Red Moon Returns

Chapter 48 Shadow Alliance (I spent the whole day in the hospital yesterday, I will update a little

Lynch suddenly had the feeling of going to the neighbor's house next door to borrow something, only to find the president sitting in the living room enjoying himself when he walked in.

Because the other old man who came in was the Duke of Wien, the governor of the Rhine City.

A hundred years ago, the correct title was lord, but now he has a different name, but the meaning is the same. He is the patriarch of the thousand-year-old family that has been in charge of the south for generations for the Rose family of the Rand royal family.

Looking at this old man who looked kind but had an oppressive look in his eyes, Lynch suddenly realized that Duke Wayne was probably the client behind Trinleth. Now he would come to see him together. It should be because of his performance last night that he was really impressed. Satisfied, ready to give greater trust.

It doesn't matter whether you believe in Lynch or not. It is difficult for time travelers to respect the powerful people of this world as much as the aboriginal people do, and they will not be flattered. But since we have decided to repay the archbishop's previous kindness and carry out this task, a deeper understanding means more initiative, which only has advantages and no disadvantages.

"Not bad, very calm, more stable than most children your age. Trinleth has found the right candidate."

Lin Qi was a little hesitant about the attitude he should adopt, but when he thought that he was facing two old foxes in politics, pretending to make people laugh, it would be better to be honest, so he smiled and replied: "It's not calm, just seeing Now, you are looking forward to the price of the temporary increase, and you are too busy thinking about it to be nervous. "

"Hahaha, that's good, but it's just a dream." The old Duke took off his hat and formal clothes naturally, sat comfortably on the sofa wearing only his shirt, and raised his legs on the coffee table. He could not see the majesty of the morning parliament at all. "You have already negotiated the remuneration yesterday. If you want to increase the price, you must at least show preliminary results before you are eligible to negotiate. It is impossible now. I am indeed a rich and powerful noble, but I am not a fool."

"Tsk, what a pity. If you didn't give me a chance to increase the price, do you have any additional instructions for coming to see me directly?"

Duke Wein did not speak, but sat up and poured himself a cup of black tea for church guests, closing his eyes and savoring it. Archbishop Trinleth walked to the door, took a glass cover handed to him from outside, and took it. Came back and put it on the coffee table.

[The Silent World of Roman I, a treasure that Roman the Great used to keep his working environment quiet all year round, until he was driven crazy by the sound of his own heartbeat and dug out his own heart. 】


"Well, the sound insulation effect of a destructive-level rare object cannot be absolutely guaranteed, but it is enough for non-top-secret conversations." Archbishop Trinleth said, "I want to explain first. I really didn't expect that the sound insulation effect of a destructive-level rare object cannot be guaranteed for tens of thousands of years." Ms. Hongyue actually has soul-shifters operating in the world, and she can trigger Hongyue's power to explode. If this offends anyone, please allow me to apologize in advance."

Um? Why do you believe that there is a super strong person helping me? And now the rumor has been updated to say that this powerful man is Ms. Red Moon’s soul changer? This development is too fast, neighbors, there can't really be such a person.

【No. 】

‘How about I really recognize it? ’

The expected silence, Ms. Hongyue must be too lazy to answer such a question.

Lynch had a headache. The short-term advantages of this misunderstanding far outweighed the disadvantages for him, so he did not deny it ambiguously in the morning. However, if the truth was exposed, he would definitely be labeled a liar and would be targeted by these high-level people. . After hesitating for a moment, he tried to explain: "Actually, you misunderstood. That moonlight was just a coincidence. It was some strange phenomenon caused by my alienation."

"Yeah, I understand, I understand."

The archbishop said with a half-smile, as if he knew what he meant:

"The memory of the Red Moon that you used to guide the alienation was accidentally picked up after you left here. It was definitely not provided by that lady. The power of the Red Moon was also illuminated by the Red Moon itself, and it has nothing to do with that lady. , it must be a coincidence that even the mysterious filth left by the power explosion has been cleaned up, because this person does not exist at all, well, I completely understand."

I don't think you understand at all.

Lin Qi couldn't laugh or cry, but these were originally unexplainable problems. Now it's a good thing that he helped make up a self-consistent story, otherwise what if others knew that there was a voice in his head that was suspected to be that of Red Moon? , but it was harder to end than now, so I could only maintain an awkward yet polite smile.

However, seeing Lynch's smile, Archbishop Trinleis became more determined and asked: "We will definitely not ask more about the internal affairs of the Fallen God Soul Changer, but I need to make sure that the reward for the task agreed yesterday is Hongyue. Do you still need memories?”

"Of course, when I am alienated to the second level of power, I don't have any ready-made sacred memories, so I have to use that."

Lin Qi was shocked. That thing was a necessary item for upgrading, and he couldn't take it back.

"Nothing ready? Oh, I understand. The life-saving sacred memories can be provided to you in time, but the regular advanced items have to be obtained and collected by yourself, right? It is a very good exercise for you, it seems. A very responsible leader, is she still in Rhine City?”

You high-level people all have a background in writing online articles, so how can you come up with so many things in your head?

Lynch understood that it was impossible to explain clearly what had been identified, so he simply replied vaguely: "You won't be able to find the person you imagined in Rand in the short term."

"So she has left Rand?" The archbishop breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that there was still a lot of pressure from an unknown legendary strongman in the city.

Lin Qi showed a noncommittal smile. You took the initiative to be deceived, and you can't pull it back. Anyway, there is no gain or harm, so let you just make up your mind and get rich in silence.

Trislin nodded to the old Duke, who raised his glass to thank his friend, and then turned to Lynch and said: "Young man, I came to visit Trislin today just to let him find an opportunity to arrange for us to meet in private. , I didn’t expect you to come on your own initiative, which saves you trouble. According to my original plan, there was no such meeting. But now the situation has changed. On the one hand, your results yesterday are indeed effective, and on the other hand, your identity. … It’s not appropriate to stick to the original plan.”

Lynch understood the implication. It seemed that on the one hand, he had outstanding achievements, and on the other hand, he had a "backer" behind him. In the past, it was just a simple use and employment relationship, but now he is more sincere.

"We still won't provide any information, this will not change, so as not to affect your investigation results, but at least we must explain the task clearly to you, otherwise you won't even know what you are doing, and it will be too difficult for you."

As expected, Lin Qi didn't care, as long as he knew that the other party was not being mysterious, and he could accept this.

"This railway was actually jointly planned by the Venn family and the Rose family. It cuts through the Kallos Mountains and connects the north and south of Rand. In theory, it can benefit Rand for hundreds of years, but there will also be many overt or covert consequences. Disadvantages: Rudolf and I are fully mentally prepared for this. If the harm really outweighs the benefits, we are willing to accept it. Oh, this project costs a lot of money, and the long construction period will last at least more than ten years, and Rand's national strength may not be certain. If we can support it for a long time, it will probably empty the pockets of the entire Qiangwei family. Rudolph and I are not so humble that we must spend this money."

Lynch nodded and immediately thought of a certain emperor who built a canal in his hometown. But shouldn't this kind of risk assessment be done before the project starts? Or has the conflict between the various forces crossed the line?

Just as he was muttering in his heart, he heard the old Duke explain: "Of course we will make an assessment in advance. We are mentally prepared for all kinds of resistance we encounter. The current level of disputes is actually far from our expectations. Normally We won't interfere too much, but..."


"It's very difficult to accept when someone reminds us that there are some very dangerous conspiracies brewing behind this project."


"Yes, there are more than one." Duke Wayne's eyes were hidden behind the tea cup, but the steaming heat could not warm the chill in his eyes. "So I asked Trinleth to find a suitable person to conduct the investigation, so as not to give you a fixed impression. , you don’t need to know what the conspiracy is, just rely on your own contacts to analyze the purpose and behavior of all parties, and finally report to us.”


Lynch was a little hesitant. He was actually mentally prepared for the difficulty of the commission. After all, the investigation at the beginning yesterday had encountered the strange will of the evil god. The difficulty in the follow-up would definitely not be low, but he still had no idea about the existence of the evil god, so I always believe that in order to repay the Archbishop and for the next upgrade, this risk is worth taking.

But now it can be seen from the old Duke's attitude that the darkness behind this matter is far deeper than he expected, which means it is more dangerous. He is just a poor detective who has just traveled through time, and has not even learned his abilities. He rashly I'm afraid no matter how many lives are involved, it won't be enough to die.

Seeing Lynch's hesitation, the old Duke said calmly: "I tell you the inside story just to give you a choice. If you really think the risk is too high, you can cancel the previous commission. You don't need to worry."

"I would like to ask, why should I be entrusted with such an important matter to a novice detective who has just turned twenty?" Lynch pointed at himself, "I myself feel unreliable even when I look in the mirror, why don't you leave it to me?" Do you think it’s a bit sloppy?”

The old Duke and Trinleth both looked at him with strange eyes. The Archbishop sighed, shook his head and said, "We never said that I only found one candidate for him."

Damn it, cast a wide net.

Lin Qi couldn't help but rolled his eyes and immediately made up his mind.

It's such a dangerous thing, and there's no need to think about repaying the favor. It's better to stay away, otherwise no matter how many lives you have, it won't be enough. As for Officer Natalie, it shouldn't be difficult to find a way to get her to stop going deeper when the investigation comes to an end.

However, he was still a little curious and couldn't help but ask: "I have a question, have you received news that there is more than one conspiracy? Is it a bit overly sensitive to conduct such a large-scale investigation for such uncertain information? "

"Sensitive? Probably not." The old Duke hesitated for a moment, but answered truthfully, "The news comes from the League of Shadows, and their news is still credible."

I have never heard of the name, but Lynch guesses it is some kind of intelligence organization, only for big forces, but...

"If it's credible, can't we just buy the information directly from them?"

"Believable news and credible positions are two concepts. They are regarded as dangerous elements in various countries and are the targets of severe crackdowns. You can imagine their behavior. No country dares to trust them completely and must take precautions. "

"Then they still dare to come to sell information." Lynch just asked casually.

"There is no need to come to the door, they have a special way of contacting them." The old Duke replied casually, "Just prepare an empty picture frame."

"What did you say?"

Lin Qi felt the cold air rushing from his tailbone to the top of his head, and his whole body felt chilly.

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