Red Moon Returns

Chapter 9 The Struggle of the Sacrifice (Please read on)

May 13, 22:30.

Countdown to one hour and thirty minutes.

After spending the rest of his three and a half hours, Lynch finally saw the true face of the culprit for the first time.

Before he could see clearly, he felt a huge fear rushing towards his face, far more intense than the photo, making Lin Qi feel like a light on his back.

Just as fear struck him, a vision suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Biting cold wind, barren land, primitive mud houses, and thin livestock.

and a ruined city.

Those buildings that can barely be called houses are all made of earth. Their shapes are extremely primitive, and they are built messily together to form a certain scale.

There is a large empty space in the center of the city. At this time, a group of strange creatures are gathering in the empty space, shouting in an incomprehensible language.

There are more than a hundred of them. These creatures have faces that are half human and half lizard. They are covered with thick hair. They are nearly three meters in size and covered with explosive muscles. Their upper bodies are rickety and two huge claws hang down by their sides. , almost dragging to the ground.

There was a stabbing pain in the brain, and then the image disappeared. The strange statue was still in front of him, and a gentle voice sounded in his head.

[Mysterious object, the joy of the flicker, give your flesh and blood and soul, I will give you strength, my food. 】

"Mr. Leviev, you'd better leave as well, out-of-control strange objects are dangerous."

When Lynch came back to his senses, he found that the screaming men in blue uniforms had been dragged out by their mentally stable colleagues. Only Officer Natalie was left, squatting next to the statue, saying without looking back:

"I will suppress it immediately and try to complete it within an hour and a half. You will be outside..."

"I have been struggling until now, of course I have to continue to fight to the end. This is self-help."

"I'm not looking down on you, Lynch. I recognize your efforts and abilities, but the degree of danger inside is unknown, and there is no reason for an ordinary person to take risks. You are not a soul changer and have no fighting power. If you are affected, you may die faster. . Trust me, I'm a professional at handling mysteries, leave it to me."

"But I don't like watching others risk their lives for me while I just wait on the side. In my opinion, even if I survive, it would be a shame. If I can't do anything, forget it, but you said that the inspiration is keen. I am useful to you."

"You..." Officer Natalie gritted her teeth angrily, but finally sighed, "Okay, you are qualified to insist, but then don't blame me for treating you like a professional."

Lin Qi smiled, took off his hat, put it on his chest, and bowed slightly.

"Randall and the others were performing a certain ritual but we interfered with it midway. As a result, the magical object got out of control and they were backlashed, killing themselves. Now if we want to end the effect of the magical object, we must enter the ancient memory carried by the magical object. Suppression and containment, but the most troublesome thing is that we don’t know anything about this ancient memory and cannot advance..."

"The Flicker's Pleasure." Lynch directly interrupted Officer Natalie's regret, "There is also a story. Give your flesh, blood and soul, and I will give you strength, my food."

The answer came so quickly that Officer Natalie was so gagged that she couldn't speak for a long time.

"You..." The police officer clenched her fists, not knowing whether to be happy or depressed. "This story sounds like a sacrificial item, so I probably understand what happened."


"They are believers of this ancient flicker, and they are probably sacrificing you in a special way. You are now the sacrifice." The police officer grabbed Lynch's wrist and pulled him towards the statue, "Now It’s too late to regret, it will be too late when we enter the memories of strange objects.”

Lin Qi touched the red moon pendant on his chest and smiled casually.

"Okay, then follow me, look at the strange objects carefully, relax your will and don't resist, we will appear together in a while, you..."

When he first looked at it, he still felt panic and depression caused by the filth. However, after staring for a few seconds, Lynch felt that the statue began to twist and gradually turned into a whirlpool. His consciousness seemed to be falling into the depths of the whirlpool. Everything is getting blurry.

The next moment, Lin Qi suddenly woke up. The moment he regained consciousness, he suddenly subconsciously held his breath.

The strong smell of blood stimulated his sense of smell, making him instinctively feel the danger, and he immediately became silent and motionless.

There were a large number of cold and stiff foreign objects around him, which gave him an ominous premonition. He narrowed his eyes and looked around quietly.


Mountains of corpses.

They are all human beings, both male and female, wearing animal skins, exuding a primitive and savage atmosphere.

The surrounding environment was very cold, and the body was frozen cold, but it was still soft. It was obvious that he had just died not long ago.

These corpses were piled next to the statues seen in the vision. There were several similar piles of corpses around, and those huge strange creatures were lying on the ground in several circles outside, making deafening roars from their mouths. .

The distance was actually still far away, at least thirty or forty meters, but the huge pressure emanating from the groups of monsters had already hit his face, causing Lin Qi's body to tense up involuntarily, and his hands and feet to become weak and weak.

The most important thing is that Officer Natalie is missing.

There was only a stiff corpse beside him, and Lynch didn't know why she didn't appear beside him as he said before.

Something wrong with her experience? Why separated?

[You are the sacrifice, the awakener. 】

I see, so I appeared at the location of the sacrifice, even if I held hands, it was useless.

Lin Qi was panicked. No matter how nice the words were, he was thrown into a sea of ​​blood and corpses, surrounded by a bunch of monsters, and he instinctively trembled.

Lin Qi, not to mention that the corpse under him had already shaken, which was the vibration caused by the heavy footsteps.

The next moment, a huge black shadow covered the sky, and Lin Qi's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

A huge monster that looked like a leader walked in front of Lin Qi and stretched out its claws towards Lin Qi from a high position.

Lin Qi was trembling all over, and the only thought was to run away quickly.

But there were monsters all around, where to run? How could I hide from the one in front of me?

No, the direction of the claw was deviated, and the target might not be me.

What should I do, should I run away.

Squinting his eyes and staring at the claws that stretched out, Lin Qi suddenly gritted his teeth, suppressed the fear in his heart, and closed his eyes tightly.

Bet once, and die.

Bet you can't see the problem.

Praying in his heart, Lin Qi gritted his teeth and did not move. He only felt a gust of wind coming from his body. It was the wind brought by the leader's claws, which made his heart beat like a galloping horse, and faster and faster.

The claws touched his body at some unknown part, which made his heart sink to the bottom of the valley, but the next moment, it passed by his body and grabbed another corpse beside him, holding it lightly in his hand like a toy.

With a casual wave of the claws, with a tooth-grinding muscle tearing sound, the corpse was divided into several pieces on the spot, and the limbs and internal organs fell to the ground, and the smelly and sticky blood splashed all over Lin Qi's face.

The roar intensified, full of excitement, the leader's claws picked up the fallen limbs deftly, walked towards the statue, piled all the corpses together next to the statue, and then raised his arms and howled to the sky.


Lin Qi also had the urge to howl to the sky, only to feel the blood in his chest surge up, and even his clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

"I survived!"

He was only one step away from death, and it was only now that he felt a wave of fear.

No, he had to find a way to save himself first.

Reluctantly calming himself down, Lynch took advantage of the monster's absence and wriggled his body as stealthily as possible, trying to wriggle himself to an inconspicuous place next to the pile of corpses.

It was quite difficult, but fortunately the surrounding monsters focused their attention on the leader in front of the statue, and no one paid attention to the pile of corpses around. This allowed Lynch to finally get around to the position where the corpses were facing away from the statue after several intermittent attempts.

Huh, at least I won't be the next one to be chosen, I...

Just after he breathed a sigh of relief and his hanging heart relaxed, Lynch's face suddenly changed.

His last move was a little too big, and the force balance of a corpse was broken, and it slowly tilted to one side.

It was too late when he noticed it, and Lynch didn't even have time to jump up to hold it. He could only watch the corpse become more and more crooked, and finally rolled down the pile of corpses.


The corpses rolled down with little noise, and the roars of the monsters outside were not affected, but the roar next to the statue stopped abruptly.

It's over.

His heart was completely cold, holding a glimmer of hope, Lynch turned his eyes to the side.

Don't pay attention to it.

However, he saw a huge figure lightly leaping and appearing next to the pile of corpses, with sharp claws raised and stabbed down fiercely.

Unable to maintain calm anymore, Lynch used all his strength to roll along the pile of corpses, and heard the sound of a sharp blade entering the flesh, followed by blood spilling.

The sharp claws almost brushed past Lynch's body, and his windbreaker was cut open. The claws stuck to Lynch and stabbed into the pile of corpses below, easily tearing several frozen corpses apart.

Before he could catch his breath, the leader's claws were raised again.

Lin Qi was furious, his hair was about to explode, and he wanted to dodge again, but the previous roll had already used up all his strength, and his body could not keep up with his thoughts. He could only watch the leader's claws rise higher and higher, filling his entire field of vision.


There was a chaotic roar outside, but Lin Qi was disappointed to find that the leader's attention was not attracted. The lizard had no expression on his face, and his vertical pupils were full of coldness.

Then the claws swung down with force.

Damn, the mysterious world is really too dangerous for ordinary people.

I wish I had fighting power.

Damn, move your body again.

However, there was no time to make any moves, and he could only watch the sharp claws fall from the sky.

At this moment, a cold snort sounded from behind the leader.

"What do you want to do to the people I protect?"

The next moment, Lin Qi saw a scene that might move him for a lifetime.

Amid the stern shout, a human figure suddenly appeared beside Lin Qi, blocking the path of the claws.

The huge monster was terrifying and ferocious, while the human in front of it was thin and weak. The two figures in sharp contrast met in front of them.

The human was wearing a windbreaker and a hat, holding a sword, with long hair draped over his shoulders, and his face was cold and resolute. Even when facing a monster that was half a body taller than him, the human still stood up straight, without a trace of cowardice in his expression, and raised the sheathed sword with one hand.


The claws and the sword held each other in the air for a moment, and then the huge leader staggered back.

The human took a big step forward and kicked the monster in the chest. The leader watched his body weighing hundreds of kilograms being kicked up and smashed towards the statue, falling into a pile of broken bodies.

Then the human calmly turned around, raised his hat and bowed slightly to Lynch, his voice upright and clear.

"Mr. Lynch Leviev, sorry to have kept you waiting."

Officer Natalie Angell arrived.

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