Red Moon Returns

Chapter 54 The other side of Natalie

May 17, 1399, morning.

The morning sun could not dispel the fog with a burnt smell, and the sky was gray. Rhine City has this kind of foggy weather for at least one-third of the year.

There were only a few vendors setting up their carts on Charles Square. Occasionally, pedestrians walked through the square, but groups of young men and women were waiting on the roadside, ready to go to the factory in the gray fog area to work.

Ding-dong-dong, several horses with bells hanging on them rushed out of the morning fog with heavy breath. The carts behind them were piled with a mountain of burning coal, and the coal slag fell all over the ground behind them, attracting several ragged street children to pick up along the way.

So this is what Charles Square looks like in the morning.

Lynch yawned and closed the window, still a little sleepy.

After the police officer left yesterday, Lynch repeatedly practiced the two new abilities he had mastered in the apartment, including stimulating single power to strengthen himself, until his energy was completely overdrawn and his head was splitting.

Of course, the new ability has not been developed, but the effect of practice is good.

Although the timing of use still needs to be practiced and mastered in actual combat, at least now it can be guaranteed that it can be used in time every time it is needed, which is a great improvement.

Thinking about the case of Donny and Maya, or more precisely, thinking about the shadow alliance behind the case, Lynch was awakened by the bell of the coal car and couldn't fall asleep, so he simply got up and prepared to go out.

It is estimated that Lynch ran around today, so he didn't wear formal clothes. He changed into an ordinary linen shirt and a thin coat, and then put on a peaked cap. Looking at the mirror, well, except for being too handsome, he looks like a very common young man from the lower class of Rand.

The first floor is very quiet.

After Maggie and Martha returned to their room last night, the gas lamp was on all night, and Lynch didn't know when it was turned off. Fortunately, the room was very quiet. Lynch thought nothing had happened, so he did not disturb the mother and daughter's communication. He did not go hungry last night because of the pound of white bread he brought back as a gift. However, the taste of unheated white bread in this era is really... hard to describe.

Yesterday, he beat up someone's daughter, so he had to show his appreciation today. Lynch looked at the empty dining table and simply ran to the bakery he visited yesterday in the square. He spent eight pence to buy a pound of freshly baked bread and a large piece of butter.

His heart ached a little, so he just regarded it as a visit to the patient, although this patient was caused by himself.

Lynch put all the breakfast in the restaurant, and then wrapped a few slices of bread and went out.

Decided to walk to the Scarecrow Club for three pence of butter.

In fact, he planned to increase the amount of exercise and strengthen his physical fitness from today, otherwise the mystery and monsters would not care whether you were a weak detective or not, and you could not always drag down Officer Natalie.

So forty minutes later, Lynch, sweating all over, appeared at the train station.

It was already past eight in the morning, and more and more people were gathering near the station. The whistles were blaring, the machinery was roaring, and the city was waking up from sleep.

Lynch avoided the horse manure that had not been cleaned up on the main road, crossed the square in front of the station, bought a cup of coffee at the stall, and walked into the Scarecrow Club with a cane in one hand and a bread in the other.

The strong security guard I had seen two days ago was still guarding the door. He glanced at Lynch. Maybe he still remembered him. Seeing his big bag and small cup, he grinned for some reason and waved his hand to let him into the club.

There were basically no people in the small building, and the door of the bar was closed. Lynch looked around for a while and walked straight to the stairs.

The third floor, the dormitory.

Officer Natalie lived here. Yesterday, we agreed to come here to find her before noon today.

Yesterday, Lynch knew that the welfare of the watcher was so good.

Free staff dormitory, free work meals, and a salary of ten pounds a month. No wonder those people drink and gamble on lizards when they have nothing to do. They are all rich and idle. This kind of extravagant life is the root of all evil and must be spit on.

The third floor is a straight corridor with apartments on both sides. The environment is really good and these hardworking soldiers are not treated unfairly.

Quite a few people have started to move on this floor. As soon as Lin Qi came up, he saw an acquaintance, the kind man who invited him a beer that day.

The kind middle-aged man was standing in the corridor cleaning his pipe. He was also stunned when he saw Lin Qi, and then he showed a strange smile and pointed to the next door: "304, be careful."

How did he know where I was going, and his smile was really obscene. I don't know what he was thinking in his mind.

In addition, what does it mean to be careful?

Before he had time to think about it, he had already arrived in front of the door of 304 and raised his hand to knock on the door.

However, there was no response from the door. Lynch knocked five or six times but no one answered. It was not until he suspected that there was no one inside that he heard a heavy footstep, and then the door was suddenly opened, and a deafening roar.

"Who is it? Are you going to let me sleep..."

The roar stopped abruptly, and the two stared at each other through the door.

Lynch saw the policewoman he had never seen before.

Her hair was disheveled, and there were a few marks on her face. She was wearing a plaid cotton pajamas, holding a fluffy big pillow in her arms, stepping barefoot on the wooden floor, and looking at him sleepily.

However, the blurred eyes were gradually regaining consciousness, and the squinting eyes quickly widened. The policewoman suddenly screamed, and the pillow was swung out with a sharp whistle, hitting Lynch's face directly, and knocking him back two steps with the pillow.

After hitting, the policewoman turned around and ran, rushing directly into the inner bedroom and hitting the door, leaving Lynch, who was holding the pillow, in place.

Damn it, be careful. Will you offend the gods if you explain it clearly?

Lynch turned around and glared at the middle-aged man next door. The other man was already squatting on the ground with his hands covering his mouth and laughing. Seeing Lynch staring at him, he immediately ran back to his apartment with his hands covering his stomach and closed the door. Then he burst into laughter and pounding on the door.

I take back my previous evaluation. You are so kind.

Fortunately, the coffee was not spilled. Lynch walked into 304 angrily, put down the breakfast, picked up the pillow and hugged it in his arms, and then sat down on the sofa in the living room.

The environment is really great, more spacious than 221 apartment, with sofas, fireplaces, and a large wine cabinet with various red wines.

There was even a half-person-high doll on the sofa. Lynch put down the pillow and hugged the doll in his arms.

Lin Qi just felt that today's trip was worthwhile. This serious and conservative woman actually had such a side. Not only did she stay in bed in the morning, but she also liked to hug this thing. She was really girly. Hahahaha, the smell on it was still... No, I'm not a pervert.

Just as he was engaged in a cruel psychological struggle, the bedroom door rang. The policewoman had changed into her daily men's formal suit and walked out. When she saw her doll being held in Lin Qi's arms, she immediately snatched it with a red face, threw it into the bedroom and locked the door. Then she strode back angrily, swung the pillow and hit Lin Qi on the head a few times, then picked up the bread on the coffee table and bit it, just like biting off a piece of Lin Qi's meat, she felt relieved.

"Asshole, why are you here so early? Didn't you say before noon?"

"Isn't it before noon now?" Lynch handed over the coffee and explained with a smile, "I always feel a little uneasy. It's better to go to Donny's house earlier."

"The key is that the people from the Hall of Order are still investigating, and I don't know where his house is." Officer Natalie took a sip of coffee and asked puzzledly, "What are you worried about?"

"I'm worried about the actions of the Rangers. The more I thought about it last night, the more strange it seemed. They shouldn't have appeared."

"It's normal. Donny died in Bessie's store, and it was a bit weird. The Rangers are also members of the mysterious hunters. They do have the right to participate in the investigation."

"But they shouldn't have taken things away like they made things difficult for us, because they shouldn't have known we would go. In theory, after destroying the thorn flower the night before yesterday, our investigation was over. The real culprit was the Railway Workers' Union. This is the conclusion announced by the City Hall. We have no reason to follow up."

Officer Natalie frowned and her face became serious.

"Everyone should think the case is over, but they seem to have known we were going there and took everything away first. This is unreasonable."

"Indeed, it is customary for Rangers to target Watchers, but they shouldn't do this."

"So I'm worried that someone is instigating them behind the scenes, and this person knows that the Railway Workers' Union is not the real murderer. We are likely to continue investigating the real murderer."

"Only the real murderer can be sure that the one we found is not the real murderer." The police officer sighed, "So you are worried that Speaker Grant is provoking their jealousy?"

"In fact, it doesn't matter whether he instigates or not. What I'm worried about is that if someone is instigating behind the scenes, will they continue to create obstacles for us." Lynch smiled bitterly, "You also used the police from the Hall of Order to investigate Donny's residence. These actions may be concealed. But the Rangers, after all, are a local organization in the Rhine, and they are closer to the police than you are. The police don't even need to offend you. As long as they notify the Rangers first, they can disrupt our investigation. "

"Hiss, they are all affiliated with the City Hall, so they are definitely closer than us." The policewoman stuffed the bread into her mouth without any image, drank the coffee in one gulp, and hurriedly put on her hat and raised her sword, "We can't be unprepared, we'd better go and have a look first."

"Don't you know where it is yet?"

"They have found the name of the street, Fox Lane, there are at least more than 300 households and several thousand people living there, it's very difficult to find."

"Huh? There..."

"That's right, it's not far from Villa Street, we can't let them get ahead, let's go."

"No, I mean I've been there, a red-nosed man took me there, it's a very interesting place."

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