Red Moon Returns

Chapter 53 Special Abilities (8,000 today, counted as one update, still owes one update)

"Huh? What is this?"

When he opened the file, what Lynch saw was a bunch of criss-crossed symbols, which were as messy as a child's graffiti, and he couldn't understand a single word.

No, it should be said that there are no words at all.

The corners of the police officer's mouth turned up, looking at Lynch's confused expression, she gave a sly smile and explained:

"Mysterious files are more dangerous than rare objects. Rare objects below the disaster level will not have much impact on ordinary people as long as they are in a containment state. However, there is no containment state for mysterious files. Every word in the file is full of mystery. It’s filthy. Anyone who reads a mysterious document is fine if he doesn’t understand it. But if he unfortunately does understand it, he will definitely be affected by the filth and there is almost no chance of survival.”

"So in order to avoid accidentally injuring ordinary people, except for some notorious mysterious documents, such as the Book of Death, ancient ship scrolls, etc., most non-malicious mysterious documents will be written in some relatively rare ancient languages, such as ancient Luojia language and the like, to avoid being understood by normal people.”

Lynch stared at the pile of cross-circled patterns: "Although I don't read much, I have learned five languages, and I happen to have Gulogian. They are not like this."

"What I just said is a mysterious document that needs to convey textual content. At least it must be written so that someone can understand it, because someone must 'read' it. But a document with this kind of guidance ability only needs to realize the will of the writer, so it is used." Words only need to be recognized by the person who writes them, and no one else needs to understand them."

Lynch has understood that this thing is a page that is ‘read’ with inspiration.

‘Neighbor, please. ’

With his previous experience inside the Joy of the Strange Object Flasher, Lynch tried his best to let go of his consciousness and let Ms. Luna guide him to read the will hidden in the file.

"So, reading this kind of file is a long process, and you need to use inspiration to understand the will inside bit by bit. And in the process of understanding, you have to bear the spiritual impact of mystery and filth every moment, and you have to stop and stop. Come down to recuperate and avoid excessive pressure on your will."

"Yeah." Lynch nodded as he stared at the document.

"I remember that the first time I used a mysterious document to comprehend my ability, it took me nearly a month. My speed is considered normal. You don't have to be too anxious, Lynch. Mrs. Bessie approves of your inspiration. You will definitely be able to read it faster than me, I estimate it will be completed within ten days, but don’t worry even if it doesn’t go well, it will be even more difficult if you are emotionally disturbed..."

"What is a mist mantis? What is a burrowing worm?" Lynch suddenly interrupted the police officer's explanation, "Also, does the long string in the last paragraph have to be read out? By the way, what did you just say? I Did not notice."

As he said that, Lynch turned his head and saw the police officer's mouth slightly open, staring at him blankly, as if looking at a monster.

"What's wrong?" Lin Qi looked at the shirt he was wearing. There was nothing wrong with it.

"You...finished reading?"

"Yes, it was a bit slow, after all, it was the first time, but I managed to read it in the end." Lynch said a little embarrassed, "The other one should be able to be read faster, it's only more than a hundred words, so it won't be delayed. It’s been so long. What’s the problem? And what did you say? I was distracted and didn’t pay attention to anything.”

"No, you didn't hear anything. I was just saying that the moon is very round today." The police officer shook her head hard and said in a calm tone, "Those two are semi-mysterious creatures and are auxiliary materials." , all in the box.”

moon? Lin Qi glanced at the bright sky and looked at the police officer in confusion. However, driven by curiosity, he picked up the second document as quickly as possible under the police officer's numb gaze.

I'm not surprised, I'm not surprised at all.

Isn't it just that I read a little faster? There's nothing surprising about that, right?

Hahaha, I won’t be surprised by anything this person does. It’s so normal, so normal.

As the police officer muttered to herself, almost doubting her life, Lynch had already finished reading the second document.

In general, these are the basic abilities under the two hidden powers.

One is lurking, the ability to use obstructions, light changes, and blind spots in the field of vision to conceal one's actions. You can move covertly in places with poor visibility without being discovered, but this is just hiding, not stealth. You will still be discovered if you search carefully, and you will still be discovered if you move to a place with good visibility.

The ability of thieves is not as expected by Lynch. His first ability is concealment, and his basic abilities will definitely include skills such as hiding traces. What's more, he thinks that he mainly relies on his brain to fight the enemy. Mastering such auxiliary skills is more suitable for his style. Anyway, he has Officer Natalie in frontal battles recently. As for the long-term, he may master offensive abilities.

The problem is that the effect of this ability is too useless, and it can be discovered if you look carefully. What is the difference between it and ordinary hiding? At most, it is just a little better.

Another ability is to be silent. It can reduce the sound made by oneself, not just the sound of speaking, as long as the sound produced by one's own behavior can be eliminated. It should have a miraculous effect when used in conjunction with latency. As for other uses, Lynch immediately thought of silence. device.

None of them are very useful abilities. After all, they are cheap things that can be mastered by reading documents, and they are the lowest level. It is strange that they are useful. They are better than nothing. Anyway, there is no upper limit to the ability, and there is no harm in mastering it. Don’t be too sour if you get the fruit for free.

After thinking about it this way, he didn't feel disappointed anymore. Lin Qi cheered up and started to prepare according to the method he learned from the documents.

The matching box contains the powder of the wings of the mist mantis and the powder of the underground worm. According to Natalie, these two creatures are very good at ambush hunting. It makes some sense to use their symbolic meanings to help understand the latent ability.

Separate half of their powder and dissolve it in water, pour it into the bath, fill it with water, soak your whole body in it, hold your breath for thirty seconds, and pray silently three times. After successfully integrating the hidden properties of the two materials into yourself, finally Mix the other half and let him drink it while holding his nose.

It actually had no taste, but Lynch still felt nauseated, as if he knew there were centipedes and leeches in the Chinese medicine soup he drank.

But regardless of vomiting, Lynch quickly sank his will into his soul, and saw the inside of the light ball representing concealment light up a little.

Let your consciousness continue to deepen, and it turns out that the ability you just mastered is latent, and information including how to use it is automatically understood by your consciousness.

However, it was then that Lin Qi realized that what he had learned was not the lurking introduced in the document at all. It could be said that it was completely different.

Although the lurking he has mastered uses various conditions to conceal his behavior, once he succeeds, he will conceptually lurk beyond the perception of the people around him. As long as he is not directly touched, even if he loses his cover or The cover of light and shadow will not be easily noticed by others. However, if the strength gap is too large, the effect will be significantly reduced.

Closer to the stealth of thieves in the game, this is exactly what Lynch believes stealth should be like.

Lin Qi then remembered that Ms. Luna had mentioned before that after he awakened to divine power, various effects would have a qualitative leap. He didn't feel anything special at the time, but now he understood that these were basically two abilities.

Now he was immediately full of expectations for the second skill.

The second one is much simpler. Inside the box is a pile of dried petals, said to be five plants that can absorb or emit sound.

Mix the flower petals with a dry grass root called dreamgrass, light it in an incense burner, and inhale all the smoke into your body.

In a mystical sense, ingestion is only a means of taking effect on the body, while incense is a method of administration that directly affects the soul. It may seem like just taking a few breaths, but the conceptual characteristics have been guided into the soul by the dream grass.

Observing the concealment of divine power again, it turned out that the second light spot had lit up. When I probed it with the tentacles of consciousness, I found that the effect had indeed changed.

From silence to phantom sound.

Not only can you silence yourself, but you can now make the sound within three meters around you disappear. It doesn't prevent it from coming in, but it prevents it from passing out. It is considered a range of silence. The effect is somewhat similar to the one I saw in the Dark Night Cathedral this morning. Glass cover.

Not only that, but the bigger function is to transfer the sound to the surrounding five meters. Although it will definitely not be able to play a small star, it is still enough to produce a sound that is noticeable.

It was an unexpected surprise. He didn't expect the influence of divine power to be so great. Lynch praised Ms. Luna in his mind, but unfortunately the gentle female voice ignored him and remained silent.

After taking a look at the police officer on the sofa, Lynch realized that the abilities in this world are all kinds of weird, and the effects vary from person to person. Different effects would not arouse suspicion. Lynch rolled his eyes and showed a smirk.

"Hey girl."

A sudden voice came from behind the police officer. Officer Natalie looked back subconsciously, but there was nothing behind her. When she looked in the direction of Lynch again, she found that Lynch had disappeared.

Using the shelter of the sofa, he lurked beyond perception.


The police officer's eyes shone brightly, and she straightened her back and stood up. She first searched the room with her eyes, but to no avail, she began to pace slowly in the small living room.

"The effect is so good? I can't see it at all. Even the effect of your ability is so strange."

In fact, Lynch was standing at the door waving to her from a distance, but she didn't see it at all.

Lynch thought for a while, smiled evilly, eliminated the sound of his footsteps, and quietly approached the police officer. His goal was to snatch the hat from Natalie's back. He was closer, closer, and he could reach the hat with his hand. Lynch Suddenly he felt the world spinning, and he flew up skillfully, and then his arms were twisted and pinned to the sofa.

"I caught you. I'll sentence you to death for stealing a hat."

As he spoke, Lynch was punched three times on the head. The police officer then let go of her hand and said enthusiastically:

"It's actually so effective. It's much better than some mid-level soul-shifters who hide their power."

"Really? I think it's quite normal. Besides, I wasn't caught and executed by you. Your laws are a bit harsh."

Lin Qi rubbed his arms angrily. He estimated that the closer he got, the easier it would be to be discovered. Coupled with the impact of the difference in strength, being able to get within one meter was already pretty good. He still needed to practice more to try to get her hat to sell. To subsidize household expenses.

The police officer raised her sword towards Lynch, making a gesture of beating you, and thought: "These two abilities are really good. It's surprising that someone can achieve such good results with basic abilities that can be learned by reading documents." ”

Lynch shrugged, "People are not good enough. People have their limits, so I decided not to be a human being anymore."

This is my divine right.

"This way, when we go out to investigate together in the future, if we encounter any enemies in trouble, you can hide and support me from behind. Just like when we faced the Terrorclaw, I don't have to worry about your safety. You..."

The police officer was excitedly imagining the scene of the two of them investigating together in the future. Suddenly she turned her head and found that Lynch was looking at her with his chin in his hand, with a smile on his face.

Her voice choked up and her face felt a little hot. The police officer bit her lower lip and kicked Lin Qixu. She sat back on the sofa solemnly and coughed dryly: "But you are just hiding. You have no ability to attack at all." , I was too passive when I was investigating.”

"After all, it is a hidden power, so it is normal to have no attack means. I feel that Ms. Red Moon's soul-shifter does not have many attack means." Lin Qi spread his hands with a rather hateful smile, "That's why there must be a police officer by his side. Protect, after all, I am just a weak detective."

"Bringing you back to the club and detaining you is the best way to protect you." Officer Natalie made a sinister expression and chuckled a few times. "It's impossible that you don't have attack methods, but you haven't developed them yet. You can only rely on them in the future." You're on your own. But for the near future... let's do this. You just broke out of a transcendental state today. The weak state after experiencing the outbreak for the first time will not be easy, so don't run around. Come to the Scarecrow to find me before lunch tomorrow, Tang. There should be information about Ni's address. I'll take you to a place first to test your affinity for the secret arts. It'll be easy as long as you're not as insulated from the secret arts as I am."

"Wait a minute, let me think about it..."

Lin Qi suddenly frowned, lowered his head and fell into deep thought. In fact, he was asking doubtful questions in his mind.

It's true that I should be weak, but why don't I feel weak anymore, Ms. Luna? ’

[I reminded you, Lynch, your current soul is like a divine power activated by the supreme will. So your transcendent state is different from ordinary people. Mortals become weak because their souls cannot withstand the explosive state and are damaged and need to recover slowly. And your soul is protected by the Supreme Will and will not be damaged by this, so you are not in a weak state. 】

‘Hey, doesn’t that mean I can always be in a violent, no, no, transcendent state? ’

[As long as your energy can support it. 】

‘Then why couldn’t I enter that state just now? ’

[As long as your energy can support it. 】

'ha? Not enough energy? Am I such a bad person? Three seconds at most. ’

[No, one-tenth of a second. 】

'Uh, why? ’

[Because you are using mortal soul power to supply the consumption of divine authority, the effect is almost nonexistent, because mortal soul power can only support such an effect. It is not that the time cannot be shorter, but you can only understand such a short time. You don't have the idea to describe it even shorter. In fact, you only lasted for a moment, and your soul power was already exhausted. It was the spontaneous protection of the supreme will that prevented you from fainting on the spot. 】

‘You can say it more politely. ’ Lynch sighed in imagination, but suddenly realized something, “That means that if my strength is strong enough, I can sustain that state for a long time?”

[This is theoretically true, but it is impossible for a mortal soul to reach that level. I am certain of this. 】

‘Not necessarily. What if the moonlight last night really connected with my soul? Will I be able to maintain the transcendental state while this lasts? ’

[That is a state that is difficult to recreate and can only be formed when your soul is alienated. 】

‘So every time I upgrade, I have a chance to form, right, and my idea is actually feasible, right. ’


‘Is this also a question that I can’t understand? ’

[No, it’s just a question I don’t want to answer. 】

‘However, you don’t want to see your good neighbor messing around and trying to kill himself. If there is really danger, you will still remind him, right? ’

[Well, but knowing this too early is actually hard to determine whether it is good or bad for you, but... I will be by your side and witness every choice you make. 】

‘Thanks, neighbor, I’ll give it a try next time I upgrade. If it’s really not good, I’ll restrain myself. ’

After withdrawing his thoughts and looking at the police officer opposite the sofa who was looking at him curiously, Lynch smiled: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm going to study my abilities tonight and try to develop new skills as soon as possible. I'll do it tomorrow." Using these two new abilities, we can work together to find photos of Maya and Donnie."

There is a problem with this volume. These two chapters should be released in the third and fourth chapters, and then the official plot will be picked up. But I made the same old mistake again, neglecting to improve my strength and gains, so I almost entered the official plot directly. Fortunately, there is an interlude after the introduction. Please make up for it quickly. I hope it's not too late.

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