Red Moon Returns

Chapter 47 Good news, good news (Please read on, everyone, I beg you)

"Grant's a liar, he's with that thing, and they're looking for me."

"I'm going to hide in the base. It will be safe when the construction starts."

"Be careful of the mountain people, they are monsters."

"My body is getting worse and worse. What's wrong with me?"

Finally, there were messy words written in ordinary characters written out of control: "Help me, Donnie."

Looking at each other, the two of them felt cold. For a moment, the two of them had already sketched in their minds the experience of reporter Maya, who spied on something she shouldn't have seen, and was subsequently entangled in mystery, leading to a dead end in panic and panic.

Although his throat felt a little dry, Lynch still sighed and picked up the second letter found in Downey's office.

"I have hidden things in a secret warehouse at home. There is something wrong with these photos. I seem to have seen something very strange. I am going to find someone knowledgeable in the next two days to ask. If something happens to me, you must not take it again." Touch them."

"Huh." The police officer exhaled softly, squinting her eyes and thinking, "What exactly did she see? Grant, the mountain people, and the monsters, are they all in the same group? What happened to her body?"

"I'm afraid this abnormal rotten odor is the problem." Lynch dropped the note and sighed. He thought of the zombie movies in his hometown again, "I hope it won't turn into a rotten walking zombie."

"Zombie? The smell is possible, but that kind of thing can't write cipher text."

Oh, by the way, this is a mysterious world. One or two zombies will occasionally crawl up in the cemetery, but they are not contagious.

"If nothing else happens, she hid in that 'base'." Lynch stared at his decryption and scratched his head. "It seems that it is very safe there and can allow her to hide for a few months."

"If it is really related to the mystery, no matter how safe the place is." Officer Natalie patted Lynch on the shoulder from behind, "You should understand it deeply."

"I'm still feeling it now." Lynch rolled his eyes and said, "So she may still die at any time."

"Yes, so we must find her as soon as possible. Even if she is just an ordinary citizen, I can't watch her die of being eroded by the mysterious."

"I have a deeper understanding of this." Lynch raised his head and smiled at the police officer. "It's so deep that I probably won't be able to forget it in my lifetime, especially those three requirements."

"I'm going to let you forget it now." The police officer punched Lynch's hat lightly and flattened the top hat, physically causing amnesia. However, she still looked worried and said, "She may still be there." Knowing the secret of Grant and the mountain people behind it, we must protect her no matter what. The question is where this damn base is."

"I'm afraid no one knows except themselves." Lynch tapped a word on another translation. "He mentioned his home and hid photos at home that may be contaminated with mysterious filth. Next we will It’s best to go to their home and maybe you can find clues about the base.”

"Do you know their address?"


Lynch was stunned, and then realized that he had made a mistake. He had come from the high-speed information age to this quasi-Victorian era. There was not such a developed personnel file system, and the information transmission was slower. He had to slowly adapt to this. Just plant a new rhythm.

"Wait a minute, I'll go ask." Officer Natalie returned disappointed not long after she left. "Donald doesn't know either, but the girl at the front desk knows the general neighborhood of Downey's house. I'll go back to the club to send someone to him later. If you are lucky, you will be able to find a specific accommodation in a day or two. Just wait patiently for a few days. "

"Okay, this is not a problem that can be solved in a hurry. She still wants to hide for a few months. It shouldn't be a big deal if we wait for a day or two. But we'd better not alert too many people. I'm worried about the few troublemakers. " Lynch pointed to Downey's office next door, "I always feel that they are either here to investigate the case, or they are here to cause trouble for us, and the trouble is not done yet. "

"Well, I will keep it confidential." Officer Natalie copied a copy of Lynch's translation and put it away. "Will you go back to the club with me? If you go back together, I will just bring two mysterious documents to you in the evening. Home."

"No, since I'm free, I'm going to see my client and borrow some materials from him. Then in the afternoon I want to study the history of the mythical age."

"Red Moon's?"

"There is also the catastrophe at the end of the first era. I can't let others ask me in the future, whose soul changer are you, and how did she fall? Then I don't know anything." Lin Qi said distressedly, "I If you really answer like that, if that lady wakes up, I guess the moonlight will explode on my head."

"Haha, it's not that easy to wake up. You have too many things to worry about." The police officer couldn't help laughing, "But it's good to learn more about it, to deepen your understanding of gods and powers, and to improve your strength and power in the future. There are only benefits to going deep into alienation. Then you go first, I will go back to the club to arrange for the search, and I will go to your place in the evening and give you the gift from the Duke of East and West Wayne, so you don't have to run away anymore."

Although they had only known each other for four days, Lin Qi found that he was already talking to the police officer about everyday topics as naturally as if he had known her for many years.

Maybe it was because of the experience of sharing adversity, Lynch thought, and accompanied the police officer to seal the offices of reporters Maya and Downey, and waved goodbye at the door of the newspaper office.

But he went back immediately and forgot about the business.

I found the business manager of the newspaper and took out one pound from the seven pounds of property that had not yet warmed up, and published an advertisement for a month.

Good news, good news, Lynch Leviev Detective Agency has reopened, and the new address has moved to 221 Villa Street, King District.

Solve all kinds of strange incidents and undertake various special commissions. We have cooperated with the authorities many times and are deeply trusted by the authorities. We are your best choice to solve your troubles.

Hehe, not bad, I hope that there will be a flood of customers in the future. If there is a chance to meet those big shots in the future, I will ask for a photo together and hang it on the wall of the agency. The primitive people of this era don’t know anything about self-packaging.

With a vision of the future, Lynch walked out of the small courtyard of the Investigator’s Newspaper again. He was going to go to the Dark Night Cathedral.

With a huge sum of six pounds in his pocket, Lynch would of course choose to... walk over.

Just kidding, he realized that he had spent more than ten pounds in four days of traveling. At this rate of spending, the six pounds in his pocket could not last for a few days. He should save money and treat it as exercise.

So, under the 11 o'clock sun, Lynch, sweating profusely, appeared under the arch of the Dark Night Cathedral.

As soon as he entered the door, he found something wrong. The security here was much stronger than when he came yesterday. Along the way, he met many strong men who were obviously security guards.

However, these people ignored him at all. They looked at him and let him walk straight into the chapel. A priest led him into the reception room where he sat yesterday.

Just a few minutes after sitting down, the door opened again and two old men walked in.

One was Archbishop Trinlais with a smile on his face, and the other made Lynch stand there with his mouth open for a while.

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