Red Moon Returns

Chapter 503 Buzz Buzz Buzz

"Don't be nervous. As long as your friend named Judy doesn't show up here, he won't go crazy."

Just when Lynch was confused, Nightingale whispered beside him:

"That's the Archbishop of Phil, the Lord of Craftsmen, who came from the Manassen Republic in the west. They are enemies with the Blazing Lady. The original Phil was the Lord of Fire and Craftsmen, and he was in charge of two single divine powers at the same time. He was one of the strongest gods, but after his death, Cthugha took away some of the power of fire. From then on, only the single power of craftsmen remained, and his strength was greatly reduced. So Phil's followers are very hostile to people who have a relationship with Cthugha, but with your identity, no matter what they think in their hearts, they can only say a few words at most, and they must maintain courtesy."

The battle of faith is troublesome. Can I resist three punches from him?

Lynch looked at the other party's muscles, and imagined him pulling out a weeping willow, and quickly moved his eyes to another person.

"That's the blue-robed cardinal of Xilin, the Lord of the Ocean. Cthulhu, the Lord of R'lyeh, has no conflict with Xilin. He just sleeps in the deep sea all the time, but most of his followers, the Deep Divers, are pirates who frequently attack ships in the sea. There are also many dangerous sea beasts that were born under the influence of Cthulhu's dreams. I don't know how many sailors died in their mouths, and most of the sailors believe in Xilin, so... But how do you have a relationship with Cthulhu? You don't know the Deep Divers, do you?"

"Coincidence, all coincidence."

Lin Qi touched the side of his face that was kissed by the little Deep Diver, and smiled awkwardly. I won't say that I still have the marks of the cat god Bastet and the yellow king Hastur on my body. Oh, by the way, there is also a dog chasing me. If this is combined with the gaze of the Swelling Girl, there will be a substitute for playing basketball, which is really lively.

Lynch sighed, put away the distracting thoughts in his mind, and nodded to the two high-ranking priests who were neither happy nor angry: "I am a follower of the Crimson Moon, that's all."

The two stared at Lynch, and nodded slightly after staring for a while. The lady who served the ocean said softly: "This is the best. The contradictions between the supreme wills are complicated. As an unrelated mortal, it is the wisest choice to wait and see. Thank you for everything you have done for this world, Sir Levi. May the blessings of the tide always be with you. The Lord is with you and me."

The two representatives of the Lord of Dust and Wind, Cylo, and the Goddess of the Earth, Kaia, had met at the dock before. They were smiling and nodding to Lynch. The representative of the Lord of Plants, Flanda, was also a cardinal. His hair was full of messy wild flowers, but he looked only in his twenties, youthful and cute.

However, when he saw that she was standing next to the Pope of the Joyful Girl Mika, Lynch immediately labeled her as a stranger to stay away from, and he would never deal with her in this life.

"That won't do." A young voice came from the side, full of vitality and as clear as a spring, "You killed a child of the Lord, I will not let you go."

Fuck, who is it, I was shocked.

Lin Qi turned around and found that a potted plant next to him was talking to him, and the branches were even posing with their hands on their hips.

What is this? And what is that saying?

But it is a bit familiar, and Lin Qi immediately remembered the experience in the Graki Tomb.

Oh, it should refer to the explorer named Carl, who turned out to be a believer of Miranda.

Wait, I didn't kill him, why blame me.

"Because you are the easiest to bully, otherwise let me go to the dead to make trouble? It's easy to make me forget revenge, you have to promise to accompany me and Sister Selina to visit the Rhine, check out and carry things for us."

Don't talk nonsense, if you want me to check out, then you'd better kill me, wait, I just said that, you don't have to take it seriously. Huh? No, I didn't say a word?

"What you are thinking is all exposed by your small movements and micro-expressions. Hehe, we plants can't talk, so we can only figure out humans in this way."

? ? ?

Is this person a plant? Lynch subconsciously looked at the young lady over there.

"You are looking in the wrong direction. This potted plant is my real body, and that one is just a puppet. They all know it."

Is it true or not? There is such a thing?

Lynch was stunned and turned to the potted plant in disbelief.

"Hahaha, of course it's fake, your expression is so cute."

In the crisp laughter, a cardinal and a female pope hugged each other and laughed, which made Lynch's eyes jump. And Ms. Nightingale beside him could only sigh and pat Lynch's shoulder comfortingly.

Damn, Lynch made a great vow on the spot to eat vegetarian food tomorrow and eat for three consecutive days to get revenge.

The representative of Simon, the Lord of Sky and Lightning, was a fat man, weighing at least 200 kilograms, and he was somehow related to the sky. The substitute bishop of the Lord of War was the most special, with a dark body and well-developed limbs. He was a native from the ancient continent.

Nightingale took Lynch around in a big circle and introduced him to these big men one by one. Regardless of whether it was for the saint's face or not, these people showed enough enthusiasm and affirmation to Lynch, which made Lynch quite moved.

What a lovely old lady.

She pushed Lynch to each church, and after he finished greeting and handed over his business card, she dragged Lynch to a corner, avoiding everyone's sight, and pointed to the light of miracle.

Since he had weighed the pros and cons repeatedly and decided to believe in the two churches of Night and Suffering, Lynch did not hide it and told the old woman his concerns about the Shadow Alliance and what happened today.

"We cannot let them really cause panic through the plague, otherwise they may really trigger a catastrophe artificially. So once there is a problem with the medicine, or the panic caused by the plague cannot be prevented, this is our last line of defense. I know it is dangerous, but Sometimes it is worth taking a risk for more important purposes. "Have you reported it to the watcher? Such high-risk items must be reported and cannot be kept privately, no matter what the reason."

Um? Is there such a thing? Natalie didn't say anything.

When he expressed his concerns about the position of the Watchers and the suspicion of internal personnel, and did not want the Watchers to intervene, Officer Natalie only remained silent for a few seconds, and then expressed his agreement, completely unaware that the Watchers still had this kind of attitude. Regulation.

Lin Qi pursed his lips and sighed softly, feeling soft in his heart.

"I understand." The old lady understood what was going on when she saw Lynch's expression. She smiled and said, "Leave this matter to me. I will explain it to Victor. This is very important to us." I want to keep the memories of the ancestors of the church for a while, and I don’t think Victor and the others would dare to refuse. But its safety would be troublesome, how about... storing it in the church?"

"The medicine itself is placed in the church. It's better not to keep all the eggs in the same basket." Lynch had already thought of words that would not hurt the opponent's face. "I think I will spend the night in the Dark Night Cathedral tonight. I haven’t officially paid my respects to the lady for the night yet.”

Watching Lynch turn around and walk towards Trinleth, Nightingale was stunned for a moment, then laughed and shook his head.

This kid is trying to pull someone into trouble again.

"Wait a minute, Archbishop, wait a minute." After seeing Trinleis drugging himself and walking away surrounded by church knights, Lynch quickly stopped him, "I came here specifically to find you today, but you almost ran away."

The old gentleman raised his feet very politely: "Huh?"

"I didn't run away, I didn't run away." Lin Qi said with a smile, "Let me give you a ride. I want to go to see the goddess tonight, and I have something I want to talk about. You may have to go home later."

The archbishop frowned slightly: "Why are you going so late?"

"Of course you have to come to visit the Lady of the Night in the middle of the night."

"Nonsense." The old bishop glared at him, "Then let's go."

"There are a few more people in the hall... huh?"

At this time, the two of them walked out of the conference hall while talking. Not long after they walked out, a strange sound suddenly reached Lin Qi's ears in the crowd.

Faint, but clear.

Like an insect flapping its wings.

"Buzz buzz..."

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