Red Moon Returns

Chapter 504 Why are you looking at me? I didn't do anything.

Are there mosquitoes flying around your ears?

How is it possible with so many people.

Before Lin Qi could react, he looked around suspiciously.

The corridor was full of people, including hotel security personnel, hotel waiters, state guests and their entourage, and church guards. Everyone was doing their own thing, and nothing unusual could be seen.

"What did you find?"

Rumors of Lynch's keen inspiration had already spread throughout the Rhine, and Trinleth did not dare to take any of his reactions lightly.

"Nothing, I seem to have forgotten something."

Lin Qi felt that he had some impression of the mosquito bite. It seemed that someone had mentioned it recently, but the impression was not deep and he couldn't remember it for a while.

That shouldn't be anything important.

But this scratching feeling in his heart made him want to vomit blood. Lin Qi stopped, pressing his forehead and frowning, but the more anxious he became, the less he could think of it.

The archbishop knew something was wrong, and waved to the people behind him. The entourage immediately stopped. Several knights spread out to both sides, guarding several corners of the corridor, and vaguely protected the area.

However, the next moment, Lynch felt a collision from behind.

Someone bumped into his back, and the soft bulging touch and the smell of perfume made him immediately realize who the chest hand was.

Lynch's thoughts were interrupted on the spot, and the first reaction in his mind was: Hey, why don't you follow martial ethics? It's a foul to hit someone with the ball.

"Oh, young gentleman Rand, don't stop suddenly. I didn't even have time to stop. I know. Did you want me to bump into you on purpose?"

I believe you, you are such a bad bitch.

But before Lynch had time to deal with it, a warm body was already close to him. Ms. Serena, the Pope of Happy Girls, came to him and said jokingly in his ear: "What is the young gentleman worried about? You think about it." Looks so charming.”

The fragrant breath penetrated his nose, and the charming voice lingered in his ears. As a senior magician in his previous life, Lin Qi suspected that he was going to lose his temper.

Damn it, even if Friedman's folk customs are open, they wouldn't be so open, or are the followers of Happy Girl more... huh? etc?

Lin Qi turned around suddenly and met a pair of big passionate blue eyes, with long eyelashes flickering, staring curiously at his face.



The female pope bit her lip gently and hummed a question through her nose. She looked pretty and seemed to be full of expectation. She didn't notice that Lynch was staring at her blankly, and he had fallen into a trance.

By the way, Friedman, this should be the key point. Is there anything wrong with Friedman? It's really annoying to have something hanging around.

Lin Qi subconsciously pushed and continued his train of thought, but immediately realized that the noisy environment suddenly became quiet. When he came to his senses, he found that everyone was looking at him with admiration.

Look at what I'm doing, I'm not doing anything.

When Lynch turned around again, he saw Ms. Serena, the female pope of Happy Girl Mika, being pushed against the wall. She was looking at him in surprise with her red lips slightly open.

He really didn't do anything. He just ignored the ambiguity of an amorous lady who was at least 90% good-looking, and then almost overturned one of the twelve most respected people under God.

It was really not a big deal, it just made Lynch vaguely feel the high temperature on the torture rack.

Is it too late to explain now? Waiting online, urgent.

"Hmph, man." Fortunately, Ms. Serena was not interested in barbecue. Seeing that Lynch had come back to his senses with an embarrassed look on his face, she rolled her hair and glared at Lynch charmingly, and then left the wall, "In the morning Your body reaction was so honest when you hugged me, but now your attitude changes drastically when you see the crowd. You hypocritical guys should never be happy."

By the way, Friedman, your attitude has changed drastically. I remembered that Prince Louis mentioned the flapping sound of insects around King Carlos VII of Friedman.

He had frequent contact with the League of Shadows, and his attitude toward everything changed drastically, as if he was a new person. The most important thing was that the sound of flapping insect wings often lingered around him.

Is this the one I just heard?

So, someone from the League of Shadows is around?

It was the few rounds I just made that successfully attracted attention. Are they coming for me?

No, the methods used on the King of Friedman Kingdom and senior Rand officials should be quite secretive. They are not bargains that can be seen everywhere on the street. They are unlikely to be transferred in half an hour. The chance of such people passing by is too low. , so the thing that made the sound should have been here before I came, and his target shouldn't be me, at least it wasn't me before.

Who could that be?

For a time, various possibilities emerged in Lynch's mind.

Thinking from the perspective of the League of Shadows, the preparations for the plague are over. Although there is still the tail of Miracle Light, it should be centered around my goal and should not turn here inexplicably, so the biggest possibility is buzz. The appearance of the sound has nothing to do with the plague, but for the next stage of goals.

War, famine and death, the several pulls shown by the Shadow Alliance now seem to want to provoke a war, so the appearance of the buzz here can also be tentatively determined to provoke a war?

Here are representatives of various countries. If something goes wrong, it will indeed have international consequences, but they are not formal diplomatic envoys, nor are they important figures. They cannot represent the country. To say that they can induce war is far from enough.

No, there is an important person.

A flash of inspiration came to Lynch's mind, and at this moment, all the questions came together.

Why would Carlos VII send a member of the royal family as a representative to visit Rand at this moment? Or the little prince who is most likely to become the crown prince?

Did Carlos VII really not know about his son and mother's suspicion and conspiracy? If he knew, why did he send him out and let him follow Princess Sofia to Nolan in the north?

Maybe this kid is the target of that thing.

Everything was sorted out in a blink of an eye. Lynch had no time to apologize or explain. He pulled Archbishop Trinless over and...didn't dare to touch Lady Serena, but just leaned close to her and whispered, "Where is Prince Louis?"


"I suspect someone wants to harm him and use this method to provoke a full-scale war between Rand and Friedman."

The pope put away the teasing on her face, looked at Trinless, frowned slightly, and shook her head, saying, "It's unlikely. A full-scale war is not a local dispute. It's not so easy to break out, even if Louis dies here."

"So, what if the attacker looks like an important figure in Rand?"

The pope and the archbishop's faces changed.

"You." Lady Selina immediately pointed to a guard knight of the Joy Church. He was one of the two persons in charge of security for the Friedmans and a church knight of the Joy Girl. He was responsible for the safety of the Holy See tonight. "Where is His Royal Highness?"

"Your Highness, His Highness is in the room and has gone to bed."

"Which bedroom is he in tonight? I suspect someone is going to assassinate His Highness. Take us there immediately."

"Your Highness, please rest assured. Four knights and twelve royal guards are guarding around His Highness's room day and night." Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the knight held his chest and raised his head, his voice full of confidence, "I guarantee with my honor and life that they are the most professional and loyal warriors, and will never let any suspicious person get close to His Highness's door..."


At the stairs, the scream of a hotel maid stopped the knight's words.

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