Red Moon Returns

Chapter 8 The Ghost of Danis's House (Please read it later)

"Don't be so surprised. I happen to have a special way to tell the number of mysterious objects in your home." Lynch sneered, "Aren't you going to explain it?"

Randall's expression became a little nervous: "That is my freedom. I have no obligation to tell you what rare objects I hold. As long as it is not out of control, you have no right to interfere."

"Then don't ask, we will find the answer ourselves."

Lynch asked the police officer:

"Officer Angel, we didn't find the target just now. Could it be because he used other strange objects to hide the target?"

"It is indeed possible." Ms. Natalie looked at Lynch doubtfully, but still replied, "Although there are not many strange objects with similar functions, they do appear from time to time. It's just that the strange objects can only hide the visual effects, and they are dirty. The reaction cannot be hidden.”

"So it's still the reaction of two strange objects. That's it." Lynch nodded. "Now I can confirm that there is no strange object on him, so this strange object can also be effective from a distance, or he himself is not in front of us at all."

The situation made it inconvenient to ask more questions, so Officer Natalie put away her doubtful eyes: "It is rare for low-level rare objects to be effective remotely. We can basically confirm that he is not in front of us, but just a phantom."

"But the number of wonders beyond statues is only one."

"So the two effects must be considered together, that is, it can hide things, and it can form a phantom to move normally." Officer Natalie smiled coldly at Randall, "I have already guessed what it is, Danis The ghost of the former residence, a horror-level strange object, is an oil painting. When it is contained, it can take effect as long as it is hung on the wall in the form of a painting. Once activated, the picture will change according to the location, and the scenery in the painting will interact with the outside room. "

Randall's face instantly became extremely ugly.

"Mike, search again and find me an oil painting half a meter long and wide. The picture is the scene of the room it is in. Randall, I just gave you the opportunity to confess that you refused. Now you'd better pray that we can't find it. Something you rely on, otherwise, haha..."

As she spoke, the police officer clenched her fists and her joints cracked.

"Do you think you have already won?" Randall completely abandoned his previous elegant demeanor and said with a sinister smile, "The plan has already begun, even if you know what you are looking for, it will not be enough, hahaha, Lynch... Leviv, you have no chance."

Reaching out and touching his chest, he could already feel the withered blood vessels extending towards his heart. Lin Qi felt the pressure of death more and more clearly, but at the same time, a stream of blood surged out from the bottom of his heart. Lin Qi also sneered and said: "It doesn't matter. I will drag you out and die for no reason. Let’s see who among us is faster. Officer Natalie, I hope to join the search. Believe me, I can find you better than those police gentlemen. More accurate."

"Are you really sure?" Officer Angel couldn't help but frowned when he saw Lynch's condition, and his voice was a little more concerned: "Okay, I'll go with you."

Randall said harshly, "No matter how hard you struggle, it's useless. The plan has already begun, and your death is already doomed. There are at least hundreds of paintings hanging in the room. You can look for it slowly. I think you can do it in the remaining time." Find some rooms.”

What a coincidence, I just happen to have a way to look it up quickly.

Knowing that he was pressed for time and that he might fall down every minute now, Lynch just glanced at Randall casually, got up and walked quickly towards the stairs with Officer Natalie, preparing to start the search from the first floor, leaving Randall alone. My image was noisy around me, and neither of them paid attention to it.

However, seeing that he had reached the stairs, Lynch suddenly stopped and turned around sharply.

"What's wrong?" Officer Natalie asked confused.

"No, his reaction was too much. He tried his best to stimulate me. It made me feel as if he was afraid that we would not leave here to find him." Lynch slowly turned his eyes to Randall, who had a strange look on his side. "This made me realize "Since entering this mansion, no one has really searched this living room carefully."

"Huh?" Officer Natalie was stunned for a moment, realizing that this was indeed the case.

The two followed Randall to the living room from the beginning, so the policemen always avoided this area. Randall kept distracting him and the two did not check carefully.

The living rooms of these rich people are too big, covering hundreds of square meters. Sitting on the sofa in the middle, Lin Qi's three-meter range of perception cannot accurately tell whether there are strange objects around the walls.

The two decided to participate in the search. If they really left like this, no one would pay attention to the living room until the entire building was searched. This meant that the living room was a vacuum zone from beginning to end.

"No wonder you put us in the living room from the beginning."

Lin Qi felt a wave of fear. Fortunately, he instinctively looked back, otherwise he would have been fooled.

The otherworldly version is dark under the lamp.

But Randall's expression had become quite distorted. He clenched his fists and had veins popping out from his forehead. He suddenly stamped his feet and disappeared out of thin air in front of the two of them.

"Yes, I hit him where it hurts. It must be in the living room."

Lynch and Officer Natalie looked at each other, feeling happy at the same time.

Got you this time.

"Starting from the wall, my sensing range is limited. It's too big here."

Since the police officer said, ‘hang it on the wall in the form of a painting,’ it would definitely not be wrong to search along the wall first.

After making up his mind, Lynch immediately ran to the wall and ran along the wall under Officer Natalie's nervous gaze.

Please, Witness, help me find it.

Instinctively holding the red moon pendant around his neck, Lynch took a few steps and ran under the portraits.

When he reached the fourth portrait, he suddenly stopped and showed an expression that looked like crying and laughing at the same time.

A strange picture finally flashed before his eyes.

It was an old, dilapidated building, with a pale figure wandering aimlessly inside.

At the same time, the long-awaited gentle female voice finally sounded in his consciousness.

[Mysterious object, the ghost of Danis’s former residence, my thoughts linger in the memory of my former residence, like a ghost. 】

"Found it?" Officer Natalie also chased after him.

"It's right here, it should be covered by this painting."

Lin Qi suddenly felt the urge to cry.

After several hours of racing against death, his mood was ups and downs. Now that he finally saw a glimmer of hope, he felt like he was paralyzed on the ground. But he still held on to the wall to support his body, bit his lips tightly to control his emotions, wiped his eyes, and gritted his teeth and said, "It's time to dig out the mouse."

A strong hand patted his shoulder. When he turned around, he saw Officer Natalie giving him a thumbs up with an apologetic expression. There was even some disbelief in her tone: "You can really do it. In this situation, you, I, phew, I must apologize to you, Mr. Leviv, my attitude was too much when we first met. What you can do is far beyond my imagination. I'm sorry, please forgive me. Bad attitude.”

"Let's wait until I win the bet, Ms. Police Officer, and we will settle the accounts carefully then." The depression in his heart suddenly disappeared. Lin Qi imitated the way the Police Officer did before leaving at home, raised his top hat and nodded. nod.

"Huh, I'm waiting for you." Ms. Natalie's expression froze, she gritted her teeth and waved her fist, quickly looked away, and began to give orders to the people in blue uniforms who were being called up one after another.

Soon, more than a dozen policemen in blue uniforms surrounded the entire living room. Each policeman drew his sword and pointed it at the empty living room.

Two others in blue uniforms ran to the wall with chairs and roughly lifted the oil paintings on the wall.

Sure enough, there was a small picture frame hanging on the wall under the huge picture frame, which was exactly half a meter long and wide.


Officer Natalie raised her hand, and the dozen or so blue uniforms surrounding her immediately became tense, ready for battle at any time.

The police officer took a deep breath, stretched out her sword, and stabbed the painting hard, knocking off the frame.

The state of being hung on the wall in the form of a painting is broken.

Then, in a large open space in the living room, a circle of figures suddenly appeared out of thin air.

These people knelt on the ground and formed a circle, with a strange palm-sized statue in the center.

The policemen were stunned by the sudden appearance of the crowd. Taking this opportunity, a kneeling man suddenly jumped up and rushed out towards the window.

A formal hat with a blue L mark on the hat.

It was Randall who disappeared.

However, as soon as he took two steps, a fist hit him head on.

Lynch's fist.

Lynch had been waiting for a long time. When he saw the clothes, he reacted faster than anyone else and instinctively waved his fist.

The fist hit the eye socket.

With a scream, Randall covered his face and took a few steps back. Before the scream could continue, the second punch had already hit his face hard.

One punch, two punches, three punches.

The more he punched, the happier he felt. Lin Qi's eyes were red from the punches. After a few consecutive punches, the attack slowly stopped.

Because he found that there seemed to be something wrong with Randall's body.

They had only been gone for a few minutes, but he had already become as weird as Granville in the antique shop. His body was as withered as rotten wood. Only his head was normal and he no longer had the strength to move.

"You can't find it. The master said it can't be found. You, you, you... how did you do it? It's impossible, it's impossible." Randall collapsed on the ground and trembled, moaning in his mouth, While muttering feebly, his tone was full of regret, "I shouldn't have chosen you, the master shouldn't have chosen you, otherwise I wouldn't have caused such a big trouble. The master's plan, the master's plan..."

As expected, there are people behind this, and this matter is by no means that simple.

Lin Qi's heart tightened, and he lifted him up by his collar: "Who is the master? Why are you targeting me? Tell me, hurry up, before it's too late."

"Lin Qi, Lin Qi, don't be happy. It was you who made the strange things go out of control. You will come to accompany us soon. Hahahaha. Even if you escape today, you won't be able to escape in a month. I'm waiting. You, it will be over soon, hahaha..."

Not knowing where the strength came from, Randall suddenly raised his hand and grasped Lynch's wrist hard.

"I can live until now, but you are the one who died, so I can live forever, but you can't see it anymore." Lin Qi gritted his teeth and sneered, "Tell me who your master is, and let me find him , maybe he can help you see me sooner."

"Hahaha, no need, he will come to you, hahahaha." After a burst of crazy laughter, Randall's body suddenly made a soft sound.

Lin Qi was already prepared, and he shook his wrist and stepped back a few steps. Sure enough, Randall's body, like Granville, quietly turned into a pile of gravel, with only his head rolling from the pile of 'gravel' to Lyn Qi's feet, staring at Lyn Qi strangely with a pair of eyes full of resentment.

At the same time, the blue uniforms beside him also screamed shrilly.

According to Officer Natalie's instructions, they rushed towards the group of servants who were kneeling.

No one resisted, and all the kneeling people let the police press them to the ground. The eight people showed extremely weird smiles at the same time, and their mouths made a loud sound. The next moment, with a few puffs, all the bodies shattered at the same time, and they met the same end as Randall.

Several blue uniforms were unprepared and were thrown all over by the 'gravel'. The reaction of these people was much more serious than the first time Lyn Qi experienced it. The screams of fear almost shattered the glass, and they moved back with pale faces. Some even dragged a trail of water on the ground.

"Oh no, everyone get out now, immediately." Officer Natalie had already walked to the statue, staring at it as if facing a great enemy, "No one is allowed to come in without my order, damn it, the strange object is out of control after all."

I will update twice a day starting tomorrow. Actually, I should have started today, but, well, I made it an even number, haha. Starting today, I'm asking for follow-up reading. Friends who are willing to support me must use the mobile app to follow up, and must scroll to the last page of thanks for reading. Only when the follow-up reading data comes out can it be considered successful. Thank you everyone.

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