Red Moon Returns

Chapter 66 Next Step

The mountain people had already fled under the leadership of the priest, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When he left, he was still ecstatic, as if he had escaped death.

According to the description of the priest, the lord in the attic was just a trace of aura that he brought out casually, which revealed the endless majesty of the gods. He was like a supreme being walking in the mortal world. He was probably the top powerhouse only one step away from the gods.

Fortunately, the kind Lord was in a good mood and everyone was able to leave the cabin alive. Thank you for the kindness of the strong man. The female reporter is not here anyway. Stop talking nonsense. Prioritize your life. Leave as soon as possible. We will figure out other things later.

As a result, a group of ghoul mountain people thanked the attic profusely, and then fled into the sparse forest in a hurry. After a while, Officer Natalie and Lynch cautiously emerged from the attic.

He actually managed to frighten a high-level expert, allowing the two of them to save their lives. The two looked at each other for a long time before showing expressions of whether they were crying or laughing.

The police officer hugged Lynch and strangled him until he was almost breathless before letting him go. She whispered in his ear: "This is the second time, thank you."

"What second time? Don't you owe me three times?"

Looking at the complicated expression and strange eyes of the police officer, Lynch couldn't figure out what she was thinking. This woman didn't want to let him go for once. Unfortunately, before he could ask, he was kicked in the calf.

How come this policeman beats people casually? It’s so violent.

"Get out of here." Officer Natalie imitated Lynch and cursed angrily. Thinking of how such a powerful high-level soul-shifter was deceived into such an embarrassing situation, she couldn't help biting her lips and laughing again, "You actually I really didn’t expect you to be able to deceive it. You have given me too many surprises these days.”

Lynch shrugged. In fact, he was not very surprised. Many people in this world are very good at guessing, such as Duke Wayne and Archbishop Trinleth. In addition, this old ghoul's perception is so keen that he is abnormal. , means that are ineffective for others can work wonders for it.

It was just hard to explain. Lynch had already made up several reasons in his mind, and he waited anxiously for the police officer to ask the reason. However, Officer Natalie didn't ask anything, just smiled at him and asked him to prepare. Like a punch hitting an empty space.

"Everyone has secrets, and many things can only be known by one person. Keeping distance is a necessary condition for long-term harmony between partners."

Officer Natalie patted Lynch on the shoulder meaningfully:

"Since the ghouls have been so cooperative and got out of the way, it's better to leave as soon as possible. At least report their true identities."

But Lin Qi stopped her and told her a story about how he fought off thousands of pursuers, but his strength was revealed by demolishing the bridge. Therefore, to be on the safe side, you must not leave in a hurry, but must remain calm and composed.

It’s hard to say whether the story convinced the police officer, but at least she liked hearing it. Unknowingly, the two of them spent more than half an hour rummaging through Maya’s cabin while telling the story.

Indeed, nothing was found. The female reporter left no information when she fled.

The police officer was a little regretful, because this meant that the clues that the two of them were pursuing had been lost, but Lynch shook his head.

"Your purpose is to find out the real manipulator behind the square incident and make him pay the price for destroying order. I have a further goal, but at this stage it is still the same." Lynch was addicted to playing and climbed up Attic put away the ladder, turned on the ability, and explained in a low voice, "Actually, I feel that the clues are not broken, but have become clearer, because many clues are combined. There are at least two clues in this case that can be continued to be pursued."

The kerosene lamp had been lit. Under the orange light, Officer Natalie held her chin and stared at Lynch. Perhaps it was because of the light. The originally fierce eyes flickered at this moment, which made Lynch feel a little agitated. Confused, she raised her lips and shook her head: "It's nothing. I think you are right. Our goals are the same. You continue."

"In the Nolin-Rhine Railway incident, this clue of Maya and Downey has been entangled with the mountain people's route. Maya's encounter began with the mountain people, and the mountain people were also looking for her. So since there is no trace of Maya in the mountain people, the mountain people are also looking for her. The clues can be found from the mountain people, including what happened to Maya before, why she was subject to that... uh, curse, and even where Maya is now, you can find the answer from the mountain people that afternoon. What’s the result for the strong man among the people?”

"It has been reported to Victor. It is said that he has also sent many informants and mobilized the police, but there has been no progress at all. The whereabouts of the mountain people are too mysterious and it is difficult to find them. Now it is confirmed that they are corpses Ghost, then it’s harder to search.”

"It doesn't matter. It's obvious that these ghoul mountain people still have concerns. They have personally said that they don't want to alarm the humans in the city. So as long as we can be more vigilant, personal safety should not be a problem."

"Well, like that afternoon, they didn't use lethal attacks."

"Yes, so our follow-up investigation must focus on them. We may not necessarily find them, but we must understand them from the side. Although we don't know their movements, the Valente family who has had contact with them is the breakthrough."

"This family is not easy to investigate." It was the first time that Lynch saw the police officer look embarrassed. "The main body of their family is in the capital, Norlin. Only the eldest daughter was sent to Rhine City because she was a nun of the church of Fiona, the Lord of Suffering. So if you want to investigate them, you must start from the capital. The problem is... although this family has declined, it has at least produced two queens, and now has a close relationship with the royal Rose Family. In short, this is a very difficult target. If you want to investigate them without any evidence, you will definitely encounter great resistance through formal channels. So I wrote to my friends in the capital to help me. It is not a problem to get basic information, but it will take some time."

"Well, then we will wait slowly. I can also use my identity as a special adviser to the Governor's Office to ask them to help investigate this family."

"Are they reliable? They won't be like the City Hall, right?"

"Well." Lynch did not explain in detail. If there is no sufficient reason, he usually assumes that the employer is fine. Otherwise, if he suspects the employer from the beginning, there is no need to accept the commission.

"Well, according to Mr. Klin's experience, Maya should have at least ten days. It may be a bit stressful to wait for news from the capital. It would be best to get information from the Governor's Office." The police officer also turned her brain and thought.

"When asking the Governor's Office for help, I also need to ask those criminals of the Railway Workers' Union. I wonder if they have any results from the interrogation." Lynch frowned and said, "But those people should not be important. It is difficult to get any valuable clues. Now there is one most important thing that must be figured out as soon as possible."


"Mordigian. The priest used 'also', which means that not only the Shadow Alliance is interested in this thing. The importance of this thing must be quite high."

Lynch took out the detective notebook and wrote down the name neatly on it.

"I have a hunch that this name is the real big fish. We should find out his identity as soon as possible."

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