doesn't hurt!"

"Witch veterinarian ... keke ... I am willing to pay for Lingshi!"

If Su Dong followed closely, he promised: "It will be delivered within one day. Please save me! Hehehe ..."

Chen Xiaobei nodded, and it only took a short time to cast 30 or more silver needles on Su Dongruo.

"Cough no more! My lungs seem to be refreshing instantly! I don't even feel like coughing!"

If Su Dong is extremely surprised, he praises: "Witch veteran doctor! Really God and man!"

"It's me! It's me ... Grandpa Witch is going to save me ... I'm about to die ..." Xu Changqing looked at Chen Xiaobei with an expression on his face.

Soon Chen Xiaobei also gave Xu Changqing a needle.

"It doesn't hurt anymore! I don't hurt anymore ..."

Xu Changqing couldn't wait to ask: "Grandpa Witch, our injuries have been stabilized. Next, what are you going to do? When will we recover?"

As soon as he said this, everyone raised his ears.

"Next, the old man will go to allocate the medicine for healing. At this time tomorrow, the old man will come again!"

Chen Xiaobei smiled slightly and said, "The ugly words are in the front. If the number of spirits is not enough, then you will be on your own!"

After speaking, Chen Xiaobei went straight out of the big house.

"Zhuang Hao! Hurry and send! Here the old man is watching!" Zhuang Bihuang said quickly.

Zhuang Hao was like a minion at once, and Ma Liu overtook Chen Xiaobei and said humbly: "This time is really troublesome for Grandpa! Fortunately, Grandpa has taken the shot, otherwise, the trouble will be big ..."

Chen Xiaobei didn't bother to care about him, and walked out of himself.

Just at the door, two acquaintances came to the dealer.

The man on the left is the owner of Ye Family, Ye Jianming.

The person on the right is Shushan faction elder, Situ Hengfeng.

Chen Xiaobei heard that Wu Aofeng said that Situ Hengfeng also participated in the siege of Bei Xuanzong last night. However, after Liu Chunyi was arrested, Situ Hengfeng was aware of the danger and went straight away.

At this moment, Ye Jianming and Situ Hengfeng arrived at the scene, I am afraid there will be nothing good!

"Brother Ye! You are finally here!" Zhuang Hao's eyes showed a look of expectation ~ ~ Meet the old man! "

Ye Jianming and Situ Hengfeng ignored Zhuang Hao but met Chen Xiaobei first.

The last time Zhuang Bifan acknowledged Grandpa Ye, Ye Jianming was there, and Ye Tianling also called Chen Xiaobei a few times on the spot!

"You have something to talk about? Then don't send the old husband!" Chen Xiaobei squinted and said lightly.

"Without concealing Grandpa, we do have important things! Grandson was rude, he resigned first!" Zhuang Hao bowed and immediately took Ye Jianming to the hospital.

Chen Xiaobei's brows frowned. How could I know what they were going to talk about this time?

Just then, Chen Xiaobei saw Zhuang Bifan and Zhuang extraordinary.

Chapter Four, thank you for your reward! Tomorrow Monday, everyone will go to bed early after watching! The little leader will fight for it early tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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