Red Moon Returns

Chapter 445 No Coincidence

"The most common amulet, the substantial materials are all brought by you. The materials I prepared are only for exerting effects. They should not affect you in bringing them back. As for the effects..." Dr. Swain blinked narrowly. Blinking, "If you use it for blessing, treat it as a souvenir from the Third Age. Don't put it in other space objects. Just carry it with you. Maybe it will have any special effects?"

If I couldn't beat you, I would really beat you! Lin Qi curled his lips and muttered: "Then you should make it more exquisite and wear it outside as a decoration. You make it so ugly that we don't dare let others see it, otherwise others will think we have some special hobby. Woolen cloth."

Dr. Swain's expression froze, and his eyes became dangerous: "Do you have any objections to my craftsmanship?"

"No, no, this little thing looks quite unique."

Lynch was a born hero, so the four of them divided their dolls on the spot. Although the effect was unknown, they believed that Dr. Swain would not harm them. If you can make this ghoul who has read the Necronomicon be able to use it, and maintain such a mysterious attitude, the effect should be good. If you don't want it in vain, it will satisfy your curiosity.

"Let me keep the effect a secret. Maybe you won't need it in your lifetime, but if you really have the chance to use it, just treat it as a surprise. And... this."

Dr. Swain took out a strange box from his satchel and placed it in front of the four people. The box was made of stone, thick and rough, and the workmanship was quite primitive. It looked quite ancient even in the dark ages.

The four of them looked at each other, a little surprised. Lin Qi carefully touched the box and gently pushed the lid open.

His eyebrows were tingling, his mind was in a trance, and all kinds of crazy thoughts were filling his mind. Fortunately, it only lasted for a moment, and the abnormality quickly disappeared, and Lin Qi regained consciousness.

Hiss, this thing is not simple.

Lynch opened the lid completely and saw clearly what was inside.

It was a book about the size of two fingers thick and sixteen kilometres.

The black cover is made of some unknown leather. It is old and dirty. It looks very old, but feels quite delicate. There is a string of incomprehensible words written on the cover.

From the side, you can see that the pages have long been rotten and yellowed, and there are still traces of damage on the edges. As you get closer, a smell of decay and death hits your face, making people feel chilled all over.

Lynch took a deep breath and realized what this thing was.

The Necronomicon is said to have been written by a madman and contains the closest thing to the truth of the world.

"Well, it's the Necronomicon. Do you want to open it and take a look?"

Do you want to go crazy, or do you want me to go crazy? Lin Qi shook his head so hard that it almost left an afterimage.

"What a pity. I have kept this thing sealed and given it to the tribe for safekeeping. I didn't intend for anyone to see it, but since you want it, I'll leave it to you."

There was a sense of eagerness in the eyes of several people, and they wanted to open it and take a look, but their reason stopped them immediately, and only one hand had already reached out to the ancient book.


Lynch slapped Judy's paw down with a slap. This silly girl already regarded herself like this, or she didn't have a long memory. She had to kill herself one day before it was over, right?

Poor Judy retracted her hand in grievance, her eyes becoming a little sad.

Lin Qi ignored her, forcibly suppressed his curiosity, replaced the stone cover and pushed the box back, shaking his head and saying:

"What I said before was not a lie. We really can't take it away."

"But this is very troublesome." Dr. Swain said distressedly, "Normally, I would keep it with my tribe. If I die, I will be kept by them. I don't know where they will keep it. I'm not even sure they still exist in your time."

Several people frowned slightly, realizing that what she said was not an excuse. This was really a big problem with no solution.

Could it be that the deal with the Lord of Billions of Glory has no choice but to give up? It's a pity, maybe there is a chance to get the Miracle Light without any effort.

But several people couldn't think of a solution, so they could only put this problem aside for the time being. If it didn't work, they could only give up. What was more important now was the matter in front of them.

"The situation outside is going well. It is expected to be completed before six o'clock in the evening. It all depends on your help. Terry is considering whether to hold a banquet for you tonight to express his gratitude."

Lin Qi felt his blood vessels pulsing: "Use fine noodles?"

"Ha, yes, but it's not new this year." Doctor Swain smiled, "Don't worry, I stopped you. If you didn't lie to me, then this banquet... ha. And I'm just thinking about celebrating now. It’s too early, at least until the drugs are distributed. With that person’s madness, I don’t think he will admit defeat. As long as there is a chance, he will continue.”

This is what the four of them are worried about. Lynch asked: "Do you think he hasn't given up yet?"

"It's not that easy." The doctor said without thinking. "The only thing that is certain now is that your countermeasures have taken effect. The container has not been filled yet, and it is not the time to offer sacrifices yet, so the plague outbreak has been suspended. But he There may be a next move at any time, and we must be ready to deal with it at any time. In fact, the only way to definitely solve the problem is to completely destroy Mordiggian's recovery container. No, that is not safe. The safest thing is to destroy his consciousness. The clone will completely drive him back into the dreamland."

"It's easy to destroy the container, but it's not that easy to drive Mordiggian back." Lynch sighed, "If you don't have the power of the Supreme, you don't have to think about it. Mortals can't touch the Supreme."

"Huh? Why do you look so skilled? You haven't done it before."

Lynch smiled subtly and changed the subject: "In real history, you should have successfully destroyed Little Jack's body and prevented Mordiggian from awakening, otherwise there should be records in history. But the container If it is destroyed, what will happen to Mordiggian's conscious clone?"

"I don't know, it will probably escape." Doctor Swain thought, "Maybe it will escape to the holy well in the holy city, which is special and can hold its sleeping consciousness."

"Oh, then I... hmm?" Lynch suddenly choked, and froze all over. He slowly turned his head and looked at Miss Diana, and said in a dry voice, "The Holy City you are talking about doesn't happen to be You mean Zul'Glashar?"

"You also know our holy city?"

"The holy well you are talking about doesn't happen to refer to the huge cave that leads underground in the temple in the center of Zul'Glasar."

"I haven't been there either, the legend goes like that." Dr. Swain was stunned, "Why do you know?"

"Because in our time, this girl and I got in there and punched out the big green ball of light covered with tentacles."

Lin Qi felt a chill down his spine and let out a breath of cold air. Is this how the evil god's clone in Zul'Glasal came to be?

So is it really just a coincidence that we enter the memory of this strange object?

Lin Qi was a little confused, but suddenly an idea flashed through the chaos and he realized something else:

"You said that your tribe has become dissatisfied and even hated Mordiggian because of this matter. After you prevent it from resurrecting, your tribe will not hate it from now on, and even chase you for it. The Holy City has been fighting it for thousands of years."


The Countess exclaimed and stood up suddenly, her face full of surprise.

Sure enough, in the mysterious world there are only causal connections, never coincidences.

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