Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 946: Shameless Conspiracy (1)

"Bi Fan!"

Chen Xiaobei beckoned. Hunting Network WwΔW. LieWen. CC

"Come here!"

Zhuang Bifansa ran over happily and asked, "Grandpa! Are you going to find anything with me?"

"What's wrong with your father? Usually so polite, today he even left the old man and left first!" Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly.

"Grandpa, don't blame my father, he really has 100,000 urgent things to do!" Zhuang Bifan said in a panic.

"Don't worry, the old man is not angry, just care about your father!" Chen Xiaobei asked tentatively: "What's going on? Can it be called 100,000 rush?"

"This ..." Zhuang Bifan looked for a moment, hesitating.

"What? I can't believe my husband?"

Chen Xiaobei said coldly, unpleasantly: "Left grandpa left, right grandpa right, they are so friendly, but in the end they still treat the old man as an outsider! Just let the old man stick his cold **** on his face!"

"Grandson is not filial! Absolutely no meaning! Grandpa is our family, and because of my concern for my father, naturally I will not hide anything!"

Zhuang Bifan was in a hurry, afraid of angering Chen Xiaobei, and said quickly: "This is the case, my Zhuang family has an endless enemy! Last night their father went to take revenge, but the enemy was so powerful that it was far beyond expectations! "

"Father, they came home with a terrible defeat. They knew very well that the enemy would come back for revenge! Such a powerful enemy cannot be matched at all!"

"The Elder Stuart Hengfeng of the Shushan School offered a plan and made it smart!"

Hearing that, Chen Xiaobei's brows frowned even tighter.

I have to say that this group of enemies is still very savvy. Chen Xiaobei calculated in advance that he would take revenge. He had just returned after a fiasco defeat, and he kept discussing countermeasures.

They knew that Chen Xiaobei was invincible and could only outsmart him!

At this moment there is no doubt that he is planning some despicable conspiracy.

"Do you know how to outsmart it? Is there any place where my husband can help?" Chen Xiaobei asked Shen Sheng.

"Elder Stuart Hengfeng mentioned that my family's deadly enemy has a leg with my **** fiancee!"

Zhuang Bifan said: "You can start with that little bitch! Take her as a hostage and buy out their entire company! As long as you hold the life of the little bitch's family, the enemy will not dare to avenge us!"

Hearing that Chen Xiaobei's chest suddenly burst into a fierce anger, anxious to kill the ring on the spot and destroy the entire dealer!

These mean and shameless enemies couldn't beat Chen Xiaobei, so they started to play the idea of ​​Lan Mengchen and the Blue Family!

Lan Mengchen naturally needless to say, appearing when Chen Xiaobei was the weakest has very special significance for Chen Xiaobei.

As for the Lan family, Chen Xiaobei always remembers the kindness of Qin Lao. Chen Xiaobei does not have a good opinion of Lan Zhengguo and others, but he never hates it.

In private, Chen Xiaobei must keep Lan Mengchen and the Lan family!

Yu Gong and the Blue Family have made great contributions to the social welfare of Qingteng City. Each year, they donate a large amount of donations and donate a lot of Hope Primary Schools, Welfare Homes, etc.

Out of morality, Chen Xiaobei must also keep the Lan family!

Now that these enemies dare to hit their ideas on Lan Mengchen and the Lan family, they are simply touching Chen Xiaobei's inverse scale!

The dragon has inverse scales and will kill when you touch it!

When the enemy decides to do this, he is sentenced to death. Chen Xiaobei will never have mercy on them!

It's just that this is not the time to do it!

"Since you got into the enemy, the old man will go back to dispense medicine and strive for the wounded to recover soon!" Said Chen Xiaobei, Shen Sheng.

"My grandfather's medicine is so weird! With your old shot, any injury can be solved!"

Zhuang Bifan finished laughing, and suddenly smiled: "Grandpa, I would like to ask you to help me with a dose of the most tortured poison!"

"What are you going to do?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"Chen Xiaobei and Lan Mengchen, these bitches, give me a green hat and wait to get them back, I'd better die of their torture!"

Zhuang Bifan said with a sullen expression: "Then, I will stab Chen Xiaobei, and I will smash Lan Mengchen's face! Hum ... this is how they anger me!"

Chen Xiaobei heard that the anger in her chest almost burst.

This Zhuang Bifan is still deadly, and he will die first when the overall situation is set!

"I see, you go back to the house and stay well. Don't go out tomorrow. Your injury is not good yet. I will give you the medicine tomorrow!"

Chen Xiaobei explained coldly and left the dealer.

"Grand Grandpa! Grandson will burn incense tomorrow to bathe, waiting for Grandpa to come!"

Zhuang Bifan sang like a little eunuch, and then Ning smiled and continued to figure out how to torture Chen Xiaobei Lan Mengchen.


After leaving the dealer, Chen Xiaobei called Lan Mengchen as soon as possible.

"Hello? Xiaobei? How do you remember calling me?" Lan Mengchen's curious voice and some construction voices came from the phone.

It seems that she should be at the cosmetics factory at this moment, the construction of the factory is coming to an end, and she will go there almost every day.

"You're staying there, I'll come to you immediately! Don't go anywhere before I get there!"

Chen Xiaobei gave a serious explanation, and immediately set foot on some somersault and rushed past.

The cosmetics factory is located on the outskirts of the city.

There were no crowds around, and the vision was very wide.

As soon as Chen Xiaobei got there, he saw a Hummer off-road vehicle rushing out of the factory area with a quick car.

"Well! The enemy is still one step ahead of me!"

Chen Xiaobei sank, but did not rush down to stop the car.

But secretly following in the air.

Since the enemy is going to play the scheme, Chen Xiaobei will play the scheme with them!



The Hummer buggy drove into an abandoned warehouse.

In the warehouse, there are more than a dozen strong men, one by one, who are obviously not ordinary.

However, among these dozens of people, there is a small white face with oily flour.

"Ye Shao! Someone caught you!"

Two strong men got off the off-road vehicle ~ ~, and as soon as they reached out, they pulled a young girl out of the car.

"Miss Lan! We've met!"

Xiaobai leaned over and said with a smile on his face: "Last time, I managed to haze at the airport. I still gave you a hoe, do you remember?"

The girl is Lan Mengchen.

Raising her bright eyes, like Mo Jing, glanced coldly at the little white face, and said angrily, "Ye Tianling! How dare you catch me? Aren't you afraid that Zhuang Bifan and you are desperate?"

Xiao Bailian is Ye Family Master, Ye Tianling.

"Oh, to tell you the truth, it is the dealer who wants to catch you! My father and Zhuang Bifan's father are meeting at the moment!"

Ye Tianling smiled and licked her lips: "I came here to see you! Hehehe ..."

(End of this chapter)

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