Red Moon Returns

Chapter 18 The Enthusiastic Landlady

When Lynch left this spider-web-like alley, it was already past five in the evening.

He got lost in it and wandered around for more than an hour.

He met a few residents in the alley on the way, but they looked at him and turned around and left without even talking to him. It was not until he finally met an old lady who liked him that she led him out of the maze.

Lynch also asked the old lady about the children just now.

They were all children of the King District residents. They ran around everywhere since they were young and robbed outsiders from time to time.

There were several major incidents in the past, which frequently attracted the intervention of the police, and even several children were sent to prison. But in recent years, for some reason, these children have learned to be smart and choose the gentlemen passing by. They will not rob too much each time, at most one pound, and leave the rest to the victims.

In this way, the victims often don’t care about a group of little bastards, so that although the number of their robberies has increased, they have almost never been dealt with by the police. Even if they are, they are just taught a lesson.

They are indeed a group of habitual criminals, but they know how to control their position and are not so evil.

Then, if there is a chance, I should return this ring to the child.

Lynch frowned as he looked at the ring he picked up.

The witness in his mind made a clear judgment that the ring was not a strange object.

To be precise, the ring was not any kind of mystery, it was a normal substance in the real world.

But it was stained with mysterious filth, and the only possibility was that it was stained when it came into contact with the mystery.

And it was recently.

In the original owner's memory, mystery is a very rare phenomenon, and he has never seen it in his twenty years of life.

How come I have encountered another one in less than twenty-four hours after traveling through time?

Was the original owner unlucky before, or was my luck too "good"?

Forget it, no longer thinking about the unanswered questions, Lynch just sighed, I don't know what happened to this child that made the ring stained with mysterious filth, I hope it's not a big deal.

However, since she was carrying the ring like this, it must be something she valued very much. If she left it where it was, it would be troublesome if someone else picked it up. She would keep it for now. If she really rented this place in the future, she might have a chance to return it to her when she saw it.

In order to distinguish it from her arson ring, Lynch tied the broken string and temporarily hung it on his wrist. Then he raised his head and looked at the environment outside.

This is the most prosperous area in the King's District - Charles Square on Villa Street.

This used to be the most prosperous district in Rhine City, but with the development of the times, it has been forgotten by the world. Only around Charles Square, the last glory of the old city is still preserved.

Most of the pedestrians were wearing simple linen and coarse cloth clothes, and the proportion of people dressed in formal clothes was far lower than that of the Grand Cross District Station Square just passed by.

But the square was equally prosperous and lively.

The vendors shouted hard, and the most conspicuous samples were hung in the shops. Housewives carrying baskets were picking and choosing on the roadside with disdain, and children with ragged clothes were running around with snot, and the aroma of food and the sour smell of garbage mixed together and hit us in the face.

Further out are old residential buildings, with additional pipes crawling all over the outside of the buildings. The additional steam engine room is squeezed on the side of the building, emitting a mixture of black and white smoke. The noisy daily noise comes from the open windows, making the whole world full of noise.

Here... it's not bad.

Lynch immediately liked this square full of market atmosphere. It gave him a sense of home inexplicably.

Lynch didn't want to go home, because he was dead, and it was good to live in this world, but this didn't prevent him from missing the feeling of home.

Taking a deep breath of the mixed smell of fragrance and odor, Lynch made way for several housewives dragging their children and walked to the door of a four-story detached building.

No. 221, Villa Street.

Compared with the old buildings around, this place is obviously much newer, and there are no ugly pipe patches outside the wall. It should have been built later, which made Lynch even more satisfied.

Climbing the steps and pulling the door rope, someone soon opened the door.

A housewife, wearing loose home clothes, with a headscarf wrapped tightly on her head, two layers of veils covering her face, her body was covered with dirt, and she was holding a broom in her hand, obviously cleaning the room.

"Afternoon, no, good evening, ma'am." Lynch took off his hat and bowed, saying according to the habit of his original body, "Excuse me, I heard that you have a room for rent here, and I hope to know the details."

"Ah, indeed, did you see the advertisement? It's so fast, I just sent the letter to the newspaper yesterday."

The housewife's voice sounded young and her voice was quite nice, but Lynch felt a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before. But thinking about the fact that he had just crossed over yesterday, it was probably the original owner of the body who had heard it.

"The previous tenant was kicked out by me... It has been more than ten days since I moved out. I was just trying to find a new tenant as soon as possible, and you came to the door, please come in."

It seemed that he heard some unfriendly words, but before Lynch changed his mind, the housewife had happily let him into the room and took him to visit the house.

The room was very clean, the furnishings were warm, and the air was fresh. Not only was there no peculiar smell of an old house, but there was also a light and elegant fragrance.

The first floor was a public kitchen and dining room, and the landlord's wife also lived on this floor.

The second and third floors upstairs were rented out, but they happened to be empty recently. The top floor was sealed by a door, which was locked tightly and was not rented out. The landlord did not explain, and Lin Qi did not ask more.

The layout of the second and third floors is the same. There is a bedroom and a small living room up the stairs. The door to the bathroom is in the living room.

The furniture is complete.

Especially in the living room, the desk, bookcase, sofa and coffee table for entertaining guests are all complete. It can be used directly as an office. What is valuable is that there is a large fireplace on the wall. Looking at it, you can imagine the feeling of warming yourself by the fire and drinking a cup of wine here on a winter night.

However, firewood seems to be quite expensive, so let's talk about it later.

Lynch fell in love with this place at first sight and thought it was very suitable as the location for the office. It was not because he had experience, but mainly because he felt that this place was very similar to the office in the detective drama he watched before.

And although it is in the old city, the surrounding area is still prosperous, so it is not difficult for customers to find it, and life is more convenient. In addition, the landlord is quiet and gentle, and all the conditions are very satisfactory to him.

Pushing open the window of the living room, you can just see the street view of Charles Square outside. Lynch nodded with satisfaction.

"Madam, I am very satisfied with this room. How much is the rent?"

Lin Qi asked while putting down his hand that was closing the window. He turned around and found that the landlady was a little dazed when she saw him raise his hand. It was not until he asked again that the landlady woke up from her dream.

"Sorry, I remembered something else." The landlady said enthusiastically, "The rent can be negotiated. I will take you to see the kitchen and dining room first. I just made coffee. Please help me taste it."

So good? Can we negotiate for rent exemption?

This kind of question can only be thought about in my mind. Lin Qi followed the landlady downstairs.

The kitchen and dining room are connected, and the windows are also bright. The aluminum coffee pot on the gas stove is still steaming.

"The same conditions as those published in the newspaper, there are two rent modes. If you just rent a room, it's two pounds and ten shillings a month. If you include three meals, you can eat whatever we eat, and the rent is only two pounds, plus one pound and ten shillings a month for meals."

"You guys?"

"Oh, it's me, not us."

The landlady smiled under the veil and poured a cup of coffee for Lynch.

Taking a sip, it was mellow and rich. It seemed that her cooking skills were very good, and her cooking skills should be worth looking forward to. One pound and a half a month for meals is actually a little expensive, but not only does someone help prepare three meals for you, you don't have to worry about anything, and the cooking skills are so worth looking forward to, plus the rent is cheap enough to hedge, it's quite cost-effective.

After weighing it over and over again, Lynch put down the coffee cup and was about to speak, but suddenly found that the landlady had taken off the veil on her face and came to him with her hands behind her back.

The woman was in her thirties, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. She was as plump as a ripe peach, so sweet that people wanted to take a bite. Lynch's breathing slowed down.

Without time to think about it, Lynch realized that the landlady was very close to him. He could already smell the faint smell of sweat on her body. It was not unpleasant, but more stimulating... No, what was going on? This situation was wrong.

"Madam, you..."

Realizing that there was definitely something wrong, Lynch licked his dry lips and was about to say something when the landlady's hand behind her back suddenly stretched out.

A black frying pan smashed down on his forehead.

Damn, I'm not Wolf.

Lynch's heated head instantly cooled down.

Behind him was the backrest of the chair, and in front of him was the kitchen knife. There was no place to hide.

At the critical moment, Lynch kicked the table hard, causing the chair to fall backwards, and his body rolled out, letting the frying pan pass over his head.

The landlady screamed, her eyes red as she rushed forward, raised the frying pan and waved it again.

Lynch didn't have time to get up, rolled on the ground, then crawled up, staggered towards the door, and ran out of the kitchen to the porch, but was still knocked down by the landlady who was more familiar with the environment, rode on him, and raised the pan again.

Lynch struggled to resist the landlady's wrist, and found that this woman was really like a madman, with terrifying strength. The two sides wrestled for a long time, and Lynch barely exerted his strength, turned over and pressed the other party under him, and pressed her arms to the ground, and the frying pan also slipped out of his hand and fell to the side.

The landlady growled in her throat, her eyes red like a beast, and bit Lynch's neck. Fortunately, Lynch raised his head in time to avoid it, so that she bit into the empty space.

"Are you crazy? Why are you trying to kill me?"

Feeling the body under him struggling violently, Lynch could only press her down, increase his strength to hold down her hands, and shout to try to bring her back to her senses.

"Daughter, what did you do to my daughter, you beast."

The landlady failed to bite for several consecutive times, and continued to struggle hard while making a sharp roar.

"Who knows who your daughter is?"

Lynch was overwhelmed, and felt that the power under him was getting stronger and stronger, and he was almost unable to control himself.

"Beast, she never took off the ring, and now it fell into your hands, tell me, what did you do to her, you..."

"Damn it, that girl is your daughter?"

Lynch finally understood that when he raised his arm when he opened and closed the window just now, it might be at that time that the ring hanging on his wrist was exposed and was seen by this woman. Since then, she has been a little weird.

"Sure enough, you bastard, I will kill you!"

"Damn, she's fine, I'm the one who's in trouble, and she even smashed a can on me."

"So you killed her, right? I'm going to fight you."

It doesn't make sense at all.

Lin Qi only felt that the already weakened struggle under him was strengthened again. He knew that this person was now as crazy as a mother animal protecting her cubs. There was no reason to talk to her. If he wanted to calm her down, he had to...

"Okay, since you guessed it, I won't hide it. Your daughter is in my hands. Madam, you don't want your daughter to be hurt, so be honest, otherwise you will never see her again."

"You, you, don't hurt her." The struggle under him stopped immediately. The landlady trembled all over and said in a crying voice, "You, you can do whatever you want, please, hurry..."

Lin Qi let out a long breath, knowing that the woman had begun to calm down. Just as he was about to say something, he heard a sound at the door. The door opened and a little girl with blond hair and blue eyes jumped in.

"Mom, I came back with my aunt. I'm starving. Today I... ah~~~"

The scream almost broke Lynch's eardrums. He was confused and had a splitting headache. He knew that this was an explanation. The key was that she seemed to have mentioned an aunt just now...

Before his brain could react, Lynch saw a dark shadow flash at the door from the corner of his eye, and then he was swung up and pressed to the ground with his arms twisted.

"I sentence you to death for the crime of indecency, and the execution will be immediate... Lynch? Why is it always you?"

"Hi, good evening." Lynch habitually lay on the ground and waved his other hand, "I feel like I have seen this scene somewhere before. What do you think, Officer Natalie?"

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