Red Moon Returns

Chapter 78 Please Come In

"Sir, the female worker's name is Janet Scott."

Lynch took a deep breath.

Sure enough, I just don't know what happened to her specifically. Let's contain the strange objects first and then talk about it.

"Keep the door closed and don't let those workers and supervisors come in. It will be troublesome if they hear it too."

Lin Qi stood in the darkness next to the strange object, lowering his hat to cover his face, and his deep and hoarse voice was full of mystery:

"This thing is called a strange object. It is very troublesome to solve its current problem. It is estimated to take a few days. During this period, you will participate in the thrilling death lottery every day like everyone else in the factory. It is the same whether you are in the factory or not, because The influence of the strange object has expanded, not only the workers, but also everyone in the factory is being targeted. If you are selected, it will become a name in the registration book. No, your names will not be left in the registration book. Come on, because you don’t have to sign in.”

Before the five gentlemen who had just closed the door could question Lynch and Natalie's identities, they were hit in the face. Each of them had ugly expressions on their faces and looked at each other in confusion.

"But you are too important to Mr. Grant, and this is an unbearable loss. That's why I asked Manager Frank to quietly gather you all. You should not make any announcements before coming. That's good, the number of people who can leave is limited, and you have special status. We only have this opportunity, so don’t let those tools know about it and occupy your quota.”

"Can you really prevent us from being affected?" someone asked anxiously.

"Otherwise, what are we doing here?" Lin Qi glared at the person who spoke coldly, "If you ask this nonsense that is wasting everyone's time again, please go back to your office. The places you don't want can be given to other workers. Anyway, the places are available. That’s all, it doesn’t matter who we help get out.”

The person who asked immediately shut up.

"No. 1, calm down." The police officer said indifferently, "There is no need to be angry with a group of ordinary people. There are many people who don't know how to be afraid before they die. Just give them the chance. How many can escape in the end? Their own business."

Lin Qi nodded, glanced around with a half-smile, then deliberately looked at the closed door of the secret room, and lowered his voice and said: "You are in a very delicate state now. I am not interested in explaining the principle to you in detail. In short, you There is only one chance to escape the influence. It is up to you whether you can seize it or not. Come here and gather around it. Very good. Now focus on it, empty your mind and put all your energy into it. Be successful. When the time comes, you will find yourself out of your current situation.”

real or fake? But if you just stare at it, even if it is fake, you will be deceived once at most. There is no loss if you try it.

Some people were still doubtful, but others thought better of it and did as Lynch said.

Ten seconds, twenty seconds...

There seemed to be nothing unusual, but suddenly someone realized something was wrong, and only four of the original five executives were left.

"Oh, he managed to escape. Yes, at least one person was rescued." Lin Qi's long sigh came from behind.

"If you have one, you can collect money from Speaker Grant." Officer Natalie said calmly.

"Don't worry, give others a chance."

The other four people immediately became nervous when they saw it. They did not dare to doubt the two people's words anymore and stared at the strange object intently.

Soon, another person disappeared out of thin air. The strange performance only strengthened the confidence of others. The frequency of senior executives entering became faster and faster. A few minutes later, the last figure of a gentleman in formal clothes disappeared from the strange object.

Oh, success.

Watching the five people jumping into the trap one by one, the two looked at each other and smiled. Lynch stretched out his hand to Natalie, as if sending an invitation to a dance: "I hope they will like the experience inside. It's time for us to enter."

The police officer put her hand on it and whispered: "Don't underestimate the memories of strange objects. Even if they are only fear-level strange objects, they often encounter quite dangerous situations. Always be cautious."

The next moment, Lin Qi's eyes were in a trance. The moment his consciousness stabilized again, the first thing he felt was the warmth in his hands.

It’s great that we didn’t separate this time.

Subconsciously, he gently squeezed the hand in his palm. At the same time, other senses quickly recovered, and a huge mechanical roar came to his ears without warning, just like he was in a factory just now.

Looking around, Lynch found himself holding the police officer's hand in an unfamiliar workshop.

The machines roared and the production lines kept rotating. Everything was like a real screw factory workshop, except that there were no workers and the workshop was empty. Everything was running spontaneously.

"How could this be a screw factory?" The police officer glared at Lynch and withdrew her hand, "The strange objects must be ancient memories."

"Is it possible that the environment in the memory is replaced with the facilities on the set plate?"

"It's possible." Officer Natalie held her sword and carefully observed the surroundings. "Don't rush to read the suppression conditions. Take a look at the surrounding situation first to ensure safety."

"Understood." Lynch took out his revolver to confirm that the magazine was full, and stood deftly behind the police officer.

With a kick behind her, the police officer confirmed that no one was in the factory, reached the door and cautiously peeked out.

As soon as he stuck his head out, a burst of shouting broke out in his ears.

Outside is the open space outside the screw factory, but there is a huge pool of blood in the middle. Disgusting foam emerges from the bottom of the pool, and every time it explodes, it emits a foul smell.

Beside the blood pool, there are dozens of three-meter-tall humanoid monsters with hideous masks. The clothes of these monsters are exactly the same as the uniforms of the screw factory supervisors. Each monster holds a whip with thorns in his hand, and the whip is covered with bloodstains of varying depths.

These monsters are pressing hundreds of ragged humans to gather at the blood pool. These humans are wearing work clothes, handcuffs and shackles, and their bodies are covered with scars. They kneel by the blood pool and dare not move. If there is any mistake, the supervisor's whip will whip them fiercely, and their backs will be bloody.

And surrounded by them are five gentlemen in formal suits. They are terrified and driven into the crowd by a large group of monster supervisors. Their bodies are already covered with shocking whip marks.

"Are you crazy? I'm your employer."

"Stop it. I'm going to fire you. I'm going to let the blue uniforms put you all in jail."

"Just wait to rot in the dungeon for the rest of your life, ah~"

"Help, help."

The monster supervisor was indifferent to the screams, laughing wildly as he dragged the five people to the blood pool, and hung them upside down on the horizontal bar of the street lamp next to the blood pool. The five people were hung neatly in a row.

Then the monsters swung their whips and beat them hard as the five people screamed. Blood flowed down their bodies and fell into the blood pool like raindrops.

For a moment, blood and flesh splattered, screams continued, and the blood pool was like hell.

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