Red Moon Returns

Chapter 79 Deep Reading


Accompanied by weak cries for help, five upper-class gentlemen hung upside down on the lampposts and swayed slightly. Blood dripped down their limbs into the blood pool. Every time a drop of blood was added, a thick bloody smell would rise from the blood pool and spread into the air.

The slaves kneeling on the ground had long dispersed. Under the whip, they dragged their staggering steps back to their own factories.

Their behavior was stiff and their movements were mechanical. The key point was that most of the slaves didn't even have faces. Their faces were blurred, and some even had their bodies blurred, which looked extremely weird. Only a few dozen of them had relatively clear faces, but they were just as dull and numb, no different from other slaves.

As for the monsters acting as supervisors, they were all more than three meters tall, with uneven and tight muscles all over their bodies. Their faces were also blurred. They dragged hideous thorny whips and took heavy steps. They entered and exited various factories, and dull whipping sounds were heard from time to time.

Fortunately, the factory building was high enough, and Lynch and Officer Natalie hid on it without being discovered.

It had been more than half an hour since they came in. Officer Natalie had always been closely guarding Lynch, not relaxing for a second, staring at every monster supervisor passing by, while Lynch remained in a prone position, with his palms pressing on the roof without any movement.

His consciousness had long been immersed in the ancient memories of the strange objects, and a strong sense of panic enveloped Lynch's spirit.

The twisted shadows hidden in the fog, the endless rustling whispers, accompanied by seemingly endless fragments of light and shadow, constantly impacted Lynch's will.

Each fragment was like tens of millions of images overlapping together, stuffing all the information into Lynch's mind.

The pressure was huge and terrifying, but when the crimson moonlight rose in the soul, the power of the gods warmed the entire soul world, and comfort and tranquility returned to Lynch's spirit, making him seem to be immersed in the embrace of the moonlight that had accompanied him for tens of millions of years again, and he was fearless of everything.

The fragments of light and shadow gradually became clear, greedy nobles, cruel overseers, helpless slaves, bloody deaths, working day and night, and a tomorrow that never existed.

The next moment, Ms. Luna's gentle voice sounded in my ears.

[The Flesh and Blood Workshop of the Devourer, eliminate the power of the workshop in the memory, destroy the core of the strange object in the blood pool, and the ancient memory of the strange object can be interrupted. 】

Huh, Lynch exhaled lightly, opened his eyes, and saw a huge machete falling from the sky, slashing down at his forehead.

What's going on?

It was too sudden, Lynch's consciousness didn't even have time to react, and the wind brought by the machete had already blown the top hat on his head crooked.

To die.

However, the next moment, the machete quickly moved away, a leg stretched out from his side, and kicked the two-tall strong man off the roof with one kick. .

Lynch realized that he was in a mess.

Dozens of supervisor monsters were surrounding them. These monsters were not only extremely powerful, but also had amazing jumping ability. They could jump up from the five or six-meter-high factory and attack the two people. The policewoman stayed close to Lynch, and there was no sign of attack on Lynch.

"Thank you, partner."

Lynch turned over and stepped back two steps. He flashed in the shadow of the debris and disappeared from the roof. The supervisors paused and then all their targets were focused on Officer Natalie.

The policewoman immediately showed joy, and a halo flashed around her, bouncing a group of monsters away from her. She shouted loudly: "Follow me into the room."

As she said that, regardless of the invisible Lynch, she took a few steps away from the supervisor monsters on the roof and entered the stairs leading to the inside of the factory. The huge monsters obviously couldn't get in, so they could only wander on the roof and roared loudly.

As soon as she entered the door, she found that the situation in the factory was not right.

The slave workers in the factory all gathered around, and the factory was packed with slaves. For a moment, Lynch even felt like he was reliving the Resident Evil. Although these slaves' movements were mechanical and their faces were blurry, they were able to wield the tools in their hands vigorously.

The policewoman didn't even think about it and jumped in from the roof. Before her body hit the ground, the light circle representing the expulsion ability appeared again, and all the slaves around the landing point were bounced away.

"Rule making, hostile people are not allowed to approach within five meters."

Power, law, ability, legislation.

The densely packed slaves retreated frantically, quickly making way for a five-meter circle. The slaves behind were still squeezing forward, trampling on each other for a while, and it was horrible.

"How did you get discovered?"

The policewoman didn't look back, but she had heard Lynch's footsteps jumping behind her: "Ask yourself, you raised the moon and alarmed them. Now, tell me, the conditions for suppression."

"The first step, the power equipment, destroy it."

"Steam boiler, follow me."

The natives of this era understand this world much better than Lynch. Officer Natalie guessed the target at the first time, stepped forward, and drew her sword.

Power, judgment, ability, and the sword of punishment.

A brilliant light lit up at the same time as the sword was drawn, and the unsheathed sword was as bright as the rising sun. Everything in front of him seemed to have lost its substance. Wherever the sword went, the light would appear there, and no obstacle could stop the sword.

A sword slashed horizontally, and the air in front of him seemed to stagnate for a moment, and then more than a dozen slaves who blocked the way were broken into several sections, falling silently to the ground, leaving a passage in front.

At the same time, Officer Natalie, who drew her sword, showed a painful expression again, and unconsciously let out a suppressed groan.

Just like when facing the group of claws a few days ago.

Weakness was fleeting. The policewoman paused for a moment before stepping forward and charging along the passage cut by the sword. Lynch followed closely behind with a pistol and a cane, waving the heavy cane and knocking back several slaves who rushed over.

Suddenly, the scene in front of them became clear. The two had already rushed out of the factory and returned to the sunshine.

As soon as they appeared, several supervisor monsters fell from the sky and smashed towards the two. One of them was in a very accurate position and smashed right in front of the two. However, before it landed, the sword light flashed again, and a huge head flew high, and the headless body fell down with a bang, and a large amount of black mist gushed out from the neck.

"Go, they can't be killed."

After chopping off several monster heads, the policewoman saw Lynch pull out his gun and wanted to shoot again, so she immediately grabbed his hand with her backhand, pointed her sword, and appeared dozens of meters away in a blink of an eye. Behind the two of them, the monster supervisor who had just fallen down condensed the black mist from his neck into a ball and turned into a new head.

"The big one can't die, but the small one didn't revive." As soon as she stood still, Officer Natalie immediately explained while looking around, "Do you remember where the steam engine room is outside?"

"I don't know."

Lynch frowned, but at first glance he saw several fang-like chimneys, spewing thick black smoke into the sky:

"Boiler, follow the smoke."

"Well done."

The policewoman punched Lynch lightly, turned around and looked at the supervisors chasing around. These monsters relied on their height, long legs and fast speed to follow the two people persistently. Even the policewoman's ability to get away from them was difficult to get rid of them.

"A bunch of damn resins." Natalie bit her lip and snorted, "Partner, cooperate."


"I'll attract them, you deal with them, as soon as possible."

"Leave it to me."

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