Red Moon Returns

Chapter 67 Black Cat

Lin Qi didn't know why he felt a little melancholy after saying goodbye to Officer Natalie at the entrance of the Scarecrow Club.

Well, there was only one thing. He must have gotten used to her presence after spending so much time with her these days. It was a bit uncomfortable to be separated suddenly.

Indeed, Officer Natalie had been following Lynch around for the past two days, and a lot of things had happened. However, the Square Incident was a long-term investigation after all. As a watcher, Officer Natalie had other cases in her hands. Now the investigation was temporarily suspended to wait for information from all sides, and the police officer naturally needed to return to her normal work.

So the two agreed to look for clues separately in the next few days, and then conduct the next investigation after the results came back, and then waved goodbye.

Lyn Qi planned to walk back.

It was definitely not to save money, but Lyn Qi planned to take advantage of the time on the road to plan his future arrangements.

Since he planned to live in this world for a long time, in addition to the commission of the Archbishop, he had to start thinking about his future life. He must make as much money as possible to make his life more comfortable.

After all, it was a shame for the Soul-Diver to not be able to afford even a teaching file of an ability or secret method or a rare item. Now, his income might be quite considerable for ordinary people, but for the Soul-Diver world, it was just barely enough to make a living, so he had to try his best to improve it.

However, making money was secondary, and staying alive was much more important than making money.

The rich experience from the other world told Lynch that since he had entered the door of the extraordinary, nothing was as reliable as personal strength, and he had to improve his strength to the point where he could fight normally as soon as possible, otherwise he would have to be behind the police officer every time. Although this posture was not bad, he would also feel self-loathing if he did it too many times.

The police officer also recognized Lynch's idea, so in the original plan, she would take Lynch to test his affinity for secret methods today, but after encountering the powerful ghoul, she needed to report this sensitive and dangerous information in time, and she definitely couldn't spare the time today, and with Lynch's current property, he would only test it if he went there, and he couldn't afford anything, so he should wait until later.

However, Natalie also left him a few addresses, all of which were private clubs such as fencing clubs, fighting clubs, and shooting clubs, as well as secret business places like Mrs. Bessie's magic shop. She also told him the entry code, so that if Lynch needed it, he could go there at any time.

Lynch planned to take a good look around Rhine City in the next few days, visit all these places, and then start his own improvement plan, but that would be a problem to consider tomorrow. Now there are more important things to consider.

Now he has walked into the spider-web-like alley again.

I won't be smashed again today, I'm wearing ordinary linen clothes today, and that little bastard should be recovering in bed. Although thinking so, Lynch still put the pistol and ring in the most convenient place.

Even though he knew they were still a group of children, Lynch didn't intend to spoil them. They really didn't know what was good for them, so let them learn a lesson.

Fortunately, there were many residents in the alley at this time, so it seemed that it was not suitable for robbery. He had walked halfway through the alley without encountering any robbers, which made Lynch feel relieved. He muttered to himself: "What? Actually, this city is still very safe."

I don't know if this sentence was too flamboyant. Less than a minute after he finished muttering, Lynch felt something was wrong.

I felt like I was being spied on for some reason.

There are no illusions in horror movies, and there are no coincidences in the mysterious world. Lynch was alert at the first time, keeping a normal pace while looking around secretly.

It was very quiet around, and there was not even a shadow in the alley, but the feeling of being spied on was always lingering.

I was moving all the time, and the peeper could not be the person hiding in the room. The other party must be following me.

But where?

There was absolutely no one around, what was spying on me?

Lynch decided to take back his comment just now. This city was indeed weird and dangerous.

Still a little scared, Lynch whispered in his mind: ‘Neighbor, are you still there?’

[Always here.]

‘What’s going on now?’

[I will stay by your side and witness your immortal journey.]

‘You are here to watch the fun, right? You didn’t even pay for the ticket, how nasty.’

It feels good to have someone by your side, Lynch was no longer afraid, and as he calmed down, he saw a black shadow flashing from the corner of his eye.


He suddenly stopped and quickly raised his head, and saw a black cat lying on the eaves of the building next to him, with a pair of green eyes staring at him lazily.

Huh? You are the one staring at me? Am I scaring myself again?

Lynch looked at the black cat carefully, and it looked quite beautiful.

The pure black fur was as smooth and shiny as satin, the body was slender and soft but strong, and the two eyes were lazy but shining, like a beautiful elf in the dark.

One tall, one short, one big, one small, the two looked at each other from a distance for a long time, and Lynch raised his front paw and waved: "Good evening."

The black cat shook its tail and closed its eyes completely, as if it didn't care about a fool who was talking to a cat.

The cat doubted his IQ.

Lin Qi pouted, turned around and walked away in frustration. After walking a few steps, he looked back and found that the black cat was about the same distance from him, and it was obviously following him.

Something's wrong. Is it following me on purpose?

Lin Qi's heart tightened, and he immediately quickened his pace and quickly walked through an alley. Then he turned around and saw the black cat still lying on the wall, wagging its tail lazily.

Sure enough, I'm still here. Are you following me?

We can't let it follow it any longer. This thing is a little weird, and its purpose is unclear and it's hard to distinguish between friend and foe. If we let it follow it, something will happen.

Lynch stood there, staring at the black cat and thinking for a moment, then suddenly pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the black cat. The black cat roared, flicked its tail dissatisfied, and disappeared from Lynch's sight after a few leaps.

Is this a psychological shadow caused by being frightened by a gun, or does he really know what a gun is?

Lin Qi couldn't be sure for a moment. He just felt that even cats in this world were so weird, so he had better be careful.

Fortunately, the feeling of being spied on disappeared with the departure of the black cat, and Lin Qi felt a little more relaxed. However, he was still quite concerned about being followed by a cat, and he immediately quickened his pace.

He didn't dare to go around in the alley for fear of getting lost. As soon as he rushed out of the alley, Lynch immediately dove into the crowd of people who had just returned home from work near Charles Square. Noisy people and messy figures immediately surrounded him. Finally, he was A little sense of security.

At this time, when he turned around, Lin Qi saw the black cat again, lying on the eaves of the alley, looking at Lin Qi from a distance, but did not continue to follow him.

Doesn't seem malicious?

After thinking about it, Lynch still felt a little weird, so he simply took off his peaked cap and put it on his chest, bowed slightly to the black cat in the distance, and apologized for pulling out his gun just now.

This time the black cat finally changed. It licked its paws and turned around, turning its tail towards Lynch with disdain.

"Mr. Leviv?" A soft voice came from beside him, "Why are you standing outside."

It was the landlady, who was returning from the square with a vegetable basket, a warm smile on her delicate face under her blond hair.

"Nothing, I saw a cat." Lin Qi looked up again. The black cat in the distance had disappeared. Everything just seemed to be just an illusion.

"There are often wild cats here. Don't worry too much, Mr. Leviv. Let's go home."


Lynch nodded, glanced back at the empty eaves, and then followed the landlady. Just as the two opened the door of Apartment 221, a cat meowed above their heads.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the black cat licking its paws, its green eyes casting a stern gaze, turning around Lin Qi, and then jumped up and disappeared into the surrounding ancient buildings.

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