Red Moon Returns

Chapter 444 Day 5

When the midnight bell rang, everything returned to normal.

As if nothing had happened.

Time passed by, but the expected outbreak of the plague never came.

Was it successful? The evil god's container failed to complete itself, the conditions for awakening the evil god were not met, and the other party suspended the sacrifice?

Or did it fail, but the outbreak time has not yet arrived, and a large-scale infection will occur soon?

The second boot never fell, which made the five people's hearts hang. On the contrary, they really hoped that the plague would break out soon, so they would not have to worry so much.

Of course, it was just a thought. No news was the best news. Even if the plague would break out in the next moment, at least everyone was safe at this moment. One minute later, one more person might be saved.

Time could not be wasted. Dr. Swen had returned to his post and continued to prepare and distribute drugs without sleep. The hateful and pitiful city lord finally died. The four people no longer needed to stay in the ward, so they followed him. Even if they couldn't help much professionally, they could at least help and do their part.

More and more people took the medicine, but the plague never broke out. As time passed, a touch of white appeared on the horizon.

No matter how dark the night is, when the long night is over, the dawn will come as usual.

It's almost dawn.

Several people stopped their work, with joy and confusion in their eyes.

It hasn't broken out yet. Does it really mean that the crisis is over?

Several people looked at each other and smiled.

Victory is only one step away.

Now everything is going backwards. The distribution of medicines is going according to plan. At most, before this evening, everyone will be able to temporarily escape the plague. By then, even if the other party wants to let the plague break out again, it will be too late. In theory, after the last person is distributed, the suppression conditions are met, and the four people can go home smoothly.

Light and hope are just around the corner, but before that, there is one more important thing to do.

The human-faced fruit is the fundamental purpose of the four people's trip.

So, when it was more than seven o'clock in the morning, the four people ruthlessly left Dr. Swen, who was tired and had dark circles under his eyes, and took a walk around the city first.

As expected, the five remaining Lynches in the city had grown up, but they were all crazy, which further proved the four people's previous speculation.

The problem was that Lynch felt very tired when he saw more than ten of his own heads biting around him. He quickly threw them into Miss Diana's storage space and quickly rushed to the grove outside the city amid the ladies' laughter.

Fully armed and cautious.

There were no soldiers patrolling outside the city day and night. At this time, there might be something hidden, whether it was old Swen or the Republic troops, or even other ghouls. In the mysterious world, there were too many examples of falling at the last moment before victory. As experienced mysterious hunters, the four people did not want to add to this.

The original explosion site has basically not changed, except that the smoke has long dissipated, and several small animals have shuttled back and forth on the scorched earth, and death and life have reached unity again.

The woods were very quiet. The four people quickly turned around and found no newly dug holes or any suspicious creatures.

But the four people still did not dare to relax, and they remained vigilant at all times and quickly found the location of the last five human-faced fruits.

Without even looking closely, three people were on guard and one person took action. Five times in a row, they directly dug out the five bushes with their roots and packed them away.

Faster than when they came, the four people hurried back to the city, and only breathed a sigh of relief when they sneaked back to the temporary station of the fortress with dangerous items.

We are safe, temporarily.

Finally, it was time to reveal the result. The four hearts were nervous and expectant. Miss Diana suppressed her violent heartbeat and threw all five bushes in front of the four people with slightly trembling hands.


Lin Qi picked up one with his own hands, pushed aside the lush branches and leaves outside, revealing the heads hanging on the branches inside.

It's so ugly, why is it me again? I want to see how they hang up.

Then Lynch was hit by a few punches, as if everyone had a share, even a fool secretly participated.

But Lynch was still very generous, not caring about these stupid women, and looking at the last hope.

Five! This is a normal number, and the fruit is full and the face is handsome, which is an unprecedented phenomenon.

A good sign.

Lynch's eyes lit up, licked his lips and held his breath, carefully pinched a fruit and pulled hard...


Damn, I forgot about it.

That day, everyone remembered the shock brought by the howling sound.

It was not obvious in the wild, but it was reflected indoors. The scream of this thing was quite penetrating, which scared the people who lined up outside all night to get medicine. Dr. Swen had just prepared a batch of medicine and was about to take a break to relieve the overdrawn mental strength, but was startled by the scream and rushed over in a hurry.

Then, four idiots gathered in a circle, smiling as if they were missing a brain stem, and poking a head in the circle.

The head had vivid features and healthy skin, and it was obviously a good head.

The key was that it didn't bite people.

"It seems that your mission has been completed. Finally... congratulations to you."

Looking at the tired and excited expressions on the faces of the four people, Dr. Swen couldn't help but be infected and smiled knowingly. She had always seen the efforts and persistence of the four people in her heart. Now she finally enjoyed the joy of harvest, which moved Dr. Swen very much, and then she kicked them all out.

Picking human-faced fruits in a closed environment, are your brains infected, or have they been hollowed out by the infected? Get out of here.

So, the bloody training ground before was once again filled with continuous screams. For a while, whether it was the citizens queuing or the soldiers working, their faces were pale, and strange legends would surely spread in the city.

But the harvest was still good.

Lynch had eight heads, Diana and Judy had four heads, and Natalie had only two heads. Hahaha, she is worthy of being a stubborn stone body... Aw!

The laughter and screams came out almost at the same time. Lynch hugged his stepped toes and shed tears sadly, but the joy in his heart at this time could be felt by everyone.

After five days of hard work, this thing was finally in hand.

Although those patients who have already fallen ill in the Fifth Epoch may not be able to get help, at least those victims who have been bitten can get treatment.

This can also minimize the impact of previous actions, and let Lynch feel relieved.

"How about giving me four? One for each person." Doctor Swen smiled thoughtfully, "You have helped us so much. I said before that I would give you a gift. It just so happens that I have accumulated a lot of materials in the past fifteen years, which should be enough."

The four people then remembered the female doctor's previous promise. Lynch thought that there were so many fruits anyway, so he agreed, but: "What is it?"

"It's just a small toy. It just so happens that I am tired of making medicine and want to rest for a while. Just make it now."

As she said, the female doctor took away the heads of the four people with a smile. After waiting for nearly an hour in anxiety, Doctor Swen returned to the room.

Holding four palm-sized voodoo dolls in her hands, they look exactly the same as the four people.

It's a bit weird, but what is not weird in this era?

Everyone looked at each other and took the doll: "What is this?"


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