Red Moon Returns

Chapter 17 Lovely Children (Please continue reading)

When Lynch returned to the first floor from the spiral staircase, he had an envelope in his hand and a stack of small pieces of paper in his pocket, which the Land people jokingly called Elizabeth.

The rectangular paper had a complex blue-gray pattern, and in the middle was a portrait of a middle-aged lady with a graceful and elegant appearance. It was the image of Queen Elizabeth III of Land a hundred years ago, and she was also the first pioneer to replace gold and silver coins with paper money.

One pound a piece, ten pieces stacked into a thick stack, heavy in the hand.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one on the stairs, he secretly counted them again, and finally took a deep sniff. The filthy smell of banknotes rushed straight to his head, but Lynch felt refreshed.

After a night of fear, he can finally stand up like a normal person. In a different world, there is nothing more comfortable than having money in his pocket to eat.

The purchasing power of one pound is equivalent to 1,200 to 1,500 yuan in his hometown. Ten pounds is already a lot of money. The people of the Watcher really solved their urgent needs today.

Now the rent and various expenses add up to three pounds a month. If I really move, even if I can find a house for two pounds, the down payment for three months' rent will be six pounds. If I don't sell the ring, I may not even be able to move.

But now I have the arson artifact ring, and I have also got the stepping stone to save my life. In the end, not only did I get back the lost money of six pounds and fifteen shillings, but I also made a lot of money.

A big harvest for a night of hard work.

From this point of view, it would be good to be a private detective in mysterious affairs in the future, at least I can support myself comfortably. Although such a good thing will not be the norm, it is at least a way out.

I can give it a try, so I decided.

Due to the need to rewrite the report and self-reflection, Officer Natalie's original plan to take Lynch out had to be shelved, but she still wrote the address to Lynch.

King District, Villa Street, No. 221.

It is said that a friend of the police officer lives here. There is a four-story single-family apartment for rent. The price is relatively cheap. Knowing that Lynch wants to move, he suggested that he go and have a look. For this reason, the police officer specially wrote a letter of introduction to him. If he liked it, he could give it to the landlord and get some discount.

Lynch didn't really want to go because the King District didn't meet his expectations.

The King District is not far from the Crown District in the city center, not remote, but it belongs to the old city, only one step away from the slums, the facilities are old and the environment is dirty, theoretically it is not suitable for business premises.

But because of this, the rent there is relatively cheap.

This reason is enough to overwhelm all the shortcomings, not to mention that whether it is suitable or not cannot be determined only by theory, it can only be determined after field investigation, so let's go and have a look first.

Lynch agreed with Officer Natalie to write a letter to inform her of the new address after moving. He walked out of this weird club with a determined mind. Just before leaving, there was a sudden tidal shout from the bar behind him. It seemed that the result of another gambling game was out.

Looking back, he saw the bearded Cui En jumped on the chair, twisting his waist while holding a bottle and pouring it into his mouth, and a group of people around him threw away the papers in their hands angrily.

I guess he won a lot of money and got carried away. But when he was halfway through, he saw Lynch, who was about to leave, pointing at his boots. He immediately sprayed all the wine out of his nose, his feet softened, and he fell off the chair.

I didn't do anything.

Lynch took off his hat, saluted the bartender Linda at the bar, and turned away in the chaos.

In order to save money, he walked five kilometers when he came here. Now, in order to reward himself, Lynch decided to experience the open-top rental carriage in another world.

However, at four o'clock in the afternoon, Rhine City was welcoming the daily traffic peak.

The streets were crowded, with people, horses and cars mixed together, and it was impossible to get through. The horses neighed, roared and cursed, and everyone was irritable.

Lynch couldn't help but sigh that road rage started from that era.

At this time, the open-top carriage was very convenient. Not only could it weave in and out of the traffic, but it could also easily get through the alleys when encountering blocked sections of the road.

Lynch was very satisfied with this, until the carriage ran into a blocked alley.

According to the driver, this place was originally accessible, and he was walking here yesterday. Today, for some reason, there were a lot of rubble and gravel, making it completely impossible for the carriage to pass.

Fortunately, the destination was not far away. According to the driver's description, if you go deep into the alleys inside and pass through a large number of old buildings, you can reach the destination within ten minutes.

Lynch thought about it and agreed to the driver's proposal. He threw down three three-penny coins and walked away.

The narrow alley can only accommodate one car. There were people in the windows on both sides who cast wary eyes. The residents of the old city have always been so wary of outsiders.

As they went deeper, the sound of cars, horses and people outside gradually faded away, and the surroundings became quieter and quieter.

At this moment, a cry came from deeper in the alley.

The voice was a little childish, like a child's cry, and the sound was quite miserable.

Suddenly, crying sounded in the deserted alley, which was indeed a bit strange. Lin Qi frowned. He was not a nosy person, but the sound came from the direction he was heading. He couldn't take a detour. Besides, if it was an ordinary cry or even a cry for help, it would be fine to take a detour, but the cry of a child was different, especially when it was so miserable.

Anyway, it was on the way, so let's go and take a look.

After hesitating for a moment, his heart softened, and he put the "Passion of the Fiery Lady" in the easiest place to get it, shaking his cane as a weapon, and walked towards the source of the sound.

'Travel companion, talk to me, I feel a little guilty. '

The witness ignored him.

'Any mysterious reactions? ’

【No. 】

‘Why would you be panicked and depressed without me? ’

[Your mental tolerance for unexpected scenery during the journey is relatively low. 】

‘This is a disguised description of my timidity. ’

Silent and silent.

Lin Qi always felt despised, but he was not afraid anymore. After all, it was still bright and someone was talking to him in his ear. The most important thing was that as the distance got closer, the cries became clearer.

There was more than one, a lot of childish voices, yelling mixed with crying.

It didn't seem to be a tragedy, but out of curiosity, Lynch quickened his pace, walked around for two or three minutes, and found a small empty space of a few square meters next to the alley.

Seven or eight children, boys and girls, all in their teens, not shabby but too plain, with thin bodies and dirty faces, were crowding around a little blond girl, pushing and joking.

The cry came from the girl's mouth. She was almost ten years old, and her clothes were normal, much better than other children. He must have been pushed down several times, and he was covered in filth. He was pushed down again just now and fell into a pile of debris. He was holding his head and crying.

Lin Qi shook his head, thinking that something big had happened. He was crying so miserably, but it turned out to be just children fighting.

He sighed and was about to turn around when he suddenly saw the little girl say something. Then a bully child picked up a branch from the roadside, swung it up and slapped her on her body, and other children followed suit. Start looking for branches in the corners.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?"

Lynch couldn't stand it anymore. This was beyond the scope of bullying.

When the children looked back and saw someone coming, they immediately threw down branches and debris and dispersed.

"Are you OK."

Having reached this point, it was impossible for Lynch to let it go. He simply walked over, knelt down in front of the girl, and asked softly:

"Are you injured?"

The girl sobbed and shook her head, wiping her tears and looking up.

Lin Qi was stunned. This child had blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and was as delicate and beautiful as a doll. He was quite stunning.

"Why are they bullying you?"

"I don't know either." The girl's voice was also very pleasant, as clear as spring water. "I don't even know them. When they see me, they come over and beat me."

Why do you sound like a madman?

Lin Qi looked at the girl's blue eyes with a bit of laughter and tears. The eyes were bright and clear, but Lin Qi just happened to see the reflection of something shaking in the clear eyes.

Right behind yourself.

When he realized this, Lynch instinctively swayed to the side.

Then he felt a gust of wind blowing behind him, and a large sack fell from the sky and hit him on the shoulder.

If you didn't hide for a moment, you would just be trapped.

Lin Qi stood up suddenly, raised his cane and turned around. He saw two of the group of children carrying sacks silently appearing behind him. He looked surprised at this moment, then shouted and dropped the sacks. Just run away.

Lynch took two steps after him and found that the two of them were as nimble as mice. They disappeared into the alley in an instant. He could only wave his stick and return to the little girl.

"These damn kids, if I catch them, I'll beat them up."

Thinking that he was almost put in a sack by several children, Lynch felt furious. Fortunately, he discovered it in time, otherwise he would still have a huge ten pounds on him, and he would not be able to cry even if the money was lost.

"Don't you know these dead kids? Forget it, don't be afraid. Get up. Wherever you live, I'll take you home."

Lin Qi stretched out his hand towards the girl, and the girl obediently grabbed his hand and stood up. Just as he was about to speak, her face suddenly turned horrified when she looked behind Lin Qi.

It won't come back again.

Lin Qi quickly turned back, but when he was halfway back, he suddenly realized something.

The girl didn't remind herself at all when she was put in a sack just now, but why did she suddenly show panic now?


Lin Qi's hair exploded. He immediately protected his head and rushed forward. As soon as he took two steps, he felt a pain in his back, and then there was a crash and something smashed on his back.

Fortunately, he didn't hit his head.

Lin Qi stumbled a few steps and turned around, only to see the little girl holding up half a clay pot and looking at him in shock.

"You, you, you, how did you avoid it?"

"I'm really sorry. Shouldn't I run away?" Lin Qi's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and smiled grimly. "It seems that there is another dead child who deserves to be beaten."

With that said, he raised his cane and rushed towards her.


The little girl turned around and ran away. Lynch grabbed her by the back of the collar, but she managed to escape with all her strength. She heard a clang and something metal fell to the ground.

Then a few children emerged from the fork in the alley and threw the garbage and debris in their hands at Lynch. Taking advantage of Lynch's escape, he pulled the little girl into the fork and disappeared in an instant.

These little bastards.

Lynch has figured it out.

These little bastards are a bunch of habitual robbers.

They probably made the rubble and rubble at the entrance of the alley outside to trick passers-by into walking by, and then took advantage of the passers-by's lack of vigilance against children to rob them in sacks.

Lynch escaped their attacks both times by luck. If he were not careful, the ten pounds would probably be gone.

It seems that the Kings District has really taught me a lesson. Even children in the old city are not trustworthy.

Fortunately, the overall security in the city is good, and the children do not have lethal weapons in their hands, otherwise I would have lost my life.

This world is too dark, and things that have nothing to do with mystery are so dangerous.

Thinking of this, Lin Qi sighed with a wry smile, walked to the thing that had just been pulled off the little girl's neck and picked it up.

A ring, which should have been hung on the little girl's neck with a rope, and the rope was pulled off.

The moment he picked it up, the voice of his travel companion suddenly rang in his mind.

[Mysterious filth entangled it. 】

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